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九年级英语牛津 9B Unit 2 Robots Period 8 Pronunciation 学教案9B Unit 2 RobotsPeriod 8 Pronuniation日期: 201X年 3月一、学习目标: 1 了解重读在句子中的使用,九年级英语牛津 9B Unit 2 Robots Period 8 Pronuniation学教案。2 根据重读位置的不同,辨别一个句子的不同含义。3 在一个句子当中重读适当的单词。4 根据重读单词选择一个句子的正确含义。二、学习过程课前准备: 1 在文中划出新词汇,试着读一读并在括号里写出其中文含义。词汇: highlight在括号内试着写出这个单词的汉语意思。2当我们说话时,可以重读一句话中不同的单词。重读的单词不同,句子的意思就不同。*The dog ate four tins of beans esterda.* The dog ate four tins of beans esterda.(狗吃掉豆子罐子数是 4,而不是其他数字)* The dog ate four tins of beans esterda.(在罐子里装的是豆子,而不是其他食物)* The dog ate four tins of beans esterda.(狗是昨天吃的豆子,而不是其他时候)3 思考并回答下列问题: Who ate four tins of beans esterda?_Ho man tins of beans did the dog eatesterda?_What did the dog eat four tins ofesterda?_When did the dog eat four tins of beans ?_3通过预习,你还有哪些疑问?_课堂活动1 以较慢的速度清晰地把 3个例句读给学生听。学生重复,注意哪些单词重读。2 分组互相朗读句子,粗体的单词要重读。3 分组朗读 B部分的两个句子,分别重读单词robot 和Daniel.4 分组讨论Part B,组内先朗读每句话下的 a,b,三点,然后圈出代表每句话正确含义的字母代号,教案九年级英语牛津 9B Unit 2 Robots Period 8 Pronuniation学教案。5 让两个学生读出答案,如果学生不理解这些答案为什么正确,鼓励他们举手提问。当堂检测读下面的句子,圈出代表每句话正确含义的字母代号。1 Sand is painting a piture of the Great Wall.a What is Sand doing?b Who is painting a piture of the GreatWall?What is Sand painting a piture of?2 M dog likes to go to the park on rain das.a Who like to go to the park on raindas?b Where does our dog like to go on raindas?When does our dog like to go to thepark?3 I did m English homeork esterda.a What did ou do esterda?b Whih homeork did ou do esterda?When did ou do our English homeork?4 We ent to Singapore for our holida last ear.a Who ent to Singapore for their holida lastear?b Where did ou go for our holida lastear?When did ou go to Singapore for ourholida?5 Ma phoned Tom about the part.a Who phoned Tom about the part?b Who did Ma phone about the part?What did Ma phone Tom about?6 You an bu postards at the stationer shop.a What an ou bu at the stationer shop?b Where an e bu postards?What kind of shop sells postards?三、学习收获通过这一课的学习,你学到了哪些知识?课后反思: 通过本课学习,你又有什么新发现?_精彩;英语教师网英语教师网论坛
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