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Unit 1Friendship,目录,Period OneWarming Up, Prereading, Reading & Comprehending Period TwoLearning about Language Period ThreeDiscovering useful structures & Using Language(1) (Reading and listening & Speaking) Period FourUsing Language(2) (Reading and writing) 单元总结提升,Unit 1 Friendship,Unit 1 美文欣赏,美文欣赏,一个人如果没有朋友,他的生活就会变得很空虚。你知道怎么去交朋友吗?We all need friends. Without friends, life becomes empty and sad. Dale Carnegies book,How to Win Friends and Influence People,gives us some advice of getting along with other people. Here is a list of advice from his book.,Unit 1 美文欣赏,Be friendly and politeBegin with “excuse me” or “would you please” when you want to ask somebody to do something. Remember to say “thank you” and try to be as helpful as you can.Be nice to othersFind some time to do special things for other people. Making some soup for a sick neighbour may seem like a little thing to you,but it will make your neighbour feel much better.Remember namesThe sweetest music to a persons ears is the sound of his or her own name.,Unit 1 美文欣赏,Be openmindedTry to understand other peoples ways and ideas and learn something from them.Listen patientlyWhen someone is talking to you,look at him or her, listen carefully and say something when necessary.,Unit 1 美文欣赏,根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。()1.The book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, mainly tells us_Ahow life becomes empty and sadBhow to get along with other peopleCwhen we can say “excuse me”Dwho is your best friend in life,答案 B,Unit 1 美文欣赏,()2.When someone talks to us, we should _Alook up in the skyBlook down to the groundClook at his or her feet Dlook at him or her,答案 D,Unit 1 美文欣赏,()3.If we want to get along with other people,what shouldnt we do?ABe friendly and polite to them.BBe nice to them.CDrink alcohol with them often.DBe openminded.,答案 C,Period OneWarming Up, Prereading, Reading & Comprehending,Period One,Period One 三维目标,Knowledge and skills:1. Understand the use of the following words, expressions and sentences: ignore, upset, concern, add up, get sth done, calm down, have got to, entirely, go through, set down, a series of, be crazy about, on purpose, It be the time to do sth/that2. Do the survey in Warming-up to know how the students think about friendship.,三维目标,3. Develop their reading ability by reading practice, such as skimming,scanning.Process and methods:1. Practise the oral English.2. Expand the oral English practice by some more topics on friendship.3. Learn the new words to help the students to understand the text easily.,Period One 三维目标,Emotion, attitude and values:1. Let the students understand the true meaning of friendship deeply.2. Make the students know the importance of peace.,Period One 三维目标,Period One 重点难点,重点Reading practice and the use of the language points.难点As not all the students are good at English, especially speaking English, its hard for all of them to show their ideas on friendship smoothly.,重点难点,Period One 教学建议,1. Lead the students to open their mouths to speak English as much as possible.2. Try teachers best to encourage all the students to take part in the activities in the class.,教学建议,Period One 新课导入,导入一Storytelling or listening to a song about friendsPresent the topic in this unit by telling the students a story/ listening to a song.导入二Commonsense presentingShow the students some pictures about friendship, for example friendship between a person and a dog to explain what a true friend is.,新课导入,Period One 知识梳理,知识梳理,1ignorev不顾,不理,忽视,I said hello to Debbie, but she ignored me.我跟黛比打招呼,但是她没理我。,【温馨提示】 ignore sth (to pretend not to know or see it) 强调(主观上的)故意疏忽,拒绝注意, 词汇点睛 ,【考题示例】()20122013学年浙江宁波高一期中 “If you _ your diet, trouble will follow.” my doctor warned me.Asuffer Bignore Cupset Dconcern,Period One 知识梳理,解析 B考查动词辨析。句意:“如果你忽视饮食,问题就会来。”我的医生警告我。ignore忽略,忽视。,Period One 知识梳理,2calmvt.&vi.(to make or become quiet)(使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇定的,沉着的,We must be calm before danger.在危险面前我们必须保持镇定。I think you should calm down.我觉得你应该冷静下来。,calm (sb) down (使某人)平静下来remain/stay/keep/be calm 保持冷静calmly adv. 平静地;安静地;冷静地,【词语辨析】 still, quiet, silent与calm这几个词,都可以表示“静”,但侧重点不同。 (1)still指“静止的,寂静的”,侧重于完全不动,带有感情色彩, still 可以用来指人“不动”或人“不好动”。(2)quiet侧重指由于无干扰而“安静的,无动静的,无声响的”,或心里没有烦恼、焦虑。(3)silent指“寂静的,无声的,声音极小的”;也指人“沉默不语,不发出响声”。(4)calm指天气、海洋的“风平浪静”,或指人的心情“平静,沉着”。,Period One 知识梳理,【活学活用】.根据汉语提示完成句子(1)_(请勿动)while I take photos of you.(2)They _(过着宁静的生活) in the countryside in the past years.(3)The children went out, and _ (房间里寂静无声)(4)I _(尽力让他安静下来)after the bad news.,Period One 知识梳理,Keep/Stay still,lived a quiet life,the room was silent,tried to calm him down,.用still, quiet, silent或calm填空,并将短文译成汉语When facing danger, one should keep _; when taken photos of, one should keep _ ; when someone else is asleep, one should keep _ ; when in class, one shouldnt keep _ about the teachers questions.译文:_,
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