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Module 6 Unit16 Whats the weather like?,广州版五年级英语下册,snow,rain,wind,cloud,fog,Snow, Snow,Where do you go?Oh, I dont know,I dont know Where I go.,sunny,hot,foggy,warm,Whats the weather like today?,cloudy,Whats the _ like today?,weather,Its . . .,windy,cool,Whats the _ like today?,weather,Its . . .,rainy,wet,snowy,Whats the _ like today?,weather,Its . . .,rainy,wet,raincoat,umbrella,0,tempertaure,much colder than_,yesterday,zero,0,30,26,20,16,New Zealand,4,much _ than Guangzhou,colder,ski,1.Whats the weather like today?,2.Whats the temperature?,3.What weather does Ben prefer?,4.Ben doesnt take his umbrella. Why?,5.Was the weather nicer than yesterday?,6. Where are they going to visit?,7.What is the season in New Zealand?,8.What can Ben do in the mountains?,9.Whats the weather in New Zealand?,10.Whats the temperature there?,Homework,1.再次听录音,并背诵新单词和第一部分课文;2.完成口语作业Book P73 Ex 2. Ex.3;3.预习Book P7576;4.活动手册P65 Ex.1。,byebye!,
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