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实用文体翻译商务翻译,用词简洁,Documents against payment 付款交单Freight forward 运费到付 All sales are final. 货物售出,概不退换 Backlog of orders. 未交付订单In your favor 以你方为受益,语义明确,A confirmed irrevocable letter of credit shall be established within 15 days after the conclusion of the contract and such L/C shall be maintained at least 15 days after the month of shipment for the negotiation of the relative draft. If the Buyers fail to provide such L/C in the Sellers favor as prescribed above, the Sellers shall have the option of reselling the contracted goods for the account of the Buyers or delaying any shipment and/or canceling and orders at any time on the Buyers account and risk. 保兑的和不可撤销的信用证须在合约签订之后十五天内开立。而且,该信用证须在货物付运月份之后至少十五天内继续有效, 以便议付有关汇票。 如果买方未能向卖方提供如上规定的 信用证, 卖方有权选择转售合约规定为买方的货物, 或推迟付运和 (或) 随时撤销任何订单, 损失和风险由买方承担,行文严谨,1. This Agreement is made and entered into in Shanghai on 18th May, 2003 by and between AA (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”) and BB (hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”). 本协议由 AA(以下称“卖方”)和 BB 以下称“买方”)于 2003 年 5 月 18 日在上海签订。 2. In the event the Buyer does not furnish the Seller with shipping information on or before May 19, 2003, the Seller may at his option cancel this contract. 若买方未在 2003 年 5 月 19 日或上此之前向卖方提供装船通知,卖方可撤销本合同。 3. Any and all notices and communications in connection with the Contract shall be written in the English language. 所有与本合同有关的通知和通讯均用英文书写。 4. Shipment is to be made in two equal lots at an interval of 30 days. 货分两批按相等数量间隔 30 天装运。,措辞委婉,1) Enclosed please find a copy of our price list. 随函寄上我方的价目表一份,请查收。 2) However, up to the present writing, we have not had the pleasure of hearing from you. 然而,迄今为止未见贵方赐复。 3) We should be much obliged if you could make us a firm offer for 100 tons. 如能报给我方一个一百吨的实盘,我方将不胜感激。 4) If you will kindly inform us as to his financial standing, reliability and reputation for paying bills, we shall greatly appreciate the favor. 如蒙贵方将他的信用状况、财务情况及付款方面的信誉情况告知我方,我方将非常感谢。,广告翻译合同翻译求职信翻译公函,1 广告 (Advertisement),广告是一种最常用的应用文,主要由标题和正文两部分组成。标题说明广告对象,正文是主体,主要提供信息。 广告常用褒扬溢美之词,使用较多的是表示程度、条件、方式的副词及表示形状、大小的形容词,但有时会使用描绘性形容词。语言要通俗易懂,有感召力,大众化、口语体。 广告英语的语句特点是句子比较简短,讲求利落有力,忌用结构交错的长句、复杂句,大量使用省略句,甚至可省略到只有一个词(即one-word sentence),祈使句及破折句。 广告英语的时态多用简单的一般现在时;修辞上多用头韵、并列、重复等手段,形式别致新颖,引人注目;内容力求简明扼要,富有说服力。,例1:化妆品广告Laurent Beaute invites you to discover his new collection of colors, as warm and sheer as a summer breeze: delicate corals, pinks and peaches for lips; matted, muted earthy neutrals for eyes; and a whisper of color for nails.【译文】劳伦贝特新进了一批颜色各异的化妆品:优雅的红珊瑚口红、粉红色口红、桃红色口红;暗淡、柔和、自然的非彩色眼用化妆品;色泽柔润的染指甲化妆品等等。所有这些化妆品犹如夏日拂面的微风使人暖融融,似夏天清风清爽怡神。劳伦贝特敬请您的光临。,【解析】这则化妆品广告充分显示了“提供信息、争取顾客”的特点,如“delicate corals, pinks and peaches for lips; matte, muted earthy neutrals for eyes; and a whisper of color for nails.”(优雅的红珊瑚口红、粉红色口红、桃红色口红;暗淡、柔和、自然的非彩色眼用化妆品;色泽柔润的染指甲化妆品等等)。吸引诱使顾客购买,如“as warm and sheer as a summer breeze”(如夏日拂面的微风使人暖融融,似夏天清风清爽怡神)。,例2:住宅广告 FUEN SING ele., pkg., A / C appl.,Xint cond. $160. wk. call mgr. eve. 0532-85075198【译文】现有一套配有家具的单人公寓,有电梯,停车场,空调以及完好的电器设备,每星期租金为160美元,有意者,请于晚间与代理人电话联系。电话号码0532-85075198。【解析】这则住宅招租广告比较独特,语句十分简练,单词缩写,意思却十分清楚。翻译只需逐字顺序进行。,广告常见缩略语 Ads. advertisements广告 A/C air conditioner空调 appl. appliances 电气设备 appt.appointment 面谈 ba. bathroom 卫生间 bach.bachelor apartment单人公寓 bdrm. bedroom 卧室 balc. balcony阳台 cpt. carpet地毯 din. rm. dining room 餐厅 ele. elevator电梯 eve. evening晚间 flrs. floors 楼层 fplc. fireplace壁炉,广告常见缩略语 frig.refrigerator冰箱 gard. garden花园 hdwd.flrs.hardwood floors硬木地板 kit. kitchen厨房 lse. lease租借 lux.luxury豪华 mgr. manager经理 nr. near附近 pkg. parking停车场地 st. street街道 unf.unfurnished 内无家具 utils. utilities水、电、垃圾处理等公用设施 vu. view风景 wk. week每周 Xint. excellent完好的,2.合同 (Contract) 合同、契约都属于法律性文件,也是应用文的一种形式。所谓法律性文件,大到指各国的经济法规、国与国之间的条约、国际公约和国际经济组织章程,小到指单位与单位或个人与个人之间的普通经济协议、合作意向书、合同、契约、各种法律证书以及信用证、提单、发票等具有法律效力的单证等等。对外经贸法律文件大都有较严格的格式要求。从语言结构上看,英语法律文件的语句一般较长,各类短语和从句都具有很强的限定作用。 在翻译成汉语时尽量不要对原句结构进行较大的改动、调整或断句,以免因结构变化而产生不必要的意义差异甚至漏洞。,例1:This contract is made by and between the authorized representatives of HASTINGS Ltd. (hereinafter called the Buyer) and the TAIHUA Industries Corporation (hereinafter called the Seller) through friendly discussion according to the terms and conditions stipulated thereunder.【译文】赫斯汀有限公司(以下简称买方)授权的代表与泰华工业公司(以下简称卖方)通过友好协商根据以下条款签订本合同。【解析】英语原文是一句,汉语译文也是一句,句中无标点将句子断开。译文基本上是按照英语原文的结构而翻译,唯一不同是“This contract is made”在句首,而译文的“签订本合同”在句末,这是按照汉语的习惯所译而已。,例2 【原文】 本合同于二零_年_月_日在(签订地点)签订。 合同一方为(一方名称),是一家依照(国家名称)法律组织而存在的公司,其住所在(地址)(以下简称甲方); 合同另一方为(另一方名称),是一家依照(国家名称)法律组织而存在的公司,其住所在(地址)(以下简称乙方); This Contract is made this _ day of _, 20 _, in (place of signature) by and between (name of one party), a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of (name of the country) with its domicile at (address) (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and (name of the other party) a cooperation duly organized and existing under the laws of (name of the country) with its domicile at (address) (hereinafter referred to as Party B).,
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