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本 科 毕 业 设 计 论 文题 目 系 别 专 业 班 级 学号 学生姓名 指导老师 年 月西安交通大学城市学院本 科 毕 业 设 计 ( 论 文 ) 任 务 书II题 目 姓 名 专 业 学 号1.毕业设计(论文)课题的主要任务:2.课题的具体工作内容(原始数据、技术要求、工作要求):3.课题完成后提交的书面材料要求(论文字数,图纸规格、数量,实物样品,外文翻译字数等):4.主要参考文献:要求完成日期: 年 月 日指导教师(签名): 接受任务日期: 年 月 日学生(签名):摘 要I论文题目:学科(专业):申 请 人 :指导教师:摘 要随着中国对外贸易的迅速增长,中国与贸易伙伴国的贸易摩擦也不断增加,其中最主要的贸易摩擦来自美国。近几年随着贸易发展,两国间的贸易摩擦已经从货物贸易扩大到知识产权方面,而且知识产权摩擦已成为摩擦的重点领域。由于,中国外贸竞争力不断增强,新技术出口大幅增长,中美双边贸易间存在着巨额的贸易顺差,而且中国的知识产权法律体系不够完善,国内企业的自主创新能力较弱,缺乏核心专利技术,知识产权保护方面存在缺陷和不足,知识产权壁垒以代替其他贸易政策的限制手段,成为美国地质中国优势产品进入市场的新措施。从以往的一些中美贸易摩擦的案例来看,中美知识产权摩擦的主要形式是“特别 301 条款”1和“337 条款”2调查,并以此为依托,要求中国政府对美国知识产权提供有效保护,防止侵权行为的发生。现阶段,中美经贸间有关知识产权的摩擦进一步加剧,利用“337 条款”调查的案件越来越多,且涉案领域越来越广,美国更多地利用“337 条款”对中国产品进行侵权调查,以限制中国产品进入美国市场。中美知识产权摩擦中的 337 争端作为伴随中美贸易摩擦而存在的一般性摩擦,将会在一定时间内长期存在,并成为中美贸易摩擦的重要表现形式。本文通过对基础理论的诠释以及结合一些典型的案例对中美贸易摩擦中关于知识产权的现状和产生根源进行剖析,最后根据中国的实际国情,从政府和企业两个宏微观层面提出一些具有实际操作性的建议。关键词:中美贸易,贸易摩擦,知识产权论文类型:应用研究西安交通大学城市学院论文II摘 要IIITitle: Speciality: Applicant: Supervisor: ABSTRACTWith the rapid growth of Chinas foreign trade, China and the trading partner countries are increasing trade frictions, most notably from the United States trade friction. With the trade development in recent years, trade friction between the two countries has expanded from goods trade to intellectual property rights, and intellectual property rights of friction has become the key areas of friction. As the growing competitiveness of Chinas foreign trade, new technology export surge, bilateral trade between the existence of a huge trade surplus, and Chinas intellectual property law system is not perfect, the independent innovation of domestic enterprises are weak, lack of core patented technology , intellectual property protection deficiencies and shortcomings, intellectual property barriers to trade policy limit to replace other means, as the U.S. Geological Chinese products to enter the market advantages of the new measures. From some previous cases of Sino-US trade friction, the U.S. and the friction of the main forms of intellectual property is Special 301 1 and 337 2 investigations, and use as the basis, asking the Chinese Government the United States to provide effective protection of intellectual property rights and prevent violations from occurring. This stage, the China-US trade friction between the intellectual property rights to further intensified the use of Section 337 investigation of the case more and more and more and more areas involved, the United States more use of 337 infringing on China products survey to restrict Chinese products to enter the U.S. market. Friction in Sino-US intellectual property dispute as the 337 with the existing Sino-US trade friction and general friction will be in a certain period of time long, and Sino-US trade friction as an important form. Based on the basic theory of interpretation and integration with some typical cases of the Sino-US trade friction on the status and generate intellectual property rights to analyze the root causes, the last under the actual conditions of China, two from the government and enterprises to make some macro and micro levels have actually operational recommendations.KEY WORDS: sino-US trade,trade friction ,intellectual property rightsTYPE OF THESIS: Applied Research西安交通大学城市学院论文IV目 录V目 录摘 要 .IABSTRACT.III目 录 .V1 引 言 .11.1 研究背景与研究意义 .11.2 研究思路与方法 .21.3 论文内容与结构 .21.4 研究结论和创新 .22 文献综述及理论基础 .52.1 相关文献综述 .52.2 贸易摩擦 .62.2.1 贸易摩擦的概念 .62.2.2
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