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国际干涉的规范维度*陈 琪 黄宇兴=41 冷战后,规范问题在国际关系的理论研究和政策辩论中得到回归b随着/国际责任论0的兴起,中国在应对干涉问题上面临着利益守成和责任扩展上的消极目标与积极目标的双重挑战b作者从干涉的形式a原因a手段与结果等方面对干涉的规范维度进行了梳理和考察,认为应清晰地思考不干涉规范的内涵和外延,以重塑中国关于干涉的叙述并探讨进行政策调整的可能性b=1oM 干涉;国际规范;理论拓展=Te 陈琪, 清华大学国际问题研究所副教授; 黄宇兴, 清华大学国际关系学系 2005级本科生b(北京 邮编: 100084)=ms| D815 =DSM A =cI| 1006- 9550( 2009) 04- 0006- 10*bv/ 985=0Sb5W66I G,E4m,inbYqaqapVMpVbNBiVU,)T1b O ran R. Young, / Interven tion and International System, 0Jou rnal of Interna tiona l Affa irs, Vo.l 12, No. 2, 1968, p. 179; RobertJackson, T he G loba l C ovenant: H uman C ond uct in a W orld of S tates,N ew York: Oxford Un iversity Press, 2000, p. 254; H ed ley Bul,l / Th eS tateps Positive Ro le in W orld S tateps Positive Ro le in W orld Affairs, 0Daed alu s, V o.l 108, No. 4, 1979, p. 121. n玠著,余逊达a张铁军译: 5无政府状态与世界秩6,s:, 2001M,27 28:;+: 5S=6,:SS, 2007M,228:b S31Fs,nR. J. V incent,N on in tervention and In ternationa l Order, Prin ceton, NJ: Princeton Un-iversity Press, 1974, p. 192bBZCmb1,ZSEST5ZN4G,y7SQ/30lbSr:5C$,jATa?SS.%SCL5WbM,S=SZvSYS=v,V?SPbf?ZSrV?,9k)(1,4vZm)m,6,5S=S6, 2008M1,35 37:bKjQ/0/0bL6,5SbnJ. S. M il,l / A Few W ords on Non- in tervention, 0 p. 3b+,SVS=5*5MH,y7VS=4bnR. J. V incen t, N onintervention andIn terna tional Order, p. 276bV,S,S5Qbn: 5S=SE6,:+, 2000M,20 21:bS1,SBtsEMb1Su),VnKristen Gun-n ess, / Ch inapsM ilitary D ip lom acy in an E ra of Change, 0 A paper pre-pared for the National Defense Un iversity symposium on Ch inaps G lobalA ctiv ism: Imp lications forU. S. Secu rity In terests, June 20, 2006, p. 5;Robert Sutter, / Ch inaps Rose in A sia AreUS Interests in Jeopardy, 0 A-m erican A sian R eview, V o.l 21, N o. 2, 2003, p. 5bSuv,nCh iH aotian, / U. S. - C h ina M ilitary T ies, 0in M ich ael P illsbury , ed. , Ch inese View s of F u ture W arfare, W ashing-ton, D1C1: N ation alDefense Un iversity Press, 1997, pp. 62- 65biM7S=b1,&xSEYbWiMF?S=1Yb8CS,9iMn1vbS4S=T,QYVS=wtL=ZN4$,l47/)aiMS=4P,P9SF/:0b,TvS,SAF,9/(B4)bBb!S+Y,VsP+Y7v?4,A,OS5?7E,YVCvdbn5a!: 5S=l5:CL6,5S=6, 2008M3,20:bMQ4VnFareed Zak aria, / Th e R ise of L iberal De-m ocracy, 0 Fore ign Affa irs, Vo.l 76, No. 6, 1997, p. 32b1SnS!f,n: 5xF6,:WM,2002M,154 155:b+YT,Vnfm: 5/0*SiM6, http: / /www. irch ina. org /xueren / ch in a/view. asp? id = 502bS tephen Pelz, / Chang ing International System s, theW orld B a-lance ofPow er, and theU. S. , 1776- 1976, 0 D iploma ticH istory, Vo.l 15,N o. 1, 1991, p. 49.S tan leyH offm an, / E th ics and Ru les of the Gam e betw een the Su-perpow ers, 0 in Lou is H enk in and S tan ley H offm an, et al1, R ight vs.M ight: International Law and the Use of F orce, p. 73.W6 2009年第 4期ST/Hq05,|vG,4A1bSG1&S=M1b,SSEmbVSE?7,SuvSS=8vS?V6?Z7,S?ZSE?rSE?VSCS=?S7,SS=8a?S=S,7tvMl,iS1&ib1&,%
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