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High Speed Mud Motors,Motor vs Turbine,1976,Today,Navi-Drill M3,1981,Turbine,Navi-Drill M2,1983,Navi-Drill M1C,1985,DTU,1986,FAB,1989,AKO,Short Radius Motor,1990,M1P, M1P/HF,1995,Ultra Series,2002,X-treme,Ultra X-treme,History of INTEQ Downhole Motors,Drive Mechanism :Impact of mud flow,Drive Mechanism :Displacement by mud,Turbine,Mud Motor,Turbine / Positive Displacement Motor,Turbines Characteristics (Mud Weight),20% reduction in mud weight = 20 % reduction in power output,Turbines Characteristics (Flow Rate),20% reduction in flow rate = 50 % reduction in power output,PDM Characteristics (Flow Rate),20% reduction in flow rate = 20 % reduction in power output,Operating Point,PDM Characteristics (WOB),20% reduction in torque (WOB) = 20 % reduction in delta pressure,Operating Point,Motor Bearing Assembly,6 3/4” Ultra and Ultra X-tremeStandard Bearings 36 klbs (16 t)Premium Bearings41 klbs (18 t)Diamond Bearings63 klbs (28 t),6 3/4” X-tremeStandard Bearings54 klbs (24 t)Diamond Bearing 68 klbs (30 t),Ball Bearings,DiamondBearings,High Speed Motor Experience & Reliability,High Speed Motor Tech Data Example,Saving of 45 % with 6 X-Treme High Speed Motor in 8 phase,Well DetailsLocation: Rio de Janeiro Submarino, 3-RJS-646, Extenso Sul do Tupi (South Estension of Tupi just a name)Date: July 2007Hole size: 8 Well type: VerticalFormation: 9 Phase - Calcarenito + Calcilutito 8 Phase - Coquinas + Folhelho/CalcareousObjectivesIncrease in Phase performance, using impregnate bitIncrease in ROP compared to last phase.Optimization of the high location costs.INTEQ SolutionHigh Speed Motor 6 Xtreme.Ontrak / SoundTrak.Used ParametersWOB - 15-20 KlbRPM: 90 surface + 930 on motor ( 1000 RPM on Bit)Flow in: 530 gpm; Mud Weight 10.2 lb/galDifferential pressure of 500 psiSurface Torque between 7-9 KLb/ft,ObservationsNormal drilling between the range of 5145m to 5300mHeave of 4m, with compensator fully workingResults25% increase in ROPOnly one Run for the 8 whole phase45% savings per drilled meter compared to the 9 phase.Motor did not present any overgauge nor draining.,Answers While Drilling: PETROBRAS, Well 3 - RJS-646 - SS-53,9” Phase Total Average Cost US$ 9900 per meter,Russia, Astrakhansky Field,Performance Drilling to optimize ROP in hard formations,Benefit & value to ENI:The Worlds longest ever 6-3/4”M4XL-P X-treme motor runFirst deployment of 6 ” M4XL-P X-treme in 8 ” Hole Size with HH356 Hedgehog Bit8-” HH356 bit drilled 361m in 254 hours to 6355m vertical depth with an average ROP of 1.4mThe Motor proved its durability and collected 484 total motor hours without changing major components,6 ” M4XL-P X-treme8 ” Hole Size,Italy, Villafortuna Field,Performance Drilling to optimize ROP in hard formations,Benefit & Value to ENI:350 m section successful drilled with High Speed motors of alternated marl, limestone and quarzitic conglomerate Improved average run length from 25 m (offset) to 113mImproved the average ROP from 0.85 m/h to 1.1 m/h (28% improvement over turbine offset data),9 ” M4 Navi-Drill 12 ” Hole Size,Libya, Nakhla Field, 2003,Benefit & Value to Wintershall:Highest ROP achieved by utilizing High Speed X-treme motorsImproved the gross ROP by 430% compared to previous wells drilled conventionally without a motor systems. Drilled the section in 61 circ hours over a 5 day period reducing the time to 50% of the offset,4 ” X-treme HS6” Hole Size,X-treme Case History (MER) - Hard and abrasive formations,Performance Drilling to optimize ROPin hard formations,Benefit & Value to Sonatrach-HessImproved average ROP by 47% using an X-treme HS motor. Achieved ROP was 3.9 m/h compared to 2.65 m/h (offset)Drilled 113 m of hard formation in a single run to TDSaved more than 13.5 hours and over $30,000 for the client.X-treme HS motor required less pump/rig power than turbine,4 ” X-treme HS6” Hole Size,3,9,2,6,0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,Competitor/Turbine,INTEQ,Achieved average ROP m/h,Project Objectives Ketch 03: Run 4. ” M1 XL Xtreme and M4 XL motors to increase ROP compared to off set wells (Ketch 01/02) drilled with turbines Drill through the Silverpit and Barren Red formations with the Xtreme motor and a PDC bit Complete the section with a M4XL / Impreg combination after penetrating the coal measures,Project Results Ketch 03: The Xtreme motor drilled significantly faster than turbines (2443 ft within 77,9 hrs in two runs) One round trip was required due to a bit failure The Xtreme motor with the PDC bit drilled the coal measures (31 ft/hr) faster than the turbines (12 ft/hr) with an impreg. bit Turbines have proved unable to drill the coal measures with PDC bits,Case history for Ketch wells 01 - 03,Ketch 01 - 03 / November - 1999,Operator: MaerskField, well no: Ketch 01 - 03Hole size: 6”Formation: SilverpitLocation: Off shore, North SeaDate: November 1999,
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