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2012 G 2.0 DOHC 手动变速器系统 专用工具 (M/T)Tool (Number and Name) Illustration Use 09200-38001 发动机支撑架 拆卸及安装变速器总成 2012 G 2.0 DOHC 手动变速器系统 故障诊断 (M/T)Symptom Probable cause Remedy 振动 ,噪音 发动机或变速器支架松动 齿轮轴向间隙过大 齿轮磨损或损坏 润滑油变质 润滑油不足 发动机怠速不稳 拧紧 调整端隙 更换 更换规定齿轮油 加油 调怠速 漏油 油封或 O形环损坏 更换油封或 O形环 换挡困难 操纵拉线损坏 同步环与齿轮锥面啮合不良或磨损 同步器弹簧过度疲劳 齿轮油等级不对 更换操纵拉线 修理或更换 更换同步器弹簧 更换指定齿轮油 易脱档 分离叉磨损或菌形弹簧折断 同步器鼓与接合套间隙过大 更换分离叉或菌形弹簧 更换同步器齿鼓与接合套 PROBLEM CHART (M/T) 2012 G 2.0 DOHC 手动变速器系统 技术参数( M/T)Model M5GF1 M5GF1-1 型式 5个前进档 ,1个倒档 传动比 2.0 DOHC 2.4 DOHC 2.7 V6 1档 3.636 3.455 3.231 2档 2.056 1.947 3档 1.296 .296 4档 0.943 0.943 5档 0.775 .775 倒档 3.455 3.455 主减速比 4.063 .882 4.063 维 修 标 准Item Standard value 差速器侧轴承端隙 差速器齿轮啮合间隙 前输入轴轴承卡簧端隙 后输入轴轴承卡簧端隙 前输出轴轴承卡簧端隙 后输出轴轴承卡簧端隙 5档输入齿轮卡簧端隙 3档输出齿轮卡簧端隙 0.05T 0.10T (0.0019T 0.0039T) mm (in.) 0.025L 0.150L (0.00095L 0.0057L) mm (in.) 0.01L 0.12L (0.00038L 0.0045L) mm (in.) 0.01L 0.12L (0.00038L 0.0045L) mm (in.) 0.01L 0.12L (0.00038L 0.0045L) mm (in.) 0.01L 0.09L (0.00038L 0.00342L) mm (in.) 0.01L 0.05L (0.00038L 0.0019L) mm (in.) 0.01L 0.05L (0.00038L 0.0019L) mm (in.) 规定扭矩( M/T)Item Nm kg cm lb ft 分离轴承套螺栓 5 8 50 80 4 6 分离叉轴安装螺母 27 40 270 400 20 29 变速杆 20 27 200 270 15 20 放油塞 30 35 300 350 22 26 提动球节 35 42 350 420 26 31 离合器壳与变速器壳安装螺栓 35 42 350 420 26 31 车速表从动齿轮螺栓 4 6 40 60 3 4 倒档惰轮螺栓 43 55 430 550 32 40 侧盖螺栓 10 12 100 120 7 8 换档拉线支架螺栓 20 27 200 270 15 20 分泵总成固定螺栓 15 22 150 220 11 16 变速杆支架 9 14 90 140 7 10 前支架与副车架螺栓 60 80 600 800 43 58 前支架中心螺栓与螺母 50 65 500 650 36 47 前支架与变速器螺栓 60 80 600 800 43 58 后支架与副车架螺栓 50 65 500 650 36 47 后支架中心螺栓与螺母 50 65 500 650 36 47 后支架与变速器螺栓 60 80 600 800 43 58 变速器副车架装配螺母 60 80 600 800 43 58 变速器支架螺栓 60 80 600 800 43 58 变速器支架中心螺栓 90 110 900 1100 65 80 前轴承座圈与止动体盖螺栓 15 22 150 220 10 16 润滑 ( M/T)Item Recommended lubricant Quantity变速器齿轮油 变速器输入轴花键 变速器油封边缘 变速器壳与离合器壳的定位面 HYUNDAI原厂润滑油 MTF75W/90,API-GL4 CASMOLY L9508 RETINAX AM, MOLYTEX GREASE EP-2 三元密封剂 1216 2.1 (2.2, 1.8) 适量 适量 适量 变速器壳与后壳的定位面 轴承挡圈螺栓(仅埋头螺栓) 三元密封剂 1216 三元密封剂 1303 适量 适量 检查各部位的漏油情况 ,并拆下车速传感器查看油量 ,如果油量不足 ,适当添加。 使用现代原厂齿轮油 MTF SAE 75W/90( API-GL-4)。 2012 G 2.0 DOHC 手动变速器系统 检 查及维 修 顺 序检 查 变 速器油1.2.3.更换变速器齿轮油1. 将车辆停在平坦地面上拉紧驻车制动器 ,并松开放油塞排出变速器油。 2. 换上新垫片拧紧放油塞。 3. 拆下加注孔螺塞 ,添加变速器油。 更 换 半 轴 油封1. 从变速器中拆下半轴。 2. 用平口螺丝刀拆卸油封。 3. 用专用工具( 09431-21200)安装半轴油封。 4. 油封上涂适量齿轮油。 变速器齿轮油:北京现代纯正品齿轮油 SAE 75W/90或 API GL-4。 