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十个动词搞定英语#LESSON100NO00,get along (with)相处;处理;过活NO01,How did the children get along?孩子们相处得如何呢?NO02,Joan doesnt get along with her sister.琼和她姐姐处得不太好。NO03,We cant just get along with this much money.我们就是没办法处理这么一大笔钱。NO04,Mary got along fine without Janets help.没有珍娜的帮忙,玛莉也可以生活。英语广角镜get along (with) 作“相处” 的时候,主要是指“好相处”的意思。另外一个短语 get on (with) 也有相似的意思。例如,我们可以说 Ben and I always get on well,意思就是“本和我总是处得很好” 。而当 get along (with) 的意思是“处理;过活”的意思时,意思相同的短语还有 get by with 。问别人“工作进展得如何” ,我们也可以应用这个短语,英文可以说成 hows the work getting along?#LESSON101NO00,get around四处游逛;规避;有时间做(某事)NO01,How do you get around?你是怎么来的?NO02,I get around by bus.我搭公交车来。NO03,It is hard to get around without a car.没车要去哪里都很不方便。NO04,Henry always finds a way to get around the rules.亨利总是有办法钻法律漏洞。NO05,You should be eighteen to study here, but Harry got around it.十八岁才可以在这里念书,不过哈利设法避开了这个规定。NO06,When will you get around to fixing my scooter?你什么时候才会有空修我的摩托车?NO07,Ill get around to it tomorrow.我明天会找时间做。NO08,Jack never got around to asking for Lisas help.杰克从来没有请丽莎帮忙。英语广角镜get around 用于指“从某地游历到另一地”时,无论是走路或是搭乘交通工具,都可以用这个短语表示。通常美式英文用 around,而英式英文会用 about。另外,get around 也可以作“闪避,规避” 。而当 get around 指“找出时间、场合(做某事)时” ,后面须加 to,之后接“ 名词”或“动名词” 。#LESSON102NO00,get at到达;开始着手NO01,I cant get at the TV plug; my arm isnt long enough.我够不到电视的插头,我的手不够长。NO02,Mike was just tall enough to get at the box.麦克刚好够高可以拿得到箱子。NO03,Be sure to get at the paper early.要提早开始写报告。NO04,We need to get at the cleaning now.我们现在得开始清理了。英语广角镜get at 指“到达”时,英文中可以用 reach 解释。另外一个用法有点类似的短语是 get to,例如, “我们到店里去和经理谈谈 ”,英文就是 when we get to the store, we will talk to the manager。不过要注意的是,get at 后面要加 “某件事” ,get to 后面则是要加“某地” ,英文中可以用 arrive 来解释。例如上一句中“我们到店里去和经理交谈 ”,就不可以用 get at 。我们再把 get to 和 get at 的差异整理一下:get at = reach (something) 表示“碰得到某样东西”get to = arrive at / in (somewhere) 表示“到达(某地) ”#LESSON103NO00,get in the way阻挡NO01,The children were always getting in the way.这些小孩老是挡路。NO02,Dont let your foot get in the way.你的脚别挡道。英语广角镜get in the way 可以指实质上的 “挡道” ,也可以表示“妨碍、阻挡干预某人或某事”的意思。特别提醒大家,不可以说成 get on the way !get in the way 的相反词是 get out of the way,意思是“让开” 。在某些情况下,这是非常不礼貌的说法。get in the way 这个短语也可换成 get in (someones) way 或是 get in (ones) way。例如,我们可以说 Dont get in my way,意思就是“别挡我的路” 。#LESSON104NO00,get into trouble遭遇困难;惹麻烦NO01,I got into trouble with my parents for coming home late.我因为晚回家而惹我父母生气。NO02,Jane got into trouble while hiking in the mountains; she got lost and ran out of food.简在爬山的时候遇上了麻烦,她迷了路,又断了粮。