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the Twenty-four Solar Terms in China,the Origin,Twenty-four Solar Terms refers to the season and climate ,which is a calendar that made to guid chinese ancient agriculture .As the east Asian traditional lunar calendar is a lunisolar calendar , that is , its developed according to the runing and operation of sun or moon ,so it can not fully reflect the circle of sun , but china is an agricultural society and we hv to strictly know the circumstance about the sun operation , farming is completely carriedout according to the sun ,so our ancient ancestors added a separate calendar to reflect the sun cycle Twenty-four Solar Terms ,which is used for the criteria of determining the intercalary . In other words ,24 solar terms r purely solar calendar , and it was not developed according to the lunar calendar . Chinese folk practice lunisolar ,adding 24 solar terms , so its very compicated . If we look at the solar calendar with 24 solar terms and leave alone the lunisolar ,its very clear and simple .,二十四节气歌,春雨惊春清谷天, 夏满芒夏暑相连, 秋处露秋寒霜降, 冬雪雪冬小大寒。 上半年是六廿一, 下半年来八廿三, 每月两节日期定, 最多不差一二天。 (立)春 雨(水) 惊(蛰) 春(分) 清(明) 谷(雨)天, (立)夏 (小)满 芒(种) 夏(至) (小)暑 (大)暑相连, (立)秋 处(署) (白)露 秋(分) 寒(露) 霜降, (立)冬 (小)雪 (大)雪 冬(至) 小(寒) 大寒。,Feb . 3 , 4 or 5,The Beginning of Spring is the first one of twenty-four solar terms . it usually begins on February 3-5 every year , and it means spring is coming up , from this day on , the days get longer and the weather gets warmer. In addition , from this day to summer, we usually call this period the spring. besides , its also an important traditional festival in china -on behalf of the beginning of the new year . so the beginning of spring is also known as playing chun, there exists the popular custom of weaving Spring Cattle and eating spring rolls and cakes on that day,so it has another saying of biting spring.,Rainwater Feb 18 , 19 or 20,Rainwater ranks the second of twenty-four solar terms ,and it usually comes betwen Feb 18 , 19 or 20 , from now on , the rainfall is increasing more and more , and ice and snow become to melt ,beside the temperature is also rising up at this point .In ancient and old times , chinese folk have the traditional custom that married daughtershould go home to visit her parents and give her mother some red silk and stew pot meat .,the Waking of Insects,The waking of Insects is the third one of twenty-four solar terms , this solar term arises on Mar . 5 , 6 or 7 , there is an old saying about it goes like this :God makes crash of thunder to wake and arouse the animals that hide and solitude in the soil and earth on that day .so its meaning suggests that the insects that hiding in the soil are scared to run away bcoz of thunder .at this point the weather grows warmer and warmer , and also spring thunders come to emerge ,from this day on , most areas in china will turn into spring season .,the Spring Equinox Mar . 20 ,21 or22,the Spring Equinox ranks the fouth of the twenty-four solar term ,it usually begins on Mar . 20 ,21 or 22 every year , and the length of day and night is alm-ost equal on that day ,people will do the egg test and taste some spring vegetables ,from that day on ,as for climate, there are more obvious features, most regions and areas except Tibet Plateau, northeast, northwest and northern regions of North China have entered the beautiful spring, in the vast land, willow is growing green, birds are flying , grass is growing fast , wheat is jointing and rape potpourri .besides ,drought, dust, late spring, cold rain happen a lot ,timely irrigation and sowing of crops .,Pure Brightness Apr . 4 ,5 or 6,Pure Brightness is an important traditional festival in china ,people can take part in some activities, for example, go outing ,sweep the graves , do some worships, go swing and fly kites on that day . peasants and farmer will be busy their work .,Grain Rain Apr . 19 , 20 , or 21,Grain Rain ranks the 6th of all solar terms , it take places on Apr . 19 , 20 , or 21,during this period , the rainfall is increasing more and the cereal crops grow fast .,the Beginning of Summer May . 5 , 6 or 7,the Beginning of Summer is the 7th solar term ,it Marks the arrival of summer , from the day on ,the weater will be hoter and hoter . the rainfall is sharply increasing .,Lesser Fullness of Grain May . 20 , 21 or 22,Lesser Fullness of Grain usually comes during May . 20 , 21 or 22 , it ranks the 8th of all solar terms , at this time ,all summer crops in the north of China will gradually come out plump grain, rice began to grow ear, we can see full fruitage on rice ,while in the south farmers will enter the season of harvest and sowing .,Grain in Beard Jun . 5 , 6 or 7,during this period ,the wheat has been ripe , peasants should bring in the wheat as soon as possible ,after finishing the harvest of wheat ,they have to sow the rice . Yangtze River region in China will enter the rainy season .,
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