Inspect each component for evidence of leakage. Check the gear oil level by removing the filler plug. If the oil is contaminated, it is necessary toreplace it with new oil. Use HYUNDAI GENUINE PARTS MTF SAE 75W/90 (API GL-4). SERVICE ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURESTRANSAXLE GEAR OIL LEVEL INSPECTION1. Remove oil filler plug and check level with finger. 2. Oil level must be up to fill the hole, add oil until it runs over. Then reinstall plug. 3. Replace the oil so that the transaxle gear oil is not dirty, and so that it is of a suitable viscosity. REPLACEMENT OF TRANSAXLE GEAR OIL1. With the vehicle parked on a level surface, remove the drain plug and drain the transaxle oil. 2. Replace the gasket with a new one and install the drain plug. 3. Add new oil through the filler plug and, fill it to just below the plug opening. Standard value Transaxle oil total capacity : 2.1 lit (2.2 U.S.qts., 1.8 imp.qts.) DRIVE SHAFT OIL SEAL REPLACEMENT1. Disconnect the drive shaft from the transaxle (Refer to DS group). 2. Using a flat-tip screwdriver, remove the oil seal. 3. Using the special tool (09431-21200), tap the drive shaft oil seal into the transaxle. 4. Apply a coating of gear oil to the oil seal. Transaxle gear oil : HYUNDAI GENUINE PARTS MTF 75W/90 API GL-4. Disconnect the drive shaft form the transaxle (Refer to DS group). Inspect each component for evidence of leakage. Check the gear oil level by removing the filler plug. If the oil is contaminated, it is necessary toreplace it with new oil. Use HYUNDAI GENUINE PARTS MTF SAE 75W/90 (API GL-4). SERVICE ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURESTRANSAXLE GEAR OIL LEVEL INSPECTION1. Remove oil filler plug and check level with finger. 2. Oil level must be up to fill the hole, add oil until it runs over. Then reinstall plug. 3. Replace the oil so that the transaxle gear oil is not dirty, and so that it is of a suitable viscosity. REPLACEMENT OF TRANSAXLE GEAR OIL1. With the vehicle parked on a level surface, remove the drain plug and drain the transaxle oil. 2. Replace the gasket with a new one and install the drain plug. 3. Add new oil through the filler plug and, fill it to just below the plug opening. Standard value Transaxle oil total capacity : 2.1 lit (2.2 U.S.qts., 1.8 imp.qts.) DRIVE SHAFT OIL SEAL REPLACEMENT1. Disconnect the drive shaft from the transaxle (Refer to DS group). 2. Using a flat-t
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