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,Unit 4Wildlife protection,必修2,_ Yu Ying,Have a dictation,Do some exercises,Review the key sentences,1_(n.) 损失;遗失;丧失2_(vt.) 检查;观察3_(n.) 事件;事变4. _(vt.) 鉴赏;感激;意识到5_ (vi.利用(时间、精力等)10. _(vi.)成功;(vt.)接替;继任 11. _(n.& vt.)损害;危害12. _(n.) 距离;远方,lossinspectincidentappreciatedecreaseprotectrespondaffectemploysucceedharmdistance,单 词 速 记,基础回 顾 自主排查 区,结束放映,单 词 速 记,基础回 顾 自主排查 区,appreciate(vt)secure(adj) decrease(vt&vi)protect(vt)respond(vi)employ (vt)distant(adj)relief(n)mercy(n)contain(vt)affect(vt)success(n)harm(n),_appreciation(n)_security(n)_increase(vt&vi)_protective(adj)protection(n)_response(n)_employer (n)employee (n)_distance(n)_relieve(vt)_merciful(adj)merciless(adj)_container(n)_affection(n)effect_succeed(vi)successful(adj)_harmful(adj)harmless(adj),重点短语, 用所给词的适当形式填空,语境应用,1Eating too much every day is _to our health,that is to say,eating too much every day does _to our health.(harm)2None of the students _ to her question;that is to say,her question failed to get a _ from any of the students.(respond)3He _ his father as manager of the company.Soon their business became very _.Lots of people wanted to know the secret of his _.(succeed),response,responded,harm,succeeded,harmful,successful,success,1 _和平/和睦地;安祥地2 _灭亡;逐渐消失3 _ 突然笑起来4 _ 注意5 _ 按照,根据所说6 _在危险中;垂危7 _ 如释重负;松了口气8 _保护不受(危害)9 _ 形成;产生10 _以至于;结果11 _ 转过身;向后转,in peacedie out burst into laughter pay attention to according to in danger(of) in relief protect.from come into being so that turn around,短 语 回 顾,结束放映,返回导航页,重点短语, 选用以上短语填空,语境应用,1Since you four are roommates,I hope you can live_with each other.2Its important to_your skin _ the harmful effects of the sun.3This species has nearly_because its habitat is being destroyed.4The scientist explained in his book how the universe _.5The little boy was once _losing his sight.Fortunately,a doctor helped him out of danger.6Be sure to_protecting the environment and think of others while traveling.,came into being,protect from,died out,in peace,in danger of,pay attention to,结束放映,返回导航页,(1)as在句中引导方式状语从句,意为“按照;如同”。,1.Thats good news.It shows the importance of wildlife protection,but Id like to help as the WWF suggests.,这是个好消息,它表明了保护野生动物的重要性,不过我想按照世界野生生物基金会的建议帮助你们。,句型必备,结束放映,返回导航页,As the old saying goes,“When in Rome,do as Romans do.”,(1)as在句中引导方式状语从句,意为“按照;如同,像.一样”,通常位于主句之后。,句型必备,结束放映,返回导航页,翻译句子:你必须按我说的去做。,You must do as I say.,翻译句子:你最好按照我的样子去做一切事情。,Youd better do everthing as I do.,扩 展 延 伸,(2015四川高考写作)To master English,I strongly suggest you should practice with American people.Only through practice can you find the beauty of this language.,(2)suggest,用作“建议”时其从句要用“(should)动词原形”,即虚拟语气,为了掌握英语,我强烈建议你多与美国人练习,只有通过练习你才能发现其语言的美。,结束放映,返回导航页,A,2It is a pity that in the story nobody helped the dodo.,名师指津:It+be+n+that从句,it作为形式主语引导的主语从句。类似的名词还有a fact,an honor,a surprise等。例句仿写:真遗憾你错过了这次出国留学的好机会。_ _ _ _ _ you have missed such a good chance to go abroad.,It is a pity that,结束放映,返回导航页,翻译句子:地球围绕太阳转是事实。,It is a fact that the earth moves around the sun.,很遗憾,在故事里,没人帮助渡渡鸟。,A,3.This is the only home of the red Colobus monkey but there are very few left.,名师指津:There be (no).left to do sth. 没留下。例句仿写:快点,我们赶最后一班车的时间不多了。Hurry up,_ _ _ _ _ for us to catch up with the last bus.,there is few time left,结束放映,返回导航页,翻译句子:没钱为这条小狗买食物了。,There is no money left to buy food for the little dog.,翻译句子:没有时间去浪费了。,There is no time left to waste.,A,4They learned this from the way the bones were joined together.,名师指津:the way是先行词,后跟定语从句。(1)the way在定语从句中充当方式状语例句仿写:诚实地说,我们钦佩他解决那个问题的方法。To be honest,we admired _ _ _/_he solved the problem.,the way that in which,结束放映,返回导航页,他们根据骨骼连接的方式了解到这一点。,翻译句子:我不喜欢你跟我说话的方式。,I dont like the way that/in which you talk to me.,you talk to me in the way.the way充当从句方式状语。,A,结束放映,返回导航页,翻译句子:I want to know the way that/which he told you yesterday.,我想知道他昨天告诉你的方法。,(2)way后接定语从句时,如果关系词在从句中作主语或宾语则用关系代词that/which,作宾语时还可以省略,注:the way在从句中充当told的宾语,A,结束放映,返回导航页,Thank you!,27/Sept,Homework:page43-45,
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