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Module 5 In Class,Unit 1 There are enough.,外研版五年级上册英语,Can you read them and play a “stop” game?,enough 足够的give 给every 每个, 每一everyone 每人,人人them 它(他,她)们careful 小心的,Listen and answer the questions :1.How many students are there in the class ?2. How many pencils did Ms Smart buy yesterday ?3.Are there enough pencils?4.How many pencils are there in the yellow box?5.How many pencils are there in the blue box?,There are twenty-five students.,She bought twenty-five pencils.,Yes, there are.,There are fifteen pencils in the yellow box.,There are ten pencils in the blue box.,1,2,3,4,Have a competition.,5,6,7,8,There are five chairs.,There are six children.,There are not enough chairs.,There are four pencils.,There are four children.,There are enough pencils.,There are five caps.,There are five children.,There are enough caps.,There are two T-shirts.,There are three children.,There are not enough T-shirts.,There are ten pencils in the blue box.,There are fifteen pencils in the yellow box.,There are three apples on the tree.,Listen and say. 看表格说句子。,例句: There are enough chairs. There are not enough rulers.,Homework:1.Listen and Unit 1 5 times. 2.Recite Part 2: listen and say. 3.Do EXX. 35 in AB.,See you!,
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