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宁夏大学机械工程学院 2011 届毕业设计1寻货寻车电子商务平台摘要:随着信息技术和 IT 产业的飞速发展,现代物流与信息技 术和一些新技术相融合,以实现物流信息的效率化和最优化,最 终达到物尽其用,货其畅流的目的。本文研究的寻货寻车电子商务系统就是这样的一个产物。利用计算机技术和网络渠道解决当下中长途运输实载率低的问题。使用户通过信息交流就能够找到希望廉价运输货物的企业和想尽量增加营业额的运输公司。只要能拉上回头货,即使只收较少运费,也可以极大地减少运输成本,减少浪费,提高企 业效益。本文主要分析了寻货寻车电子商务平台的一些基本功能和组成情况,包括系统的需求分析、系统结构,功能模 块划分以及数据库模式分析等,重点对应用程序的实际开发实现作了介绍。同时简单介了 Visual Studio 编程环境和 SQL server2000 数据库管理系统的功能特点。关键词:电子商务;数据库;Visual;Studio Search goods found car e-commerce platformABSTRACT: As information technology and the rapid development of IT industry, Modern logistics and information technology and the integration of new technologies in order to achieve the efficiency of logistics information and optimization, and ultimately achieving the best use, the smooth flow of goods purposes. Finding of this study to find goods vehicle e-commerce system is one such product. Use of computer technology and network channels to solve the present set of long-distance transport of low real problem. Through the exchange of information to the user able to find hope of cheap transportation of goods business and want to maximize the turnover of transport companies. As long as the goods back one way or another, even if the only charge less shipping costs, you can greatly reduce transportation costs, reduce waste, improve enterprise efficiency. This paper analyzes the e-commerce platform to find goods vehicles to find some of the basic 宁夏大学机械工程学院 2011 届毕业设计2functions and composition, including the systematic demand, structure, the function module division and the database mode analysis, etc. Especially introduces the actual development of the application program for emphasis. Also introduces the Visual Studio programming environment and SQL server2000 database management system features.Keyword: Electronic Commerce ; Database ;Visual Studio .宁夏大学机械工程学院 2011 届毕业设计1目 录1 绪论 .11.1 课题研究背景和意义 .11.2 课题研究发展现状 .11.2.2寻货寻车电子商务发展现状 .31.3 课题研究的内容和目的 .41.4 论文结构安排 .41.5 本章小结 .42 基础理论与关键技术研究 .52.1 电子商务 .52.1.2电子商务的模型 .52.1.3电子商务发展及趋势 .52.2SQL 语言介绍 .52.2.1SQL 基础 .52.2.2SQL语句 .62.3应用系统开发工具 .62.4开发语言 .62.5 数据表的设计 .83 寻货寻车电子商务平台需求分析及总体设计 .124 寻货寻车电子商务平台设计 .155 结论及意见 .21致 谢 .22参考文献 .23外文翻译 .24附录 .
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