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八年级上册英语教案第一篇:人教版八年级英语上册教案人教版八年级英语上册案例:unit5an ou e to m birthda part ?setion a第一课时设计理念:以任务为中心的任务型语言教学是目前交际教学思想中的一种新的发展形态。它倡导“在做中学,在做中用”的教育理念,将语言应用的基本理念转化为具有实践意义的课堂教学方式。运用学习任务组织教学,强化了语言实践的过程,充分体现了语言的交际本质。 “新目标英语”是一套好教材,然而,“橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳”。在农村中学的英语课堂上,实施任务和开展活动具有很大的挑战性,需要在实际操作中对教材进行重新整合,并要根据学生的环境和接受能力来开展行之有效的任务和活动。教材分析教学内容为新目标英语八年级上册第五单元setion a 。学习内容主要体现在以下三点:1. knoledge aims:1) ne ords: lesson, another, onertphrases: stud for a test, go to the dotor, have a piano lesson2) important sentenes: an ou e to m birthda part?sure, id love to. im sorr, i have toabilit aims:1)能礼貌地发出、接受和拒绝邀请。2)会谈论自己制定的计划或安排。3.emotion aim:学会邀请他人和接受或拒绝他人的邀请,增进与他人之间的情感,培养交往能力和技巧。学生分析1、荷叶中学84班学生英语学习兴趣不是很高,两极分化比较严重。2、学生以前已经学过情态动词an的用法,但掌握的不是很好,通过对本课的学习可以巩固所学知识,掌握用正确的语言结构表达邀请和拒绝。三、学习重难点:1) 熟练掌握情态动词 an 的用法2)准确表达邀请别人,礼貌接受和委婉拒绝别人的邀请。四、学习过程:step 1 : arming up1) t: toda is ang lei birthda , sing happ birthda to hers: sing happ birthda to ang lei happil.通过唱生日快乐歌祝王蕾生日快乐,从而营造轻松愉快的学习氛围。step 2lead in1 t: lets revie the old phases and learn the ne ords1为考试而学习sa: stud for the test 2去看病 sb : go to the dotor 3帮助我的父母 s: help m parents4拜访我的姑姑_sd:visit m auntt: ver good .ok, next lets learn the ne ordslesson,课程,t: i have 7 lessons ever da.another另一,又一t:i dont like this apple , ould ou give me another one? onert 音乐会t: liu dehua has a onert in our it this month.充分利用课本资源,进行词汇教学,词不离句,形散而神不散。2)the studentsread and remember the ords in the group3) ask some groups to read and reite the ords and phrasesgroup1: lesson, another, onertgroup2:stud for the test, go to the dotor, help m parents, visit m aunt4)t: ask the students to lose the ees and hek the ordst: imagine toda is m birthda and ask them to e to m birthda part, ho to sa?an ou e to m part?s:“es”s: “no”t: help them to orret the anser接受 sure, id love to.委婉拒绝sorr, i ant. i have to.2) then the teaher asks the students the questions and students tr to give the right anser one b one. at the same time the teaher rite ansers on the blakboard. the teaher gives some enourage evaluation to students ansers. t: an ou e to m part?s: sure, id love to.s: sorr, i have to stud for m test.go to the dotor.help m parents.visit m aunt.about?its about the lovel pandas.2ou must tell me the of h ou dont pass the exam.3the great all is the of hina .4she is doing the about pandas.5theis getting orse and orse.二、读前导入说一下你知道的国宝熊猫。三、多层阅读1.速读课文,把小列标题与各段搭配起来。ahelp for pandasbpandas help other animalsthe pandas homedan animal in danger精读第一段,回答以下问题。.ho man pandas are living in nature reserves toda? hat are sientists studing?3.读第二段并完成句子。. pandas mainl live on _. _, so pandas have less and less land to live on.4.读第三段,回答问题。hat is our government doing?5.读第四段,判断正误。the panda is one of the best-knon animals in the orld. ( )elephants have bee the smbol of allanimals in danger.( ). e have a long a to go to save the animals in danger. ( )四 精讲点拨1. 读课文,找出含有动词不定式的句子。组内活动总结。2动词不定式的用法中有不定式作宾语、定语状语的句子,可一一点出。如: eah panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo ever da .there is still a long a to go to save the panda . on vXXtion 度假27. please keep quiet! 请保持安静,keep+形容词,表示“保持某种状态”,keep sth. 保存某物 28. tr to do sth. 努力做某事,tr doing sth.试着做某事,tr one best to do sth. 尽力做某事step 2单元测试题一、单项选择 is he aiting?- i dont kno.17. - the apples are ver nie. i ant _ one to eat. ma i?- of ourse. here ou are.18. _ people are reall friendl.19. - are ou free tomorro?- no. i am _ for hangzhou to ork.20. thank ou for _ us.21. i have a_bus eek. _the _ith her ?_ _ our father ant ou _ _?5. 你的生活方式和我的不同。our life_ _ _ _.做眼操对我们的眼睛有好处。_ ee exerises _ good _ our ees.7. peter has a old . _ peter _ a old ?8.the are looking after a bab no .the are _ _ _ a bab _ _ _ .9.他们背部疼痛。the _ a _ bak .10.现在他的歌曲很受青少年的欢迎。no his songs _ ver _ _ teenagers .11.每天晚饭后,她最喜欢躺着休息。she enjos_ _and _.1如果你的膳食平衡,就能很容易得保持健康。its eas_sta_, if ou eat a_ _ .13.直到她妈妈到家,她才睡觉。she didnt _ _ bed _ her mother _ home. 布置作业;作业收交及完成情况;缺课学生及原因;教学反思;范文:八年级英语上册第一单元教案201X秋季外研版八年级英语上册module3 教案山东省邹平县实验中学八年级英语上册unit 1教案 人教新目标版初中英语人教版八年级上册unit7 ill people have robots?教案新目标人教版初中英语八年级上册unit 9 hen as he born 精品教案八年级上册英语教案
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