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Unit 6 Period 2 Reading 2,Beijing has changed a lot!,Fill in the blanks:,Mr Chen was born in _ _ . He knows it very _ . He lived with _ _ until he _ _. Then he and his wife _ _ another _ in the _ _ the town. Last year they _ _ because his children _ them a new _. But only _ _ _ he thinks life is better now. Many of his old friends _ _ _ other areas and he feels _ _ lonely _ _ _ _.,got married,moved to,in some ways,have moved to,a,bit,from time to time,Sunshine Town,well,his parents,house,centre of,moved again,bought,flat,Revision :,Who is Mr. Chen?What do you know about Mr. Chen?What was in Sunshine Town in the past?How many people lived there?What is in Sunshine Town now?What does Mr. Chen do in the new park?Why does he feel lonely sometimes now?,He feels lonely from time to time.He feels lonely sometimes.He spent some time doing his homework.,from time to timesometimes some time,Thanks a lot.There are lots of birds in the tree.He feels a bit lonely from time to time.There is a little water in the cup.A few students are good at drawing.,a lot; lots of;a bit; a little;a few.,The tree turns green. (vt)Its your turn now. (n.)They turned the place into a big cinema.,turn; turn into,marry vt/vimarried adj.get married,1 She has beenmarried to Mr.Wang.2 They are goingto get marriedon New YearsDay.,A thiefs wife used a knife on the shelf and half a leaf to kill a wolf.,wife wives,ves,f/fe,The factory used to dump the waste intothe river.,dump vt/vi 倾倒;倒垃圾dumper n 垃圾车;清洁工人dump truck 自动卸货车,useused to do(过去常常做),May I use your pen?He used a knife to cut it.We used to go fishing there.(But now, we dont often do so.,他过去常常去公园读书.我们过去常在课后打篮球.-你妈妈年轻的时候常去溜冰吗? -她不常常溜冰,她常常去散步.,He used to read books in the park.,We used to play basketball after class.,Used your mother to go skating when she was young?No, she usednt. She used to walk.,The government realized that the poison killed the fish and polluted the water.People took actions to reduce the pollution.,realize: get to know and understandreduce: make something less or smaller in size, price, etc.,pollute vt.,polluted adj.,pollution n.,Someone has polluted the river.The polluted river has killed many fish.Many fish have died of the pollution.,用所给词的适当形式填空:,1. Water _ is more terrible than noise _. (pollute)2.He _ to do some reading in the morning. (use)3. His country _ a lot since 1982.(change)4. The old man was _ when his wife died. (alone),pollution,pollution,used,has changed,lonely,Finish Parts C2 and D on Page11.,1) I have known the place for many years. 2) We lived together until 1965 when I got married. ,同义句转换:,I have known the place since many years ago.,We lived together before I got married in 1965.,3) I miss my old friends. 4)I feel a bit lonely from time to time. 5) Last year, Tom married Mary. ,I feel a little lonely sometimes.,Last year, Tom and Mary got married.,I often think of my old friends.,选用词组的适当形式填空:,I miss my friends in the primary school _ because I cannot see them _ before.My uncle _ since he _.,get married, turn into, in some ways, in fact, change a lot, in the past, water pollution, as often as, from time to time,as often as,got married,has changed a lot,from time to time,选用词组的适当形式填空:,get married, turn into, in some ways, in fact, change a lot, in the past, water pollution, as often as, from time to time,3. There was _ in my living area _. But now it has become much cleaner than before.4._,its good for our students to clean the classroom.,water pollution,in the past,In some ways,选用词组的适当形式填空:,get married, turn into, in some ways, in fact, change a lot, in the past, water pollution, as often as, from time to time,5. He looks naughty. _, he is a very clever boy.6. We are trying our best to _ our country _ a modern and strong one.,In fact,turn into,把下列句子译成汉语:,I moved here with my family when I was two years old and have lived here since then.Has Sunshine Town changed a lot over these years?,当我两岁时,我随我的家人搬到这儿,从那时起我就一直住在这儿.,这些年来阳光镇已经发生很多变化了吗?,把下列句子译成英语:,政府已经把这个地方变成了一个公园.见到我的一些老朋友已经变得更困难了.他们已经搬到北京的其他地方了.,The government has turned the place into a park.,It has become more difficult to see some of my old friends.,They have moved to other areas in Beijing.,Homework:,Read the text again and again.Retell the text.Remember the words, phrases and sentences by heart.Finish off the Exx. .,
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