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小学生自我介绍模板第一篇:小学生自我介绍模板self introdution 自我介绍good morningafternoon, ladies and gentlemen, nie to meet ou here. let me introdue is xx, is xx. i am man i like xxx,m favourite holida is xx. i think its i think its lovel, m favouritexx, i think she is amazing.i love english, english is useful and important, i ant to speak good english one da and stud in the usa. i ant to be a xx hen i gro up.i am ver happ to see ou all, thank ou!self introdution 自我介绍good morningafternoon, ladies and gentlemen, nie to meet ou here. let me introdue is xx, is xx. i am man i like xxx,m favourite holida is xx. i think its i think its lovel, m favouritexx, i think she is amazing.i love english, english is useful and important, i ant to speak good english one da and stud in the usa. i ant to be a xx hen i gro up.i am ver happ to see ou all, thank ou!self introdution 自我介绍good morningafternoon, ladies and gentlemen, nie to meet ou here. let me introdue is xx, is xx. i am man i like xxx,m favourite holida is xx. i think its i think its lovel, m favouritexx, i think she is amazing.i love english, english is useful and important, i ant to speak good english one da and stud in the usa. i ant to be a xx hen i gro up.i am ver happ to see ou all, thank ou!self introdution 自我介绍good morningafternoon, ladies and gentlemen, nie to meet ou here. let me introdue is xx, is xx. i am man i like xxx,m favourite holida is xx. i think its i think its lovel, m favouritexx, i think she is amazing.i love english, english is useful and important, i ant to speak good english one da and stud in the usa. i ant to be a xx hen i gro up.i am ver happ to see ou all, thank ou!第二篇:小学生英语自我介绍模板小学生英语自我介绍模板hello, m name is_. i am_ ears old. no i am studing in_primar shool. i am in grade _, lass_.i live in_. there are _ members in m famil father, mother and me. m father is a_ but m mother is orking in _. i love both of them.in m spare time, i like _, and m favorite olour is_. also i love_ver muh, suh as _. i hope i an learn english ell, beause i think it ver important. but_ is favorite subjet, beause it is ver interesting.i ish i an bee a_in the future.第三篇:小学生英语自我介绍模板口语自我介绍模板hello, m name is_. i am_ears old. no i am studing in_primar shool. i am in grade _, lass_. i live in_. there are _ members in m familfather, mother and me. m father is a_ and m mother is orking in _. i love both of them.in m spare time, i like_, and m favorite olour is_. also i love_ver muh, suh as _. i hope i an learn english ell, beause i think it ver important. but_ is favorite subjet, beause it is ver interesting. i ish i an bee a_in the future.例文 1:杨幂自我介绍 good afternoon, teahers! m name is ang mi. im 11. i e from lass1 grade 5 of shian primar shool. there are 4 people in m famil. m father is tall. m mother is prett.m sister has a long hair. and im a good student. hoever, m home is near the shool, i often get up earl. beause i must ork hard. after shool, i like plaing puter games and reading books. id like to eat apples. the are seet and health. and i like tuesda best. e have english, musi, puter and p.e. on tuesdas. m math teaher is miss huang. her lass is so muh fun. so m favourite lass is math. and i like hinese and english, too. this is me. an ative girl. please remember ang mi. thank ou ver muh!例文 2:林俊杰自我介绍good afternoon, teahers! im ver happ to introdue mself here. im sott. m hinese name is lin junjie. im 13. im from lass1 grade 6 of qingun primar shool. i have man hobbies, suh as plaing ping-pong, plaing football, listening to musi, reading magazines and so on. m favourite food is hiken. its tast and umm. so im ver strong. im a naught bo. i alas pla triks. and i just like staing in m room and reading books. but i have a dream, i ant to be a ar-designer. beause im a ar fan.this is me. please remember lin junjie! thank ou ver muh!例文 3:孙悟空自我介绍good afternoon, teahers! toda, im ver happ to make a speeh here. no, let me introdue mself. m name is sun ukong. m english name is moll. im 1i e from lass1 grade 6 of shian primar shool. im an ative girl. i like plaing basketball. beause i think its ver interesting. id like to eat potatoes. there tast. m favourite olour is green. and i like math best. its fun. on the eekend, i like reading books in m room. i have a happ famil. m father is tall and strong.m mother is hard-orking and tall, too. m brother is smart. and im a good student. m dream is to be a teaher, beause i ant to help the poor hildren in the future. thank ou for listening! please remember me!英语小故事一giving the seeding a handlong long ago, in anient hina, there lived a farmer .he as orried about his seeding groing too slol . one da ,he ent to the farmland and pulled up the seeding one b one .hen he returned home ,he as ver exhausted. i am tired out t
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