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特首選舉將至,疑似候選人開始表示有意參選,引起傳媒高度關注,令政圈一時之間變得鬧哄哄。美國總統也將在2012年換屆,上屆共和黨副總統候選人佩林沒有宣布參選,但一直以疑似候選人的身份出盡風頭。不過,共和黨另一女將、明尼蘇達州眾議員Michele Bachmann公布角逐共和黨總統提名後,傳媒立刻轉移視線。時代周刊文章 The BachmannBoomlet (短暫的榮景)(巴赫曼的剎那光輝) 通俗生動地描寫了各界的反應。首先,作者以一連串比喻描繪傳媒對巴赫曼的關注。和香港一樣,美國人把選舉喻為跑馬仔 ,sweepstakes意即彩池:The Bachmann Express is the first big surge(急升) by afresh face in the 2012 Republican-primary sweepstakes(彩池). Reporters have dropped their obsession(痴迷)with Sarah Palin and scampered(奔跑) in Bachmannsdirection like dogs ditching(丟棄) chewed-up bones for afresh slice of porter-house(上等的腰肉牛排). 在2012共和黨初選彩池中,巴赫曼快車是第一個人氣急升的新面孔。記者放下對佩林的null迷,奔向巴赫曼,就像狗兒為了一塊新鮮的牛排,丟掉嚼過的骨頭。民主黨擔憂巴赫曼崛起民主黨人十分擔憂,因為巴赫曼比佩林更有實力:Liberals already nervous about the Presidents failureson the economy and his cynical(缺乏誠意的) wiggling(擺動) on gay marriage now curse at a new villain(反面人物)on their television screens, secretly hoping Tina Fey doessomething and quick, because this new GOP(共和黨別稱Grand Old Party的簡寫) bogeywoman(傳說中的惡魔) seems far more polished(圓熟幹練), and thereforemore worrisome, than Palin ever was.總統奧巴馬挽救經濟無力,對同性戀婚姻的立場左搖右擺,早已令民主黨的自由主義者大為null急。現在他們正咒罵null這個電視上的新歹角,暗地希望電視製作人兼演員Tina Fey趕快做點事情(像之前模仿嘲弄佩林一樣),因為這個新的共和黨女魔頭比佩林圓熟幹練得多,因此更令人擔憂。共和黨不看好女候選人然而,共和黨人也不高興:GOP professionals curse under their breath and reachfor another Excedrin(止頭痛藥). Damn, they say, what isit about our party base and hopelessly unelectablewomen in snappy(時髦的) outfits?共和黨的專業人士一邊暗暗咒罵,一邊去拿止頭痛藥。該死!他們說:我黨的支持者,還有這些穿null時髦但全無勝算的女人究竟在搞甚麼?美國政界仍充斥大男人主義,共和黨的保守派人士尤其不對女候選人寄予任何希望,所以說巴赫曼的人氣很可能只是剎那光輝。高級程度會考成績上月尾放榜,null生商學書院再次成為大贏家,全數包辦4個六優狀元。null生書院高考成績驕人,名校效應突出,同時普通學校如何提升辦學質量、惠及更多學生更應受到關注,避免本港的中學教育兩極分化。null生書院近年高考屢創佳績,已成為出產高考狀元的超級A工廠 。在名牌效應的驅動下,自然可以吸引全港最優質學生和教師,形成學生學校互相得益的 良性循環 ,這亦是高考狀元多出自傳統名校的普遍現象。因此,傳統名校成為社會、學生趨之若鶩的入讀對象。名校畢竟是精英教育的產物,只佔本港學校的一小部分,能夠入讀名校的學生亦屬極少數。高考放榜後,輿論焦點只集中在名校的狀元身上,這對於名校而言是錦上添花,但社會的關注點應更多地落在大多數的普通學校上面。普通學校才是本港辦學的主體,與本港千千萬萬的學生前途乃至社會的未來息息相關,普通學校教學水平不斷提升,縮窄與傳統名校的差距, 培養 出更多合格升讀大學的學生,才是芸芸學子的福音。因此,教育當局應考慮在資源上給予適當支援扶持普通學校,傳統名校亦應加強與普通中學的交流合作,傳授成功的辦學經驗,以便提高本港的整體教育水平,這也是對學生、社會負責任的態度。Results of the Hong Kong Advanced LevelExamination(HKALE) were released at the end of lastmonth and the Hang Seng School of Commerce onceagain became the biggest winner as all four topperformers who got six A grades had come from this singleschool. The schools excellent performance in the HKALEreinforces the halo effect of elite schools. However, what isneeded now is more emphasis to be put on how ordinaryschools can improve their quality of teaching and benefitmore students so thatpolarization of secondaryeducation in Hong Kongcan be prevented.The Hang Seng Schoolof Commerce has beenachieving good results inthe HKALE in recent yearsand has become a “superproducer” of HKALE topperformers. Buoyed by theelite effect, the schoolattracts the best studentsand teachers in theterritory, creating avirtuous circle in whichboth the students and theschool are benefited. Thisalso is the reason thataccounts for the fact that HKALE top performersnormally come from traditional elite schools. As a resultof this, these elite schools receive high regard from thecommunity and students are in a race for a seat.However, elite schools are after all a product of eliteeducation. They constitute only a small part of the schoolsystem in Hong Kong and just a very small number ofstudents are able to get a place in these schools. After therelease of HKALE results, public attention focused onlyon the high achievers from the elite schools. As faras the elite schools are concerned, this is merely likeicing on the cake. In fact, society should place moreemphasis on the majority ordinary schools. Ordinaryschools, constituting the main part of the educationsystem in Hong Kong, have a strong bearing on thefuture of the thousands of students in Hong Kong andthat of the society as a whole. Only when the ordinaryschools can upgrade their teaching standards, narrow thegap from elite schools and nurture more studentsqualified for university education can the vast majority ofstudents truly benefit. Therefore, the authorities in chargeof education should consider allocating more resources togive appropriate support and assistance to ordinaryschools. On the other hand, the elite schools should havemore exchanges and cooperation with ordinary schoolsand share their success experience in running schools.With these initiatives, the overall standard of education inHong Kong can be improved. For the sake of studentsand society at large, this is the right responsible approach. Translation by 開明 chi.ming818gmail.comWEN WEI EDUCATIONA40二一一年七月十五日(星期五)辛卯年六月十五逢星期三、五出版熱線:2873 8990 傳真:2873 1451電郵:eduwenweipo.comhttp:/www.wenweipo.com【責任編輯:楊偉聰 】 【版面設計:吳景強 】文江學海這是本專欄今年最後一篇文章,我們繼續重溫A至Z共26本世界名著,考考大家哪位作家寫出哪本作品,以及他們是甚麼國籍或民族。上星期我們考核了首13本,即A至M;今周,我們測試餘下的13本,即N至Z。N至Q字首名著請替下列4部巨著配上正確的作者名字,並說出他們的國籍或民族 (當中可以有多於一個人屬於同一國籍或民族) 。作品:1. No Exit( 沒有出路或密室 );2. TheOld Man and the Sea( 老人與海 );3. Pride andPrejudice( 傲慢與偏見 );4. The Quiet American( 沉靜的美國人 ) 。作者:A.海明威(Ernest Hem
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