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考研复试面试英文自我介绍在每一年的面试中都会有很多相同的问题,这些问题看起来很平常,却有很多陷阱,一不小心就会被考官抓主小辫子了。自我介绍就是其中一项。下面我为你带来考研复试面试英文自我介绍 的内容,希望你们喜欢。考研复试面试英文自我介绍篇一Good morningafternoon, m dear teahers 。 I am ver glad to be here for our intervie. M name is _.I am _ ears old. I e from _, a ver beautiful it. M undergraduate period ill be aplished in _universit in Jul, 201X. And no, I am tring m best for obtaining a ke to _ Universit.Generall speaking, I am a hard-orking student. I ill tr m best to finish it no matter ho diffiult it is. When I as sophomore, I found eb design ver interesting, so I learned it ver hard. To eave a home for mself, I staed ith m personal puter for half a month, and I am the first one in m lass ho on his home. Furthermore, I am a person ith great perseverane. During the das preparing for the first examination, I insist on running ever da, no matter hat the eather as like. And just oning to this, I ould onentrate on m stud and sueeded in the end.Well, in m spare time, I like basketball, tennis and Chinese hess. Also, English is m favorite. I often go to English orner to pratie m oral English on ever Thursda, and rite positions to improve m ritten abilit. But I kno m English is not good enough, I ill ontinue studing.Ok, that s all, thank ou for our attention考研复试面试英文自我介绍篇二Respeted Professors,Good afternoon! I m great honored to meet ou here.I m XXX,26 ears old , born in XXX, Provine XXX .In the ear ofXXX ,I entered Universit, majoring in Mahinal Designing and Produing. During those 4 ears stud,I orked hard and I as alas ative in various ativities. I gained the first sholarship for four times and I joined the Communist Part at the ollege.Hoever,ith time going on ,the more I experiened, the learer I realized that I m reall interested in the Enterprise Management .I find man enterprises have the problem of an unmathed management to its developing speed . I m eager to learn more about management and I hope I an stud further in this Universit.So I resigned in August , 201X and started the a to pursuing m studies. After about half ear s hard ork, I m finall standing before our honorable professors no. I m reall exited. Though I ve sarified muh on m a to pusuing studies, I believe it s orthhile. I believe orking hard ill finall be prepared. Thank ou !考研复试面试英文自我介绍篇三Good morning, m respeted professors! It is m honor to be here for our intervie. First, let me introdue mself to our. I am * *, 23, born in Guilin, I am a senior student in the Computer College of Henan Normal Universit. No, I am doing m best to obtaining a hane to attend Sihuan Universit.In the past 4 ears, most m time has been spent on stud or ampus ativities. I had passed the CET-6 and Softare Designer Examination. Our softare projet got the supported of the College Student Development Foundation. Furthermore, the experiene of being monitor in m lass and vie diretor in the Students Union helped me kno the importane of ooperation and muniation.As to m haraters, I don t ant to use an beautiful ord to praise mself. Just like m father, I strive to be an honest, upright and modest man. In m spare time, I like simming, table tennis and Chinese hess. Also English songs and movies are m favorite.Forrest Gump had said, Life is like a box of hoolates, ou never kno hat ou are going to get . Hoever, I alas believe e should herish our time, and sense an hange for self-development, and e ill have good prospet.Diligene is the mother of suess, Effiien is the onl a.That is all for m self-introdution, thank ou!看了考研复试面试英文自我介绍 的还看了:1.考研复试面试自我介绍英语范文考研复试英语自我介绍范文 3篇3.研究生面试英语自我介绍范文4.考研复试英文自我介绍范文3 篇5.研究生面试英文自我介绍考研复试面试英语自我介绍
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