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null3T3YnullnX1#Q程太生, 张null 峰null(华中科技大学马克思主义学院, 湖北武汉 430074)Knull1: 高校思想政治教育要取得实效,在教育系统内部应正确认识并处理好四个关系,即思想政治教育的主客体关系,一与多的关系,知与行的关系,以及德育与智育的关系b我们要树立学生也是思想政治教育主体的观念,并在实践中尊重学生的主体地位,正确处理社会主义核心价值体系一元主导与其他价值体系多样发展的关系,努力改变重知轻行的不平衡状况,努力克服德育与智育null两张皮null的现象b1oM: 高校思想政治教育; 主客关系; 一多关系; 知行关系; 德智关系ms|: G641 nullDS: A nullcI|: 1000null4203( 2011) 02null0091null06Four Relationships in College Ideological and Political Educationand Its Educational ReflectionCHEN G Tainullsheng, ZHANG Feng(S chool of Marxism , H uazhong University of S cience & Technology , Wuhan 430074, China)Abstract: In order to have substantial effects in college ideological and political educanulltion, four types of relationship should be correctly understood and handled within the educanulltion system: the relationship between subject and object, the relationship between one andmore, the relationship between knowing and practicing, and the relationship between moralinullty and intelligence. We have to establish the concept that students are also the main body ofthe ideological and political education. Whatnull s more, we should pay more respect for thestudents in practice. We must correctly handle the relationship between socialist core valuedominating system and the diverse development of other value systems. We must strive tochange the imbalance of doing and knowing. We should strive to overcome the moral and innulltellectual null mismatchnull phenomenon.Key words: college ideological and political education; the relationship between subjectand object; the relationship between one and more; the relationship between knowing andpracticing; the relationship between morality and intelligencenull91null2011M232null2null null null null null null null null null null null null null高等教育研究Journal of H igher Education null null null null null null null null null null null null nullFeb. , 2011Vol. 32null No. 2nulll: 2010null12null07:S( 09JD710058)Te:3( 1958- ) ,3,!,S/vXlpV3,bmTY,TM.q=mTM41?5d,7Ts351-mT+a4a=.=,L=VCQaPdd+bv3X3null1null8&zPLQv38iM$,5v388?4,n518iM$jMbH,v3XC3&C,98W1aQ,ddda9PLQXZ81b二a思想政治教育的一与多的关系与德育论反思B1B5bV, nullBnullnullnull8iM1S,8nullBnullnullnulldBb04null3B,B3=,=3,3null 34,BBb94nullBsynull5,)9B1bV,nullB1null;#85,9#PE5b85s18+8,f8BB,f8=;8l,8*lbPE5s5B1,nullBnull3nullnullQYWRM?ZbB1aRi1bB1#X5,nulllN8BnullnullN8?Znull1byS,XB15;BHWUVnullPnull7pb8VC:B,nullBnullnullnull,N8,Xl)X,dXlX,BMdXlNSibWb=,nullBnullnullnull,lN8BlN8,nullnullWnullnull,.BS.dN8,nullnullnulldnull, nullnull,|S+$MBEN8a,9|a.hb?ZYL,SB,Zsp,TYQbSB:j1),null4nullnull4nullBb534null4null4b5: null5,5;,bnullQCX, null5nullmS,nullnullXSb14v3Xr,AmM,nullnullanullfnullanullinullanullnullTB8AbZsS,ZE,bZ1)AsS+,+BsY,5BZB5%;=S,ymTbCv5sYnull() nullanullf(f)nullanulli(N) nullnull(L)null11b( 1)b1
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