NO03,Peter got into trouble at school for beating up his classmate.彼特在学校打同学而闯了祸。NO04,Maybe someone should tell them before they get into trouble.应该有人在他们闯祸前先告诉他们。英语广角镜trouble 这个字可以指“问题”或是“困难的事情” ,所以 get into trouble 这个短语可以指“遇到了麻烦” ,也可指“闯了祸” 。读者要注意,在使用这个短语的时候,trouble 前面不可以加 the,如果这个短语后面要加“惹上麻烦的原因” ,则可以是加上 with 或是 for。get into trouble 的相反词是 get out of trouble,意思是“摆脱麻烦,免受处罚,免于灾难” ,同样地,trouble 前面也不可以加 the 。#LESSON105NO00,get off下车;取下NO01,We get off the bus at the next stop.我们在下一站下车。NO02,Get off the bicycle before you fall off!在你从自行车上摔下来之前,快给我下来!NO03,I cant get the lid off the jar.我没办法把罐子的盖子给拔下来。NO04,Michelle tried hard to get the paint off her shirt.米歇尔努力想把衬衫上的油漆印弄掉。英语广角镜get off the bus 可用来指“下公交车” , “上公交车”则说 get on the bus。此外,像是 car、 taxi 等,则是说 get in a car / taxi,get out of a car / taxi。我们来看看哪些交通工具是配 get on 和 get off,哪些交通工具又是配 get in 和 get out of:get on / get offa bike / bicyclea moped / motorcyclea shipa trainthe subwayan airplaneget in / get out ofa cara taxia hot-air balloona helicoptera small airplane#LESSON106NO00,get out离开;躲避NO01,The dog got out.小狗走了。NO02,Mindy couldnt get her kids out of bed this morning.明迪今天早上没办法把她的小孩拖下床。NO03,Tom wrote a paper to get out of taking the test; the paper got him out of it.汤姆因为不想考试,所以他写论文。NO04,I am supposed to help my mother today, but maybe I can get out of it.我今天应该要帮我妈妈忙,不过我想或许我可以躲过这一次。英语广角镜get out 如果单独用的话,是非常不礼貌的一句话,当有人用粗鲁凶狠的语气对你说 get out 或 get out of here 的时候,意思其实就是相当于中文的“滚出去!”或是“从这里滚开!”所以,在使用上千万要注意,不要用这种语气对别人说话,这样是非常没有礼貌的!此外,get out 也有“从(某处)逃离”的意思,不过,这个短语通常是指“动物从(某处)爬出去逃走” 。例如, “小狗跑出庭院逃走。 ”英文就是 the dog got out of the yard and ran away。与这个意思的相反词是 get stuck,是“被困住”的意思。例如, “杰若米被困在车阵中(杰若米碰上堵车了) 。 ”英文的说法是 Jeremy got stuck in traffic。#LESSON107NO00,get over with完成NO01,Hugh just wanted to get the test over with.休一心只想考完了事。NO02,Lets get it over with.一起把这个弄完吧!英语广角镜get over 当“恢复;克服”的时候, “身体上或是心理上的问题”都可以使用这个短语。英文可以用 recover 或是 overcome 来解释这个短语。其他相似的短语还有 get better 和 get well。我们可以看看下面的例子,了解 get over 要怎么用!Mia finally got over her cold after being sick all month.米雅感冒了一个月之后,终于渐渐好转。Valency felt she had gotten over her problems.华兰馨觉得她已经克服了她的问题。另外一个和 get over 意思也很相近的短语是 move on。这个短语的意思是“从打击中恢复,继续生活” 。例如,我们可以说:He got over the death of his son and moved on.他从丧子之痛中渐渐走出来,并且重拾生活。从这个例子,我们可以看到,get over 和 move on 的意思很相似,但是两个短语有先后顺序:(某人)要从某个困境或打击中先恢复,然后继续生活。我们也常常用下面这句话安慰别人:you need to get over it and move on,意思是“你要重新振作,并且继续好好生活” 。#LESSON108NO00,get rid of摆脱;丢掉NO01,There are too many people here; get rid of them.这里人太多
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