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http:/www.tasclsb.com/ http:/www.sdymdkj.com/ http:/www.tamingda.com/ http:/www.tslhjd.com/ 春暖大棚葡萄品种改接技术近年来,我们先后引进了 150 多个品种进行试种。经多年观察对比,从中筛选出了适合在鲁北地区春暖式大棚栽培的葡萄优良品种黄香蜜。该品种属欧美杂交种,为山东省寿光市王会明培育,2004 年通过潍坊市组织的省专家鉴定,定名“黄香蜜”, 原暂用名“超甜” 。该品种抗病性强,生长势旺,坐果率高,丰产;果穗圆锥形,平均穗重 850g,平均粒重 14g,无核化处理后穗重可达 1000g 以上,粒重 15g 以上。果粒成熟后金黄色,晶莹剔透,玫瑰香味浓郁,可溶性固形物含量达 25%以上, 果皮较厚,耐贮运。成熟后可在树上挂至 1 个月后采摘,风味更佳。露地栽培 7 月底 8 月初成熟 ,春暖式大棚内 7 月中旬成熟。该品种市场竞争力较强, 为此,我们将园内的 10 多个品种进行了绿枝嫁接试验 ,改接为黄香蜜, 取得了显着的经济效益。现将绿枝嫁接的技术要点报告如下。In recent years, we have introduced more than 150 varieties were tested. Through many years observation contrast to screen out the suitable spring in lubei region type greenhouse cultivation of grape varieties - yellow fragrant honey. The goods belong to Europe and the United States hybrids for shouguang in shandong province Wang Huiming cultivation, passed in 2004, weifang organization province experts identified, named yellow fragrant honey, the original made of super sweet. The breed disease resistance is strong, growing potential, fruit-bearing rate is high, the fertility; Ear cone, the average panicle weight 850 g, 14 g, the average grain weight of denuclearization process after the spike weight can reach more than http:/www.tasclsb.com/ http:/www.sdymdkj.com/ http:/www.tamingda.com/ http:/www.tslhjd.com/ 1000 g and grain weight more than 15 g. Fruit mature golden yellow, glittering and translucent get rid of is appeared, the rose fragrance is full-bodied, soluble solids content above 25%, and the skin thicker, shipping. Mature can be hanged on the tree to 1 months after picking, the flavor is better. Open at the end of July early August mature, spring type mature canopy in mid-july. Varieties of the market competition ability is stronger, for this, we are going to park more than 10 varieties of green branch grafting test, change into yellow fragrant honey, has achieved remarkable economic benefits. Now the green branch grafting the main technical points of the report as below. 1 试验园基本情况1 ShiYanYuan basic situation 试验园设在淄博市高青县田镇的李管村。该地系黄河冲积平原,壤土,土层较厚, 土壤 pH 值 7.4,含盐量 0.2%,土壤有机质含量 0.98%。当地年平均气温12.4,有效积温 4918.8, 无霜期为 218 天,年降水量 422.6mm,年日照时数2824 小时。春暖式大棚葡萄园面积 1334m2,大行行距 1m、小行行距 0.5m,南北行向。为利于改接后的植株生长,于 2004 年秋结合施基肥进行了行距调整, 将原来小行距 0.5m 一行挖除 ,改为行距 1.5m、株距 0.4m。被挖除行的架面仍保留备用。2005 年春, 对园内种植的 4 年生 8612、巨星、矢富罗沙、红双味、http:/www.tasclsb.com/ http:/www.sdymdkj.com/ http:/www.tamingda.com/ http:/www.tslhjd.com/ 612、紫珍香、京亚、早马奶、早艳、一品香、奥古斯特、奥迪亚和无核白鸡心等 10 多个品种进行了绿枝嫁接, 改接为黄香蜜。ShiYanYuan located in zibo city in gaoqing lee GuanCun tian town. Where is the Yellow River alluvial plain, loam, thicker soil layer, soil pH value of 7.4, 0.2% salt content, soil organic matter content is 0.98%. The annual average temperature 12.4 , the effective accumulated temperature of 4918.8 , frost-free period is 218 days, annual rainfall of 422.6 mm, annual sunshine hours 2824 hours. Spring type greenhouse vineyard area 1334 m2, big line spacing 1 m small, line spacing of 0.5 m, the north-south line. Is conducive to plant growth after the connector, in the autumn of 2004 in combination with basal dressing has carried on the pitch adjustment, the original small line spacing of 0.5 m invisible, to 1.5 m spacing, planting distance of 0.4 m. Been removed the frame surface remains. Set aside. In the spring of 2005, the garden planting four years was born 8612, star, vector roksa, red double taste rich, 6 12, purple sweet Jane, jing, and early horse milk, and colourful, yipin sweet, auguste, audi and seedless white heart more than 10 varieties, such as the green branch grafting, change into yellow fragrant honey. 2 改接技术要点http:/www.tasclsb.com/ http:/www.sdymdkj.com/ http:/www.tamingda.com/ http:/www.tslhjd.com/ The main technical points 2 connector 2.1 改接前的准备2.1 change ready for pick up 改接前 1 周,对改接园浇一次透水 ,保持园内土壤湿润。对被接砧木和接穗枝条摘心。备好嫁接刀、剪及捆绑用塑料薄膜带(宽 3cm、厚 0.010.008mm)。Connector 1 week before, to change after pouring a permeable, maintain campus soil moist. To be taken of rootstock and scion branch pick the heart. Ready for grafting knife, scissors and bundling them with plastic film (3 cm wide and 0.01 0.008 mm) thick. 2.2 改接时间2.2 change pick up time 在当地,露地嫁接的时间一般在 5 月上旬至 6 月中旬砧木和接穗枝条均半木质化后进行。春暖大棚内葡萄 3 月上旬即萌发,嫁接时间可提前到 4 月上旬进行,比http:/www.tasclsb.com/ http:/www.sdymdkj.com/ http:/www.tamingda.com/ http:/www.tslhjd.com/ 露地嫁接早 1 个月, 这为嫁接成活枝蔓的生长和多次嫁接赢得了更多的时间。At the local, open grafting time generally in early may to mid-june rootstock and scion branches are conducted after half lignification. Spring greenhouse grape in early march that germination, grafting time early to early April, a month earlier than outdoor grafting, it for the growth of grafts take tendrils and grafting won more time for many times. 2.3 绿枝嫁接技术2.3 green branch grafting technology 绿枝嫁接采用两种方法:隔株平茬嫁接。即在种植行内隔 1 株嫁接 1 株。将嫁接株上的枝蔓离地 10cm 左右平茬, 待新梢萌发后 ,留 34 条生长,其余全部抹除。新梢长 67 片叶时摘心,并抹除副梢,促其早半木质化。为防止当年产量降低, 被留株适当多留结果枝,并将其全部或大部分斜捆在已挖除行的保留架面上,腾出嫁接株新梢生长的空间。带穗萌蘖嫁接。
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