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IV 摘 要 目前,我国推广的居家养老模式是建立在政府为主体和社区服务的基础之上的。从我国目前的老龄化形势来看,这种养老模式比其他的模式更适合我们去选择,但仍有一些弊端存在。比如覆盖面不宽,服务质量差异大,甚或有些服务根本不能满足老年人基本生活水平的需求。这些问题的逐渐显露 ,更激化了一种矛盾,就是存在于这种单一的养老模式和老年人日益增长的物质文化需求之间的矛盾,急需一个更为完备的养老服务模式来解决。而在农村,劳动力不断外流,家庭规模不断缩小,这种形式下光靠传统的家庭养老已经无济于事,再加上农村的经济不是很发达,专业的服务队伍跟不上,所以机构养老也存在一定的局限性,从各方面来看,居家养老应该是目前农村最好的模式,但不能和城市居家养老模式完全相同,所以农村应该有自己的居家养老新模式,以适应农村现阶段的情况。 本文主要采用了文献法、比较分析法、图示法等,研究已有理论文献,调查现实情 况,分析比较不同养老模式的优劣,利用经济学中的一些相关理论,分析了农村居家养老新模式,并对它在未来的可行性给予了肯定。根据农村的现状,家庭养老虽然是老人们比较理想的养老模式,但是家庭作用日益退化,留在家中 给老人养老的年轻人不断减少,传统的家庭养老模式与农村现在的形势已经不相 适应;而机构养老模式,因为农村的经济落后,所以一些必要的养老设施满足不了,具体就是养老院比较缺失,甚者即便有,床位紧张,或者服务质量差,更主要的是没有专业化的队伍。居家养老应该是比较符合现代的实际,但是也不应该同城市居家养老一样,毕竟 农村的各方面条件达不到。所以权衡了利弊之后,我主张的应该理解为一种内敛式的农村居家养老模式。换句话说农村老人有能力的话,就自己来养老,政府给予一定的补贴,如果不能自己养老了,首先还是由子女来养老,政府也必须参与进来,如果子女养老了,政府也会有一定的奖励。而且这个比例会让子女很愿意养老人。但前提条件还是在家居住,各方面的的照顾由亲人和邻里社区提供。 V 关键词: 居家养老 现代农村居家养老 可行性 经济学分析 VI Abstract At present, Chinas promotion of the main mode of government as the main body, community service, based on the old-age home. compared with the original family pension and institutional pension, This pension model more suited to Chinas national conditions, but there are still some problems. For example, narrow coverage, the uneven endowment QOS, or even some of the services impossiblely achieve less than the basic living standards of the elderly needs. These problems gradually revealed, the contradiction between the growing material and cultural needs of the elderly and the single pension model are more obvious, it is bound to seek a more comprehensive pension service mode. For rural areas, as the outflow of labor and family size decreases, the traditional family pension has been unable to meet the changes now, and the rural economy is not very well developed, the pension agency also has some limitations, relative comparison, the old-age home is quite feasible, but it should not be the same with the Urban Family mode , because some of the professional services team can not keep up, so there should be a new model of home care, in order to adapt to the current situation of rural. using documentary research, comparative analysis and induction of existing theoretical literature research and investigation of the reality of the situation,this paper, analyze the pros and cons of different pension mode, using the theory of economics, the paper analysis rural home pension, a kind of new mode , in rural certainly the old-age home mode is viability in the future . According to the actual situation of the rural family pension is the ideal pension model to the old people, but with the weakening of the functions of the family as well as the outflow of rural labor, family pension mode has been powerless; institutional pension model, due to underdeveloped rural economy ,the necessary facilities for the elderly is not a very good ,specificly missing nursing home , worse even beds tension, or poor quality of service, but the VII main thing is not a professional team. Age home should be more in line with modern reality, but nor should the Urban Family, after all, the rural conditions do not reach. After weighing the pros and cons, I advocate the rural old-age home mode should be understood as an introverted style pension mode. In other words, if the rural elderly can make their own pension, the government should give some subsidies, if not their own pension, above all, children are charge of the pension, but the government must be involved, if the child do it , the Government will also have a certain reward. And this proportion will make children be willing to the pension. But the precondition is still living at home, relatives and neighborhood community service. Keywords: home care modern rural home care feasibility of Economic Analysis VIII 目 录 摘 要 . IV Abstract. VI 1 引言 . 1 1.1 选题背景和意义 . 1 1.1.1 选题背景 . 1 1.1.2 研究的意义 . 2 1.2 相关概念及理论依据 . 3 1.2.1 相关概念界定 . 3 1.2.2 相关理论 . 6 1.3 研究内容与思路框架 . 8 1.3.1 研究思路 . 8 1.3.2 研究内容 . 8 1.4 研究方法 . 8 1.4.1 文献研究法 . 8 1.4.2 比较分析法 . 9 1.4.3 归纳法 . 9 1.5 本研究的创新点与不足 . 9 1.5.1 研究的创新点 . 9 1.5.2 研究的不足 . 9 2 文献综述及基础理论回顾 .
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