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,. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. He is an adventurer (adventure) in financial field. 2. Hiking (hike) alone in the wilderness is dangerous. 3. He gave a long, tiring (tired) report. 4. It is a non-profit organisation (organise). 5. The chair is too hard and it is uncomfortable (comfort) to sit on. 6. He called the hotel for accommodations (accommodate). 7. Our goal is to achieve the maximum (max) of efficiency. 8. Our tastes differ (different) from each other.,. 根据汉语意思补全句子1. The plane will take off(起飞) soon. 2. A ship appeared on the horizon(在地平线上). 3. He got home before the sun went down(下降). 4. He is a scientist as well as(也) a poet. 5. Are you going to have a shower (沐浴) now? 6. Young solicitors and young engineers are on a hiking trip(在远足旅行中). 7. Chinese differs greatly from (不同于) English in spelling.,. 翻译下列句子1. 烤在火上的食物散发着诱人的香味,与此同时你可以喝着热茶,欣赏着落日下山的美景。The food cooking on the fire smells great and while you are having a hot cup of tea, you relax and watch the sun go down. 2. 晚饭桌上,和其他成员讨论着你们一天徒步中所见、所做的一切。You talk with other people in the group about everything you have seen and done during your days hiking at the dinner table.,3. 我们知道长途徒步很艰难,我们也确信徒步旅行者需要帮助。We also realise that hiking can be hard work and believe that hikers need all our help. 4. 除了导游外,所有长途徒步队都有厨师和搬运工。As well as the group guide, all teams have cooks and porters.,5. 在长途徒步中,厨师会准备好美味食物。While on a hiking trip, our cooks prepare delicious meals. 6. 搬运工会搬运你们的行李,这就意味着你能尽情享受旅行了。And our porters carry your luggage, which means that you can simply enjoy the experience.,本部分内容讲解结束,
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