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有史以来最狂妄的英文演讲【打印】【关闭】as everone knos,english is ver important toda.it has been used everhere in the orld.it has bee the most mon language on internet and for international trade. if e an speak english ell,e ill have more hane to sueed.beause more and more people have taken notie of it,the number of the people ho go to learn english has inreased at a high speed.but for mself,i learn english not onl beause of its importane and itsusefulness,but also beause of m love for it.hen i learn english, i an feel a different a of thinking hih gives me more room to touh the orld.hen i read english novels,i an feel the pleasure from the book hih is different from reading the translation.hen i speak english, i an feel the onfident from m ords.hen i rite english,i an see the beaut hih is not the same as our hinesei love english,it gives me a olorful dream.i hope i an travel around the orld one da. ith m good english, i an make friends ith man people from different ontries.i an see man plaes of great intrests.i dream that i an go to london,beause it is the birth plae of english.i also ant to use m good english to introdue our great plaes to the english spoken people,i hope that the an love our ountr like us.i kno, rome as not built in a da. i believe that after ontinuous hard stud, one da i an speak english ver ell.if ou ant to be loved, ou should learn to love and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everda , it ill love me too.i am sure that i ill realize m dream one da!thank ou!i love ou,hina201X-6-4:20页面功能 【字体:大 中 小】【打印】【关闭】good morning, ladies and gentlemen, im ver glad to make a speeh here. toda m topi is “i love ou, hina.”sine the da i as born, i began to have a proud namehinese. sine the da i began to talk, the most beautiful sentene ive ever learnt has been “i love ou, hina!”i love ou, hina, and im so proud of being a hinese. im proud that ive got the beautiful ello skin, blak ees and blak hair. im also proud that i speak the most beautiful language in the orldhinese.i love ou, hina, for i an feel the deep love ou give me ever da, ever minute. last ear, i got an opportunit to visit the united states of ameria. during m staing there, m fathers boss one invited m famil to dinner. hile at , he looked at me and asked: “little bo, ho long have ou been in ameria?” “about a month,” i ansered, “ho luk ou are!” he said, “if ou ere living in hina, ho ould ou learn suh perfet english?” i smiled and told him proudl that all the students in hina are able to learn english at shool. i sa his surprised ees and said to mself, “im proud of ou, hina珍爱生命之水 herish the ater 201X-2-26:32页面功能 【字体:大 中 小】【打印】【关闭】m dear teahers,fello students and friends:good afternoonas e all kno, the earth is a planet almost overed b ater,and it is ater made ever thing on the earth livelater is also one of the important part of ourenvironmentthough,is there reall so muh ater for us to lean,to produe man things,to pla ith? ho muh ater are there on the earth then?most of the ater is in the oeans or loked XX as iethe largest volumes offresh ater are stored underground as groundater,imagine there is onl one barrel of ater in the orld,then there is onl a spoon of it on the land,and the ater e an use is onl a drop of itno i have to remind all of ou here that the single drop of ater is never as lean as before,it has been polluted severel b our human beingsthere is a ver beautiful river in parisit is the seine,it runs aross the it,people drink offee, hat on the bank in the da,at night,the enjo the beautiful sener in the boat,songs from the river fl into the sk made the river more attrative, the seine is a famous smbol of frane;on the est oast of paifi oean there lies the modern it shanghai,another river hih used to be a ver important transportation route runs through the enter of the it,people respeted and regard it as mother it is the suzhou river,but l believe that fe of ou ould sit beside it,people ill be sattered b the terrible smell of ater hen alk bi have to sa it is extremel dirt! and e all kno that a lot of beautiful rivers in the orld also are sharing the same fate ith suzhou river ho is the devil? i ant help askingman human ativities and their b-produts have the potential to pollute ater. please have a look along the banks of the river, large and small industrial enterprises disharge dirtater, tons of garbage ere thron into the river, the ater ontained so muh that it ant lean itself. pared ith the dramati development in man sides of shanghai, the suzhou river has bee a blak point of the appearane of it.fortunatel, the government has ontrol the situation no, e are happ to see some parts of the river has bee lean again, and e even an find fish sometime.the unique earth is the onl planet full of lives, the ater is just like the blood in the ative bod, proteting ater is saving ourselves. not to aste a single drop of ater, otherise, the onl drop of ater e ould keep in the future ould be our tear!m dear friends,
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