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,Unit 1How do you study for a test? Period 1 Section A(1a-2c),授课教师:张海蓉,快乐预习,根据汉语意思写出下列单词、短语1.制作抽认卡_ 2.词汇 _ (复数)_ 3.出声地、大声地_4.发音、发音法(n) _(v)_5.朗读_ 6.训练发音_7.为考试而学习_8.向老师寻求帮助_9.制作词汇一览表_ 10.听录音(磁带)_,make flashcards,vocabulary,vocabularies,aloud,pronunciation,read aloud,practice pronunciation,study for a test,ask the teacher for help,make vocabulary lists,listen to tapes,pronounce,Free talkLook at the pictures and talk about the ways tolearn English.,Istudybylisteningtotapes.(听录音带)Istudybystudyingwithagroup. (和小组一起学习)Istudy bywatchingEnglishprogramsonTV. (看英语电视节目)Istudy byenjoyingEnglishsongs.(听英文歌)Istudy byfinishingmyhomeworkseriously. (认真完成作业)Istudy bytakingpartinEnglishclassesafterschool. (上课外英语班),HowdoyoustudyEnglish?,bygettinganEnglishtutor.(请英语家教)byreadingEnglishmagazinesandnewspapers. (读英文杂志、报纸)bysurfingtheInternet. (网上冲浪)bymakingflashcards. (制作单词认读卡片)byreadingthetextbook. (读教科书)byaskingtheteacherforhelp.(请教老师)bymakingvocabularylists. (列单词表)bytakingnotescarefully. ( 认真记笔记)byhavingtheEnglishclasscarefully. (认真上课),Istudy,找规律:by working with friends, by making flashcards by listening to tapes 我能归纳:by+_,表示通过,doing sth,listening practice1: Do 1b,How do these students study for a test ?_1. Mei ; _2. Perrie _;3.Antonio,listening practice 2: Do 2a-2b,Practice : Pairwork (Page 3)Making conversations using the information from 2a and 2b.,1.同根词: pronounce(v) 发音; pronunciation(n) 发音、发音法 1)The foreigner cant understand me because my _ is different from his. 2)We dont understand his English because he _ badly.,Explanations,pronunciation,pronounces,2.易混词辨析 : aloud , loud ,loudly, aloud ( adv ),重点在出声能让人听见, 通常放在动词read之后。没有比较级形式。 He read the story aloud to his son.loud (adj/adv),用作副词时多用于比较级, 在动词之后。 She told us to speak a little louder. 她让我们说大声一点。loudly ( adv ),与loud同义,有时两者可替换使用,但往往含有令人讨厌或打扰别人的意思, 在动词之前或之后。 Please dont shout loudly in the library . 练一练Listen! All the students are reading English _ (aloud/loud/loudly) in the classroom Please say it again in a _ voice .,aloud,loud,总结:出声大 aloud , 嗓门大 loud ,讨厌不悦耳 loudly,常与so. that 及 not .enough to 转化 He is too young to work. He is _ _ _to wok . He is _ young _ he cant work . The box is too heavy for me to carry .The box is _ heavy _ I cant carry it The box is _ _ _ for me carry,3.tooto意为_, too后接_,to后接_。,谚语: Its never too old to learn.,课本中的句子:Its too hard to understand the voices.= to understand the voices is too hard .,太.而不能.,adj/adv,动词原形,not old enough,so,that,so,that,no light enough,短语归纳 for sth ask sb about sth. (not) to do practice doing make flashcards make vocabulary lists what、how about doing read the textbook practice conversations with friends listen to tapes read aloud to practice pronunciation improve speaking skills that way,向某人寻求某物,向某人询问某物,请求某人(不)做某事,练习做某事,制作抽认卡,制作词汇清单,做某事好吗?,读教科书,和朋友一起练习会话,音磁听录带,大声朗读的目的是为了了练习发音,提高说的技巧,采用那种方法,表示建议的句型归纳What/ how about +doing sth.? Why dont you + do sth.? / Why not + do sth. ? Lets + do sth,shall we? Shall we/ I + do sth.? Youd better (not) do sthWould you like to do sth? Would you mind doing sthWould you please do sth,做某事好吗?,为什么不做某事呢?,让我们做某事好吗?,我们做某事好吗?,最好(不)做你某事,你想要做某事吗?,做某事你介意吗?,请你做某事好吗?,A:根据句意,用所给单词正确形式完成句子。1. He studies English by_(make) vocabulary lists.2. You should pay more attention to your_(pronounce).3.Why not _ (ask) you teacher for help when you meet some difficulties?4. I often practice _ (write) English compositions by _ (keep) English diaries .B : 用适当的介词或副词填空:1. -How do you study_a test? -I study_listening more. 2. -Have you ever studied _a group? -Yes, sometimes.3. Jenny told me _ a tired voice, “I stayed up until 12 oclock last night.” 4. I study English by listening _ tapes .5. You should ask the teacher _help if necessary .,practice,making,pronunciation,ask,writing,keeping,for,by,with,in,to,for,C.单项选择( )1. do you have an English party? Once a month. A. How B. How often C. How long D. How old( )2. do you tell him about the event? By e-mail. A. How; sending B. How; send C. What; sending D. What; send( )3. She has a good singing . It very beautiful. A. sound; sounds B. voice; voices C. sound; voices D. voice; sounds( ) 4. There is something wrong with my ears . Please read a little _. A. loud B. louder C. loudly D. aloud( ) 5. The math problem is _ difficult for me _ work out A. too ; to. B. enough ; to C. not ; to D. so ; that,
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