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中山大学南方学院 2010 届本科生毕业设计本科生毕业论文(设计)题目: 企业进销存管理系统系 名:电子通信与软件工程专 业:06 级计算机科学与技术学 号:062011071姓 名:曾海标指导教师:方苏明装订线中山大学南方学院中山大学南方学院 2010 届本科生毕业设计II二一年五月中山大学南方学院 2010 届本科生毕业设计I摘 要随着经济全球化得发展,国内经济改革的逐年深化,一些国内中小型企业面临巨大的挑战,由于管理体制不完善、资金不足、生产技术问题等,中小型企业和一些大型企业之间的差距越来越大,他们的生存也存在着极大地威胁,同时,也是对他们的生存能力的极大的考验。 传统的进销存管理是使用各类表单来记录数据,最后需要盘点或统计时十分耗费时间和人力。但是现代的进销管理系统正是一个信息化管理软件,可以实现企业的进货、销售、库存管理等各项业务的信息化管理。能为用户提供很多方便服务。而我们的销售管理通系统,是采用 Visual Basic 和 Access 2003 的客户机服务器体系的结构下的应用程序开发出用于个人计算机的软件,可及时对各类物资入库,出库,盘点等信息进行综合数据处理,可通过计算机为用户提供各类物资的查询、统计、打印等,能对各类材料信息进行分析统计,实现动态管理。同时该系统具有界面清晰友好、操作简单、使用方便、功能齐全、运行可靠等特点。所以能达到数据共享、降低成本、提高效率、改进服务的目的,进而提供企业的生产效率和管理水平,特别是对中小企业。关键词:进销存;系统;数据库;销售管理通系统;VB;Access中山大学南方学院 2010 届本科生毕业设计IIABSTRACTWith a development of economic globalization, domestic economic reforms to deepen every year, a number of domestic small and medium-sized enterprises are facing enormous challenges, the management system as a result of imperfect, insufficient funding, technical issues, such as the production of small and medium-sized enterprises and some of the gap between large enterprises increasing their survival is also a threat to the existence of this greatly. The traditional inventory management is the use of various forms to record data, so we will waste time and labor when we need to check and statistic at last. However, the progress of modern marketing management system is an information management software, companies could purchase, sales, inventory management and other business information management. Can offer a lot of convenient services for users.But Our Sales Management system is supported by Visual Basic and Access 2003 client-server system structure to develop the application software for personal computers. It can be deal with all kinds of materials inbound and outbound, the information count and the integrated data processing. Also, using the computer can provide all manner of materials check, statistic, print, etc. And it cans statistical analysis of all information to achieve dynamic management. Meanwhile, the system has a clear and friendly interface, simple operation, easy to use, complete functions, and reliable operation. Therefore, to achieve data sharing, reduce costs, increase efficiency, improve services, the purpose, thus providing the production efficiency and management level, especially for small and medium enterprisesKeywords: Invoicing; System; Database ,Sales Manager system , VB , Access中山大学南方学院 2010 届本科生毕业设计目 录摘 要 .IABSTRACT .II第 1 章 绪论 .11.1 研究背景 .11.2 研究意义 .11.3 研究现状 .11.3.1 国外研究现状 .11.3.2 国内研究现状 .21.4 研究的主要内容 .21.5 本文的组织 .2第 2 章 用到的主要技术介绍 .32.1 开发工具介绍 .32.2 数据库介绍 .32.2.1 Access 数据库简介 .32.2.2 Access 数据库的七大主要对象 .42.3 建模工具介绍 .52.3.1 Rational ROSE.52.3.2 Sybase PowerDesigner.52.4 PHOTOSHOP .6第 3 章 系统需求分析 .73.1 系统概述 .73.2 系统用例图 .
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