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员工/ 顾客意外伤害事故处理程序Associates/Customers Accident Handling Procedure沃尔玛公司一直致力于为员工创造安全的工作环境,为顾客创造安全的购物环境,以减少意外伤害的发生,保证公司的正常商业运作不受影响。这也是我们提供顾客服务的最重要内容之一。Wal-Mart Stores is always working for providing a safe working and shopping surrounding for associates and customers by preventing accidental injuries from happening and ensuring company normal daily operation. This is one of our important mission of customers service.根据国家最新颁发的安全生产法和工伤保险条例等法律法规,为及时处理员工/顾客事故,并统计和分析事故信息,从即日起实行新的员工/顾客意外伤害事故处理程序。According to Safe Production Law and Regulation of Industrial Injury and Insurance newly issued by government, we update associates/customers accidents handling procedure to standardize how to report associates and customers accidents instantly and correctly for statistics and analysis use.何时需要填写When need to fill in the form 为方便统计,将事故分为 A,B,C 三类,此三类事故均需填写事故报告。We divided accidents into three types, all the accidents belong to these three need to fill the form and report.A 类事故:顾客意外事故Type A: Customers Accident因为沃尔玛的原因(原因包括员工,场地,商品,设备等)而产生的就医或发生费用的事故才需要填写报告.Accidents which caused hospitalization and loss days for reason of our associates, facility, merchandises and equipment, etc should be reported.以下事故属于 A 类事故:Type A includes:1. 顾客在商场内受伤;Customers are injured inside our stores;2. 顾客在属于沃尔玛管理的停车场或广场受伤;Customers are injured in parking lot or square under Wal-Marts management.3. 顾客在免费巴士上受伤等。Customers are injured in free shuttle bus, etc.B 类事故:员工工伤事故Type B: Associates Industrial Injury当地社会保险局认可的员工工伤事故或造成工作时间损失的员工事故,需填写事故报告。Accidents which has been identified as Industrial Injury by Social Insurance Bureau or concerned loss days should be reported.以下事故属于 B 类事故:Type B includes:1. 员工在工作时间和工作场所因工作原因受到的伤害(包括暴力伤害);Associates are injured in working area in working time by job factors (violent injury inclusive);2. 上下班途中受到机动车伤害(以当地社会保险部门的最终认定是否为工伤为准);Motor vehicles injury on route (follow-up the regulation of your local Social Insurance Bureau if belonging to industrial injury);3. 因工外出,由于工作原因而受到的伤害或下落不明。Associates are injured or missing on business trip.4. 在公司用餐时发生的食物中毒,或参加公司/部门组织的活动受伤。Food poisoned while having meal in company or injured in company or dept. activities.5. 工伤保险条例规定应当认定的工伤。What accidents have been identified as Industrial injury in Regulation of Industrial Injury and Insurance.C 类事故:意外事故Type C: Accident不属于以上 A,B 类事故,但造成就医或造成工作时间损失时才需填写报告。此类事故不计入本商场的事故总数,仅归风险控制组统计和分析使用。This type of accidents includes the accidents which caused hospitalization and loss days but not belongs to type A or B. We would not reckon it into our monthly accident summary, but for the use of statistics and analysis.以下事故属于 C 类事故。Type C includes:1. 社会工伤保险部门未认可的员工事故。Associates accidents which have not been identified as industrial injury by Social Industrial Injury Insurance Bureau.2. 员工在非工作时间,非工作地点或从事与工作无关的事情时受到的伤害,如在家中受伤,私人旅游时的意外,交通意外,与工作无关的暴力行为,食物中毒,死亡等。Associates are injured while doing their own things in non-working time in non-working area, eg. injured at home, during personal trip, traffic accident, violent injury unrelated to job, food poison and death, etc.3. 促销员,清洁工,供应商在商场的受伤。Promoters, cleaners and vendors are injured in stores.4. 因第三方的责任引起的顾客受伤,如供应商展示时造成的顾客受伤,促销员伤害到顾客,清洁工伤害到顾客,顾客相互斗殴等不由沃尔玛公司承担费用的事故。The accidents caused by the third party, eg. customers are hurt by vendor showcase, promoters, cleaners or by another customer which Wal-Mart should not charge of the expanses.5. 供应商或其他合作伙伴发生的与沃尔玛业务有关的严重伤害,如:承担 DC 运输的货运公司在送货途中的伤害,商场免费巴士或送货车司机在工作中受的伤害或对他人的伤害。The severe accidents happened to Vendors or other partners which are related to Wal-Mart business, eg. Accidents happened while freight company for DC carrying are delivering goods, accidents happened to shuttle bus drivers or truck drivers during working period, or shuttle bus drivers or truck drivers cause injury to others for job factors.意外事故的处理指引Guide for Accident Handling A 类事故: Type A:1. 管理人员接到报告后第一时间赶到现场,安慰顾客表示关注。Management should be notified to the scene at first time and comfort customers.2. 使用紧急药箱中的救护用品进行救护,如有必要,通知顾客家属。Implement first aid and notified customers family members if necessary.3. 对事故现场进行拍照并保留证据。Take photos of the accident scene as an evidence.4. 如伤势严重或应顾客要求,则立即叫救护车或送医院治疗,至少安排两名员工陪同前往,其中一名必须为前台管理人员。Arrange at least two associates, one of them must be FE associate, take the injured customer to the hospital or call ambulance if customer inquire to do that or being heavily hurt.5. 如果顾客索要医疗费或其他费用,则告诉顾客我们会尽快与他/她联系。在未查明事故原因之前不要承诺给顾客医疗费或其它费用。If customers ask for medical expense or indemnity, please do not promise anything before finding out the accident reason, but tell them you would contact him/her as soon as possible.6. 总经理视具体情况可以决定为顾客垫付适当的医疗费,必要时向法律部或上一级管理人员咨询。GM can judge if we could pre-pay the expense for customers based on real condition, and consult with Legal dept. or higher management if necessary. 7. 24 小时内再与顾客联系查询病情,表示我们关心顾客,并保持电话记录。Inquire and care about the state of customers illness within 24 hours and keep the call conversation record. B 类事故:
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