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签证单位工作证明信证明书 签证单位工作证明信签证单位工作证明信阅读:一、国家机关出具中文版正文、英文版附件模板 xx省教育厅用笺 在职及收入证明 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国驻华大使馆 8678-5588转 1234。 此致 xx省教育厅 人事处二八年五月二十八日 division of personnel department of eduation of xx provine, p. r. hina 28th ma XX embass大使馆 / onsulate领事馆 of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland to hom it ma onern dear sir or madam: e hereb onfirm that mr. zhang san, the visa appliant, hose national passport number is g88888888, has been orking for the department of eduation of xx provine as a ivil servant for fifteen ears sine jul 1993 and has heretofore kept a good reord of performane. the urrent title of mr. zhang is vie-diretor of division of legal affairs, xpde and his urrent salar is five thousand and five hundred renminbi uan per month. mr. zhang applied for a leave of 7 das from 1st to 7th otober XX for his vXXtion that he planned to spend in our ountr at his on expense. he assures to pl ith uk las hen in our ountr and return to his position hen the vXXtion is over. e have approved his appliation and made sure that e ill reserve his position and salar during his leave. please kindl afford him an appropriate assistane onerning visa affairs in ase of need. if an questions, please do not hesitate to ontat the division of personnel, xpde at +86 8678-5588 ext. 1234. sinerel, division of personnel department of eduation of xx provine 二、民间机构出具证明信模板 兴隆股份有限公司 地址:xx省xx市 xx区xx路 888号兴隆大厦 邮编:800000 电话:8788-6688 传真:8788-5588 网址: 电子函件:serviexinglong. department of human resoure xinglong in. 28th ma XX visa offie australian embass大使馆 / onsulate领事馆 to hom it ma onern dear sir or madam: e hereb onfirm that mr. zhang sanis fifteen thousand and five hundred renminbi uan per month. mr. zhang applied for a leave of 7 das from 1st to 7th otober XX for his vXXtion that he planned to spend in our ountr at his on expense. he assures to pl ith australian las hen in our ountr and return to his position hen the vXXtion is over. e have approved his appliation and made sure that e ill reserve his position and salar during his leave. please kindl afford him an appropriate assistane onerning visa affairs in ase of need. if an questions, please do not hesitate to ontat li si, the department of human resoure at +86 8788-6688 ext. 123 4. sinerel, li simanager of department of human resoure xinglong in. 元;3、其他收入 元;合计: 元,元。特此证明。办理户籍工作证明参考模板户籍证明,一般是指集体户的居民,需要户籍资料时,凭本人身份证或户口本到户口所在地公安机关可打印户籍证明。一般常住居民凭户口本可对外办理各项事宜。信用卡申请工作证明下面是信用卡申请工作证明,由我为你收集整理,欢迎参考!_:兹证明_是我公司员工, 在_部门任_职务。 至今为止, 一年以来总收入约为_元。特此证明。工作收入证明范本房贷范本一兹证明_是我公司员工,在_部门任_职务。至今为止,一年以来总收入约为_元。特此证明。房贷收入证明范本仅用于证明我公司员工的工作及在我公司的工资收入,不作为我公司对该员工任何形势的担保文件。
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