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,Helping Consumers to Remember,CHAPTER 13,Helping Consumers Remember,Helping Consumers Remember,Failing to remember is a common occurrence in consumer behaviorSuch memory failures in the context of product purchase and consumption translates into lost sales and profitsConsumers ability to remember also plays a role in advertising effectiveness,Helping Consumers Remember,Advertisings long-term effects may depend on consumer memoryAdvertising may focus on activating consumers memory of past consumption experiencesConsumer memory is also an important part of nostalgia advertising appeals which evoke favorable memories of the past,Helping Consumers Remember,Remembering consists of:,Cognitive learning: getting information into memoryRetrieval: getting it back out,Cognitive Learning: Rehearsal,Cognitive learning occurs when information processed in short-term memory is stored in long-term memory,Cognitive Learning: Rehearsal,Cognitive learning occurs when information processed in short-term memory is stored in long-term memoryRehearsal involves the mental repetition of information or, the recycling of information through short-term memoryRehearsal may be described as a form of inner speech,Cognitive Learning: Rehearsal,Helps maintain information in short-term memoryAids in the transfer of information in short-term memory to long-term memory,Rehearsal serves two functions:,Cognitive Learning: Rehearsal,Greater rehearsal increases the strength of long-term memory trace, thereby enhancing the likelihood that trace can later be retrieved,Helps maintain information in short-term memoryAids in the transfer of information in short-term memory to long-term memory,Rehearsal serves two functions:,Cognitive Learning: Elaboration,Elaboration: the degree of integration between the stimulus and existing knowledge,Cognitive Learning: Elaboration,Elaboration: the degree of integration between the stimulus and existing knowledgeAt low levels of elaboration, stimuli are processed in much the same way they are encounteredAt greater levels of elaboration, more links between the new information and information stored in memory are created,JAN 16,Using greater level of elaboration to remember the same license plate number,Elaboration,Using low level of elaboration to remember a license plate number,A J N 2 6 8,Cognitive Learning: Elaboration,Intentional learningIncidental learning,Motivation plays a role in the amount of elaboration a person employs to remember,Cognitive Learning: Elaboration,Knowledge allows more meaningful elaborationAbility to learn depends on both individual and environmental factors,Intentional learningIncidental learning,Motivation plays a role in the amount of elaboration a person employs to remember,Cognitive Learning: Mental Representations,Mental representations: the particular manner in which information is stored in long-term memory,Cognitive Learning: Mental Representations,Mental representations: the particular manner in which information is stored in long-term memoryStimuli may be stored in same form in which they appear, or transformed (the price of a dress may be remembered as $200 or expensive),Cognitive Learning: Mental Representations,Dual coding proposes that information can be stored in both semantic and visual forms,Using Mental Representations To Increase Learning,Cognitive Learning: Mental Representations,Dual coding proposes that information can be stored in both semantic and visual formsHaving multiple representations increases the number of possible mental pathways that can be traveled when trying to remember,Cognitive Learning: Mental Representations,Associative network: memory nodes containing bits of information are linked to other memory nodes in a series of hierarchical networks,Walt Disney World Resort,Parks,Great Fun,Expensive,MGM Studios,Animal Kingdom,Epcot,Located in Orlando,Magic Kingdom,Disney,An Associative Network for Disney (partial),Retrieval,Retrieval: the activation of information stored in long-term memory that is then transferred into short-term memoryThe cycle of remembering,The Cycle of Remembering,Short-term Memory,The Cycle of Remembering,Long-term Memory,Short-term Memory,Learning,The Cycle of Remembering,Long-term Memory,Short-term Memory,Retrieval,Learning,Retrieval,Successful retrieval depends on:,Strength of memory trace of the to-be-remembered informationThe number and strength of linkages between the to-be-remembered item and other memory nodesSpreading activation: activating one memory node creates a ripple effect that spreads throughout its linkages to other nodes,Retrieval,Retrieval can be enhanced by retrieval cues: stimuli that activate information in memory relevant to the to-be-remembered information,Retrieval: Forgetting,Forgetting: the failure to retrieve something from memoryDecay theory: memories grow weaker with the passage of time,Retrieval: Forgetting,
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