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牛津高中英语,(模块八 高二下学期),Advance with English,Reading(1),板块:教学设计课件,Unit,3,Visiting the masters,Unit 3,课件描述:,本课件通过设计与所给阅读材料相关的练习帮助学生了解几位著名的绘画大师,通过表格等形式帮助学生获取必要信息,进行复述,并掌握具体阅读策略。,The Da Vincis Code,Watch the video and answer the questions:1. Do you know the name of the film?2. Which famous artist and his masterpiece are mentioned in the film?,Leonardo da Vinci,Do you recognize them?,Pablo Picasso,Self-portrait,Van Gogh,Sun-flowers,Starry Night,Skimming,A. Read the email quickly and answer these questions:1. Which countries has Li Ming visited on his trip?2. How many days did they spend in Paris?3. Where are they going next?,拜访艺术大师杨彦:你好! 我现在是在阿姆斯特丹。这趟旅行真是妙极了!你知道的,我是与我姑妈和奶奶一起来的。她们都是非常有天赋的艺术家,我在想回去之后我也要开始学画。让我告诉你我们的整个旅行计划吧。 我们从西班牙开始,去了马拉加,也就是巴勃罗毕加索的出生地。毕加索出生的房子现在是一个博物馆,放满了他的艺术品。马拉加是一个可爱的城市,建筑很美丽。我惊讶地得知,毕加索一生中创作了20多万艺术作品,而且他不仅仅是一名油画画家,他也为图书画插图,还是一名雕刻家和摄影家。毕加索创作了不同的绘画风格,包括立体派一种用几何形状来表现事物的艺术形式。我奶奶非常喜欢立体派艺术作品,认为他是有史以来最伟大的艺术家。,p3 参加西班牙之后,我们飞到了巴黎。巴黎所有的房子都很有历史意义建筑是我最喜欢巴黎的部分。所有的一切都很美。 在巴黎的四天当中,我们花了一整天参观卢浮宫。我本来以为肯定会很无聊,但实际上不是。卢浮宫里有意大利画家里奥纳多达芬奇著名的油画蒙娜丽莎。他于1503至1506年之间创作了这幅杰作。我想你一定见过这幅画,一位妇人,黑黑的头发,带着神秘的微笑。这幅画如此珍贵,如果博物馆想买了它,都很难为它估价。达芬奇不仅是画家,还是雕刻家,建筑家,工程师和科学家。它有许多与世界共享的科学发现,尤其是在天文学领域。,除了达芬奇的作品,卢浮宫里还藏有其他欧洲画家从13世纪到19世纪创作的六千余件作品,但里面没有任何现代作品。现代艺术作品都在城市的另外一个博物馆,奥赛美术馆。在巴黎的第二天,我们去了那里,因为我姑妈想去看看克劳德莫奈的作品。莫奈是一名法国画家,生于1840年,1926年去世。他非常喜欢画莲花,在家中还建造了一个专门的花园,花园里有上百株莲花浮在池塘的水面上。我想,生活在那里一定会感到很宁静。我姑妈希望可以重返法国,看看那个花园。因为这次我们没去成,她几乎为此落泪。,昨天我去了凡高博物馆。在他的十年绘画岁月中,从人物到自然,他什么都画。他大约画了约800件油画、1600件素描。他最著名的油画之一是食土豆者,创作于1885年。她早期的绘画风格是印象派,但到生命后期,他创作了更为抽象的艺术作品。他为自己画了36幅自画像,而他最有名的静物画是向日葵。我最喜欢的他的画之一是星夜,他于1889年完成此画。 令人伤心的是,尽管凡高全身心地投入绘画,但直到1890年他去世时,他只卖出了一幅画。他的弟弟西奥非常努力的向买主兜售和推销凡高的画,但从来没有能做成一笔成功的生意。尽管我们今天崇拜凡高的画,但他在世时并不成功。,明天我们将去阿姆斯特丹的另外一个博物馆,那里最著名的画是伦勃朗的。他生于1606年,1669年去世。我姑妈非常想去看看他创作于1642年的夜巡者。 回去之后我会告诉你有关这次旅行更多的情况。 致礼! 李明,Careful reading for detailed information,Read the passage a second time and complete Part C1:(1) What did Li Ming think about Mlaga?,He thinks Mlaga is a lovely city and that the architecture there is beautiful.,(2) What is cubism? Who developed it?,Cubism is a type of art developed by Pablo Picasso that represents things as geometric shapes.,(3) What did Li Ming do in Paris?(4) What can be seen in the Louvre Museum?(5) What did da Vinci do besides painting?,He went to the Louvre Museum and the Muse dOrsay.,Mona Lisa.,He was also a sculptor, an architect, an engineer and a scientist.,(6) In which museum can you see Monets works?(7) Where is the Van Gogh Museum?(8) In which city did Li Ming see Rembrandts paintings?,Muse dOrsay.,It is in Amsterdam.,In Amsterdam.,Pablo Picasso,Spanish,Self-portrait,Cubism,Leonardo da Vinci,Italian,Mona Lisa,Van Gogh,Claude Monet,French,lotus flowers,Dutch,The Potato Eaters Starry Night,Impressionism abstract artwork,Rembrandt,Dutch,The Night Watchman,Feedback and consolidation,Work in groups and introduce each artist mentioned in the passage to other group members with the help of the table in Part C2. Or complete the following cards about each master mentioned in the text.,Name: Pablo PicassoBirthplace: 1_Nationality:2_Number of his art works:3_Characteristic of cubism he created:4_,Key,1. the city of Malaga, Spain 2. Spanish 3. over 20,000 4. a type of art where things are represented as geometric shapes,Name: Leonardo da VinciNationality:5_His masterpiece:6_The place where the painting is kept:7_,Key,5. Italian 6. Mona Lisa (1503-1506) 7. the Louvre Museum, Paris,Name: 8_Nationality:9_The place where some of his paintings are kept: Muse dOrsay, ParisThe favourite things in his painting: 10_,Key,8. Claude Monet9. French 10. lotus flowers,Name: Vincent van GoghNationality: 11_Number of his art works:12_His masterpieces:13_,Key,11. Dutch12. 800 oil paintings and 1,600 drawings13. The Potato Eaters (1885) and Starry Night (1889),Name: RembrantNationality:14_His masterpiece: 15_,Key,14. Dutch 15. The Night Watchman (1642),Focus on new vocabulary,Ask the students to read through the email and underline the unknown words they meet with and try to guess their meanings from their contexts. After the activity, check up Part D with the whole class.,Open-ended discussion,1. Which of the four painters is your favourite?2. Do you think art is important? Why or why not?,
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