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Unit 6 Natural disasters Welcome to the unitComic strips,Teaching aims:To introduce the topic of disastersTo identify weather conditions and label pictures with correct wordsTo identify vocabulary related to the topic,Whats the weather like?,What is it ?,Its sunny.,sun,What is it?,rain,a rainstorm,Whats the weather like?,Its rainy.,What is it?,Whats the weather like?,typhoon,Its windy.,What is it?,Whats the weather like?,thunder and lightning,Its bad weather, its going to rain .,What is it?,Whats the weather like?,a snowstorm,Its snowy.,snow,Look at the pictures. Write the correct names under the picture.,typhoon,thunder and lightning,rainstorm,snowstorm,The boy was walking home when the typhoon came.,The girl was doing homework in her bedroom when the thunder and lightning came.,A man and a woman were walking in the water,People were having dinner at home when the the snowstorm came.,Practice: Make some sentences,The boy was walking home when the typhoon came.,The girl was doing homework in her bedroom when the thunder and lightning came.,A man and a woman were walking in the water,People were having dinner at home when the the snowstorm came.,Langue points:,was walking /was doing homework/were having dinner过去进行时(表示过去某个时间正在发生的事情),结构: was/were (not) + doing,What is the weather like?What happened to Hobo?,Questions,1 What is the weather like?2 What happened to Hobo?3 What was Hobo doing when it started to rain?4 When did Hobo hear the rain?5 What happened to Hobos house?6 Why doesnt he want to go home alone?,1. What was the weather like?,2. What happened to Hobbo?,3. What was Hobo doing when it started to rain?,It was raining.,He got wet.,He was sleeping.,4. When did Hobo hear the rain?,Half an hour later.,5. What happened to Hobos house?,The floor was all wet.,6. Why doesnt he want to go home alone.,He needs Eddie to mop all the water up.,Fill in the blanks:,One day, Hobo came to Eddies house, because his own house was_ . He _when it began to _. And he didnt hear the rain _. He asked Eddie to _because he wanted Eddie to _ in his house.,all wet,was sleeping,rain,until half an hour later,go home with him,mop all the water up,earthquake,A sudden violent movement of the earths surface,It happened in Sichuan on May 12,2008.,flood,A large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry,It happened in Taiwan this summer.,The sudden fall of a mass of earth or rocks, down the side of a mountain,landslide,drought,There is no rain for a long time.,It happened in Chongqing in 2006.,hurricane,A violent storm with very strong winds,It often happens in the USA.,strong wind,from the ocean,bringingrainstorms,in summer,typhoon,lots ofwater,the result of the heavy rain,destroying the crops,making people leave home,flood,always coming with strong wind,always in Beijing,making the air polluted,bringing sand and dust,sandstorm,big noise,buildings falling down,shaking the earth,crazy animals,earthquake,There are more and more natural disasters in the world now.Do you know why?Lets watch a film together. Tell me why and what we can do?,traffic accident,lose the game,A car crashed into a tree .,The difference,Sandy is reading some newspaper headlines. Look at them. Are they about natural disasters?,The school football team lost the game2. The Taiwan earthquake killed thousands of people3. A car accident killed three men4. A coach crashed into a tree last night,5. A flood washed the village away6. Lightning started a big fire in a house7. A young boy fell from a tree and hurt his legs8. A big storm killed 20 people,Now lets see what we learned today.,naturaldisastermop earthquakeaccidentcrashwashstorm,自然的,灾难,祸患,用拖把拖洗,地震,事故,意外的事,猛撞,撞毁,冲掉,冲走,风暴,暴(风)雨,暴雨,暴雪,沙尘暴,雷,雷声,台风,干旱,rainstormsnowstormsandstormthundertyphoondroughtlandslidehurricane,山体滑坡,飓风,mop up the floornatural disasterstart a big firethousands of peoplewash the village awayfall from a treethunder and lightninglose the gamecrash into be all wet,把地拖干净,自然灾害,烧起大火,成千上万人,将村庄冲走,从树上掉下来,雷电,输掉比赛,撞上,全身湿透了,Now lets see what we learned today.,Complete the following sentences.,1. 1998年的特大洪水冲垮了许多房屋和大树。 The big flood in 1998_2. 在唐山大地震中,成千上万人遇难。 The Tang Shan earthquake _3. 昨天一个年轻人从19楼摔下来,竟然安然无恙。 Yesterday a young man_, but he doesnt hurt badly.4. 上个星期五两个小学生在教室里玩火,将整撞大楼烧了起来。 Two pupils played with fire in their classroom last Friday and _.5. 在昨晚的事故中,一辆大客车撞倒了数上。 A coach crashed into a tree_ last night.,washed a lot of houses and trees away.,killed thousands of people,fell from 19th floor,started a big fire in the building,in the accident,Homwork,Try to remember todays new wordsPreview Reading,Thank you !,
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