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网络文化,Shopping online,white-collar(白领),1.美特斯邦威:不加寻常班 2、特步: 加班,死一般的感觉 3、百事:加班无极限 4、森马:上什么公司,加什么班 5、脑白金:今年过节不加班,加班只加节假日 6、汇仁肾宝:他加我也加 7、李宁:加班,一切皆有可能 8、旺旺:你加,我加,大家加,加加 9、农夫山泉:加了有点烦 10、好迪:大家加,才是真的加 11、白加黑:白天加白班,不瞌睡;晚上加晚班,睡不着,宅男宅女语录,1、别说和我比懒,又说懒得和我比。切!这种不负责任,一时一样的想法,我都懒得去想。2、日上三竿头,人约黄昏后。起床大叫:“啊!天又开始黑了,又要睡觉了!”3、我懒?我容易吗我?看见美女我都懒得眨眼睛!,make a reservation(订餐),The smallest house in the world,据中新网据外电15日报道,近日美国的购物网站推出了一套号称“世界上最小的房子”,此房子仅有大约6平方米,售价约为3.9万美元(约合人民币24.7万元)。据报道,这套微型住房采用木质结构,虽然面积只有区区6平方米,但内部设施却一应俱全,包括双人床、厨房、卫生间、浴室以及迷你冰箱等。,Buying clothes,网上购物的孩子伤不起,以后没有那帅哥的身材,也没那帅哥的气场,还是老老实实做农民吧!,哎,以后没那萝莉的脸,也没那御姐的身材,姐还是捂着钱袋好,模特是仙范, 真人效果是格格巫“!,skills for buying clothes,1; Finding the clothes in the shop and write down their model number(型号)and bland(品牌),then you buy them online .2; Buying clothes in the online shop with high credibility(信用度高)and high evaluation(评价高).3; Youd better see the real photos instead of the fuzzy(失真的)pictures.,Be careful,据了解,犯罪嫌疑人张某在北京做快递工作,由于住在北京市朝阳区某小区的付女士经常在网上购物,负责送货的张某认为付女士比较阔绰,遂产生抢劫恶念。7月30日晚,张某以送货为名骗开付女士的家门,见仅有她一人在家,遂实施抢劫并将她杀死,Nerbs,In our eyes, they are,Slightly overweight,Dishevelled(乱蓬蓬的) hair,Chubby(肉肉的) or thin armsNo underwear,No make-up,Characteristics in Life-style,Cant do anything without computer&netIrregular timetableDont like to connect with stangersCollectomania(收藏癖)Keep a dairy,The damages of being nerbs,Being sub-healthBeing remote from the social circle and realityGeting blue and less self-confident,Some advice,Do more outdoor activities,Connecting with friends,Having regular timetable,Web celebrities,Web celebrities,Nerbs,In our eyes, they are,Slightly overweight,Dishevelled(乱蓬蓬的) hair,Chubby(肉肉的) or thin armsNo underwear,No make-up,Characteristics in Life-style,Cant do anything without computer&netIrregular timetableDont like to connect with stangersCollectomania(收藏癖)Keep a dairy,The damages of being nerbs,Being sub-healthBeing remote from the social circle and realityGeting blue and less self-confident,Some advice,Do more outdoor activities,Connecting with friends,Having regular timetable,Thank You,Dufu is busy,Thank You,
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