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合作式梯度教学模式在地理教学中的应用摘要在 2017 年国家期间,教育改革作为热议话题再一次提上了会议例程。教育作为民生工程的重要组成部分,和每个人的生活都息息相关。教学工作是一个不断的融合“思想创新”与“情感互动”的过程,随着诸多教学思想的出现,新式的教学方法和创新的教学模式也纷纷涌现。在科技进步、教学改革势在必行的背景下,人们的教学意识也在潜移默化的发生着变化,为教学事业的百家争鸣奠定了坚实的基础。路漫漫其修远兮,人们对教育事业的探索和研究将永无止境。本论文在互动教学模式的基础上进行拓展,结合初中地理教学的特点,提出合作式梯度教学模式。为初中地理的教学增添新的活力。目前,梯度教学模式已经在政治和历史学科得到广泛应用,在地理的教学工作中却鲜有推广,虽然先前的学者有过类似的研究,但是并没有在实际的教学中进行操作和实施。在合作式梯度教学模式中,在梯度式教学模式的基础上将互动置于首位,形成教师与学生互动、学生与学生互动的两条主线,从整体上完成教学系统的立体化建设。本文通过资料查阅法、案例调研法、对比分析法、实践法和访谈回访法五种方法,以合作式梯度教学模式在初中地理教学中的应用为例,对合作式梯度教学模式展开了系统的分析和评价。事物是不断发展和变化的,合作式梯度教学模式并不是没有任何缺点,希望可以在以后的实践中,可以将合作式梯度教学模式进行推广,将“素质教育”恰如其分的落到实处。同时,对该教学模式进行不断的补充和改进,希望可以得到有志之士的共鸣。本论文共六章,论文的总体设计为:以事物的发展规律为主线,以理论描述为支撑,以实践结果作文论证。第一部分为绪论,介绍了论文研究背景、国内外教学模式的发展及现状;第二部分引用经典的教学理论,为合作式梯度教学模式的提出建立理论基础;第三部分对合作式梯度教学模式进行系统的阐述和分析;第四部分为教学方法的实施和分析部分,以此教学成果;第五部分对合作式梯度教学模式的优势和不足;第六部分为全文的结束语。关键词:合作教学 梯度模式 合作式梯度教学 地理THE APPLICATION OF COOPERATIVE GRADIENT TEACHING MODEL IN GEOGRAPHY TEACHINGAbstractDuring the two sessions of the state in 2017, education reform as a hot topic once again put on the conference routine. As an important part of peoples livelihood project, education is closely related to everyones life. Teaching work is a process of continuous integration of ideological innovationemotional interaction. With the emergence of many teaching ideas,new teaching methods and and innovative teaching models have emerged. Under the background of the progress of science and technology and teaching reform,peoples teaching awareness is changing imperceptibly, which has laid a solid foundation for the teaching. There is a long way to go, peoples exploration and research for education will never end. This paper is based on the interactive teaching mode. On the basis of interactive teaching mode, this paper, combined with the characteristics of junior high school geography teaching, puts forward the cooperative gradient teaching mode, which adds new vitality to the teaching of junior middle school geography.At present, the gradient teaching model has been widely used in political and historical disciplines, while little promotion in the teaching of geography. Although previous scholars have done similar research, they do not operate and implement in the actual teaching. In the cooperative gradient teaching mode, on the basis of the gradient teaching mode, the interaction will be placed in the first place, two main lines of interaction between teachers and students, students and students are formed to complete the three-dimensional construction of the teaching system from a whole. In this paper, through the data access method, case study method, comparative analysis, practice and interview return method five methods, the application of cooperative gradient teaching model in junior middle school geography teaching is taken as an example, and the cooperative gradient teaching mode is analyzed and evaluated systematically. Things are constantly evolving and changing. Cooperative gradient teaching mode is not without any shortcomings. It is hoped that in the future practice, the cooperative gradient teaching mode can be promoted and the quality education should be implemented in a proper way. At the same time, the teaching mode is constantly supplemented and improved, I hope to get the sympathy of people with lofty ideals.This paper is divided into six chapters, the overall design of the thesis is as follows: Taking the law of development of things as the main line, the theoretical description as the support, and the practical results as the demonstration. The first part is the introduction, which introduces the research background, the development and current situation of domestic and foreign teaching mode; The second part introduces the classical teaching theory and establishes the theoretical foundation for the cooperation of the gradient teaching model; The third part systematically expatiates and analyzes the cooperative gradient teaching mode; The fourth part is the implementation and analysis of teaching methods; The fifth part is about the advantages and disadvantages of the cooperative teaching mode; The sixth part is the concluding remarks of the full text.Keywords: cooperative teaching, gradient model, cooperative gradient teaching, geography1.绪论1.1 研究背景及意义1.1.1 研究背景在 2017 年国家期间,教育改革作为热议话题再一次提上了会议例程。教育作为民生工程的重要组成部分,和每个人的生活都息息相关。根据权威部门统计,截至2012 年,我国的教育经费支出首次达到国内生产总值(GDP)的 4%,随着 GDP 的不断增长,教育经费支出也在不断的增加。在国家的政策的大力支持之下,我国由教育大国向教育强国的进化已经初现端倪。回顾我国的教育发展史,1993 年,由国务院所制定发布的中国教育改革和发展纲要中指出:“中小学要从应试教育转向全面提高国民素质的轨道,面向全体学生,全面提高学生的思想道德、文化科学、劳动技能和身体心理素质,促进学生生动活泼地发展,办出各自的特色。”1993 年作为我国全面推行“素质教育”的元年,在此基础上的 20 多年期间,我国先后经过 8 次大小的课程改革,改革的核心均为:“素质教育”,即在求学过程中,为了学生能够更好更快的发展,拓宽学生求学的眼界和范围,在彻底激发和释放学生潜能的基础上,真正的做到“因材施教”,从而实现“教育”和“学习”的双赢。2001 年,教育部发布基础教育课程改革纲要(试行),其中对教学的概念有确切的表达,即“以课程内容为中介的师生双方教和学的共同活动”,“教”与“学”的双向互动形成教学的过程。在新的教育改革背景下,对与“教”与“学”的观念的塑造则异常重要。其中“教”则成为教育和教学改革中的重中之重。2011 年,在党的十七大关于“优先发展教育,建设人力资源强国”的战略部署下,教育部发布了国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010 2020 年) ,在信息化与教学不断融合的进程中,教学改革更
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