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(广州版)四年级英语下册教案Module 4 EntertainmentUnit 10 School PlayTitle题目 Work With LanguagePeriod课时 2Type of lesson课型 巩固课Objectives:教学目标1. Language knowledge:a. Vocabulary:concert, filmb. Sentences: He/She likes doing He/She doesnt like doingc. Daily Express:What do you think of ? I thinkd. Grammar:巩固及运用一般现在时的第三人称单数的肯定句、否定句以及一般疑问句。 e. Phonetic:concert, film2. Language skill:能熟练辩读以下词汇:seeing a film, enjoying a concert, listening to the tape, watching a play。3. Affect:能表达个人或他人的情感和感觉,喜欢和不喜欢。4. Learning Strategies:a. 学生对所学内容能主动观察,对比和归纳。b. 让学生积极与他人合作。Language focused 教学重点:1. 熟练辩读本课的词汇。2. 正确表达自己或他人对事物的喜爱:I like . I dont like . He/She likes doing He/She doesnt like doingLanguage difficult point教学难点:主要是对句型的学习和理解:一般现在时的第三人称单数的肯定句、否定句和疑问句 He/She likes doing He /She doesnt like doing/ Does he like ?与 I like I dont like Do you like?的区别。TeachingAids/Media and Resource教学资源与媒体PPT 课件,娱乐节目图片课件。Worksheet.Preview learning 前置性学习1. 准备表演课文对话。2. 了解自己和父母对娱乐项目的爱好。Teaching Procedures教学过程Teaching activities & Steps教学活动及具体的操作步骤Learning Activities学生学习活动Strategies and purpose策略与设计意图Warming up& RevisionActivity1: Singing.Activity2: Acting out the dialogue.Activity1:Singing in class, two teams.Activity2:Listening and enjoying the play. 1. 通过歌曲竞赛引起学生学习的兴趣,提高学生的专注力。2. 表演课文对话,培养学生听力和观察能力。Presentation Activity3:Free talk1. T: Do you like watching this play?2. T: Does Sally like telling stories?3. Ps: I like I dont likeHe likes/She doesntActivity4:Words learning.Activity3:Free talk 1. Answering the questions.2. Trying to say: I like/I dont like3. Guessing what he/she likes/ doesnt likeActivity4: Reading and the new words.1. 从旧知识引导出新知识。2. 学习观察、对比句型。3. 通过语音记忆单词。PracticeActivity5:Pair work 1A &Q: P47 Ex.1Matching exercise.Activity6:PPT Game:Does he /she like?Activity7:Group workMake a survey.Activity5:Pair work 11. Asking and answering in pairs. 2. Matching the pictures and phrases.Activity6:PPT Game:Guessing and saying the sentences.Activity7:Group work1. Making a survey in group of 4.2. Reporting.1. 通过猜图游戏,让学生利用新知识大胆说句子,小组间竞争,激发学习的兴趣。2. 让学生学习评价事物,表达自己的想法。3. 让学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。Summary Activity8: Summing up PPTDrawing a conclusion of the Activity8: Summing up PPT 1. 让学生对所学内容能主动观察,对比和归纳。sentences structures. Finding out the differences and rules.Talking about their parents and film stars entertainment.2. 把新知识运用于实际生活中。培养学生实际运用语言的能力。Development Activity9: Reading.1. Sharing reading.2. Checking.Activity9: Reading.1. Reading the passage in pairs.2. Doing the exercises.让学生分享阅读的喜乐,并对新知识进行重复性的呈现和使用。Homework1. Do P 27-282. Copy the new words.巩固课堂所学知识。Designing on the board板书I like watching TV.She/He likes seeing a film.concert I dont like enjoying a concert.film She/He doesnt like shopping.Do you like this play?Does Sally like telling stories?Exercise/Worksheet练习(任务)设计1. Make a survey and fill in the form.Do you like ? What do you think of it?watching a play I think itsplaying a computer game I think itsenjoying a concert I think its2. Read the text with your partner and tell the sentences are true(T)or false(F).Piggy is a lazy(懒惰的 boy. He likes sleeping. He likes watching TV, because (因为)he thinks its fun. He likes playing computer games because he thinks its interesting. And he likes eating. He eats a lot. But he doesnt like enjoying a concert. He doesnt like listening to the tape. He thinks they are boring. Of course, he doesnt like doing his Homework. Do you know why?1. Piggy likes sleeping and eating. ( )2. Piggy thinks computer games are boring. ( )3. Piggy doesnt like listening to the tape. ( )4. Piggy thinks concerts are interesting. ( )5. Does Piggy like doing his homework?_Evaluation& Reflection 教学评估及反思
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