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M1-M8重点句子翻译,12/25/2017,他是我的朋友但他不在我们班托尼是我的名,史密斯是我的姓好大的一个家庭呀!这是你姐姐么?我妈妈的父母在左边她旁边的女士是我爸爸的妹妹,我的姑姑丽丽他们是保罗的儿子和女儿,我的堂兄妹,麦克和海伦我爸爸是演员,我妈妈是剧院的经理,He is my friend,but he is not in my classTony is my fist name and smith is my last name What a big family!Is this your sister?The woman next to her is my dads sister ,my aunt lilyThose are pauls son and daughter,my cousins,mike and helenMy father is an actor and my mother is the manager of the theatre,12/25/2017,我的电话号码是223689我可以问一下你的电话号码么请告诉我你的名字好么那个高个子男人是我爸爸,年轻的男孩是我我能看一下你的家庭照片么他们是我的堂兄弟和哥哥我想要像姐姐那样成为一名老师我的父母都是医生,My phone number is 223689May I know your phone number May I know your name ,please?The tall man is my father and the young man is me Can I see your family photo?They are my cousins and brotherI want to be a teacher like my sister My parents are both doctors,12/25/2017,你在英国的教室是什么样的我们班有30个学生每个人的桌上都有电脑么我们学校有6个建筑物:图书馆,办公楼,教学楼,餐厅,体育馆和科学实验室,Whats your classroom in England like ?There are thirty students in my classAre there computers on everyones desk?There are six buildings in our school:a library.an office building.a classroom building,a dining hall.a sports hall and a science building.,12/25/2017,教学楼右边是食堂图书馆在操场的左边,在校门附近你的食物和饮料健康么肉是健康的,但是吃太多肉对孩子并不好多吃水果和蔬菜,不吃糖果和冰激凌,On the right of the clssroom building is the dining hallThe library is on the left of the playground near the school gate Is your food and drink healthy?Meat is healthy but too much meat is not good for childrenEat lots of fruit and vegetables,not candy or ice cream,12/25/2017,所以你可以看出,我关注健康我不喜欢垃圾食品,因为他不健康大多数人想要看起来年轻我们周一有什么课程它是我最喜欢的学科,因为他很有趣他们去操场踢足球,但我不喜欢踢足球,So you can see,I look after my health .I dont like eating junk food,beacause its unhealthyMost of people like to look youngWhat are our lessons on Monday?Its my favorite subjuect beacause its very interestingThey go to playground and play football ,but I dont like football,12/25/2017,动物园有许多动物,比如狮子大象他吃植物叶子,但是他不吃肉这种黑白相间的动物是全世界人们的最爱有大约200种猴子他喜欢和朋友玩,喜欢吃草,The zoo has many kinds of animals ,such as lions ,elephantsIt eats plants ,but it doesnt eat meatThis black and white animal is favourite of people all over the world There are about 200 kinds of monkeys,He likes to play with his frends and eat grass,12/25/2017,我家里有台电脑,我和爸爸共同试用它在网上,我搜寻信息,做作业,并查看我的电子邮件我能通过网络看到她并同她交谈不是所有的男孩子都喜欢玩电脑游戏,There is a computer in my home ,and my father and I share itOn the internet ,I search for information ,do my homework and check my emailI can see her and talk to her on the internetNot all the boys like playing computer games,12/25/2017,中国的生日宴会上经常做什么?大明的祖父母想要保持健康,所以他们每天在他们家附近的公园锻炼身体她喜欢去购物,并且总是买贵的衣服为别人选礼物是不容易的感谢这么好的礼物,What do you usually do at a chinese birthday partyDamings grandparents like to stay healthy so every day they get some exercise in a park near their homeShe likes going shopping and always buys expensive clothesIts not easy to choose a present for othersThanks for such good presents,12/25/2017,我站在中国的长城上和你讲话我们正在很高兴的享受学校组织的旅行这里有许多人在度假那边的人正在做什么春节在我们国家很重要他通常在一月,但有事会在二月,Im standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you We are enjoy the school trip a lotThere are many people here on vacation What are the people over there doing Spring Festival is very important in my country It usually comes in february,but sometimes it comes in january,
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