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,Unit 1 This is my day,人教PEP五年级下册,eat breakfast have English class eat lunch do morning exercises eat dinner play sports,Can you read?,usuallyoftensometimes,(1)When do you get up?(2)When do you eat breakfast?(3)When do you go to school?(4)When do you eat lunch?(5)When do you have Chinese class?(6)When do you eat dinner?(7)When do you do homework?(8)When do you watch TV?(9)When do you go to bed?,When do you ?At . I often ( usually ) . at .,Read and finish the timetable.,Read and finish the timetable.,eat dinner,9:00 p.m.,eat breakfast,get up,play sports,1.单词辨音(找出划线部分发音不同的一项)( )(1) A. eat B. breakfast C. meat D. speak( )(2)A. get B. often C. bedroom D. forest( )(3)A. work B. sports C. doctor D. visitor2.补全短语(1) eat _ (2)play _ (3)do morning _ (4) have _ class (5) go to _3.完成对话 A: _? B: I usually play sports at 4:30 in the afternoon. A: _? B: I usually eat dinner at 6:30 in the evening. _? A: At 7:00 in the evening.,1.单词辨音(找出划线部分发音不同的一项)( )(1) A. eat B. breakfast C. meat D. speak( )(2)A. get B. often C. bedroom D. forest( )(3)A. work B. sports C. doctor D. visitor2.补全短语(1) eat _ (2)play _ (3)do morning _ (4) have _ class (5) go to _3.完成对话 A: _? B: I usually play sports at 4:30 in the afternoon. A: _? B: I usually eat dinner at 6:30 in the evening. _? A: At 7:00 in the evening.,B,D,A,1.单词辨音(找出划线部分发音不同的一项)( )(1) A. eat B. breakfast C. meat D. speak( )(2)A. get B. often C. bedroom D. forest( )(3)A. work B. sports C. doctor D. visitor2.补全短语(1) eat _ (2)play _ (3)do morning _ (4) have _ class (5) go to _3.完成对话 A: _? B: I usually play sports at 4:30 in the afternoon. A: _? B: I usually eat dinner at 6:30 in the evening. _? A: At 7:00 in the evening.,B,D,A,dinner / breakfast / lunch,sports/ Ping-pong/football,exercises,English /Chinese,work / bed / school,1.单词辨音(找出划线部分发音不同的一项)( )(1) A. eat B. breakfast C. meat D. speak( )(2)A. get B. often C. bedroom D. forest( )(3)A. work B. sports C. doctor D. visitor2.补全短语(1) eat _ (2)play _ (3)do morning _ (4) have _ class (5) go to _3.完成对话 A: _? B: I usually play sports at 4:30 in the afternoon. A: _? B: I usually eat dinner at 6:30 in the evening. _? A: At 7:00 in the evening.,B,D,A,dinner / breakfast / lunch,sports/ Ping-pong/football,exercises,English /Chinese,work / bed / school,When do you play sports,When do you eat dinner,When do you watch TV / do homework /,Homework: 试着做张自己的作息时间表, 养成良好的作息习惯。,_s timetableget up _go to school _do morning exercises _eat dinner _go to bed _,Goodbye!,Thank you!,
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