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自我介绍面试中最让人头疼的问题自我介绍面试中最让人头疼的问题 ( .) 来源 Tell Me About Yourself - The Toughest Question in the Intervie 译者lanritong Tell Me About Yourself The Toughest Question in the Intervie Don Straits, CEO and Dragon Slaer, Corporate Warriors 自我介绍 面试中最让人头疼的题目 When ou, as a job seeker, are asked the most mon, and toughest, intervie question, Tell me about ourself, our anser an make or break ou as a andidate. Usuall job seekers ill respond ith their 30 seond merial, and then elaborate on their bakground. While almost ever areer book and areer ounselor ill tell ou that is the appropriate response, I totall disagree. 当你是一个求职者,会被问最普遍的,也是最难的一个面试问题那就是自我介绍,也许你作为一个面试者成败就在于这个问题,自我介绍面试中最让人头疼的问题。通常求职者都会以 30秒的自我推销加上详细的背景描述。然而几乎大部分的介绍职业生涯的书和职业顾问者都会告诉你这是一个很合适的回应,但我却不是那样认为的。 Man people fail in their job searh beause the are too often foused on hat the ant in a job inluding industr, tpe of position, loation, ine, benefits, and ork environment. Their 30 seond merial is entered around this premise. The merial desribes the job seekers areer histor and hat the are looking for. Too often, this is in diret ontrast to hat emploers are looking for. 寻找很多求职者在求职中遭遇失败的原因,概括来讲,他们太过在意这份工作的行业、职位、公司的位置、收入、以及福利和工作环境,所以在他们的 30秒自我介绍过程中肯定是和以上几方面相关的。自我推销描述了求职者的工作经历和他们的求职意向。但常常这几方面恰好和雇主的想要了解的方面是相反的。 There are to dominant reasons h job seekers are suessful in the job searh. The first is fousing on the needs of the organization. The seond is fousing on the needs of the people ithin that organization. In this artile, e are going to examine ho to fous on the needs of the people ithin organizations. This ill assist in rethinking our response to that all-important question, Tell me about ourself. I求职者求职成功有两大原因,第一是关注企业所需;第二是关注这个组织里的人的所需。 在这篇文章里我们将探求如何去关注组织内人员的需求。这将帮助你重新审视一下所有重要问题中的”自我介绍” in order to learn ho to respond to the needs of the intervieer, lets first learn more about ourselves. We an then appl that knoledge about ourselves to knoing ho to understand and respond to the needs of others. 为了弄清楚怎么样去迎合面试官的需求,先让我们了解一下自身。之后我们才能都提供我们自身的信息和弄清楚如何去迎合别人所需。 Most soial pshologists reognize four basi personalit s: Analtial, Amiable, Expressive, and Driver. Usuall, eah of us exhibits personalit harateristis unique to one of the s. Hoever, e also possess harateristis to a lesser degree in the other s. To determine our unique , ou an take a Mers-Briggs assessment or go to the folloing site for a free Keirse Temperament Sorter assessment test: 大部分的心理学家都认为人分为四种基本性格模式: 分析型、友善型、健谈型、驾驭型;我们每个人都会独特展现四个维度中的一个方面,以此同时我们也拥有一种相对于其他类型的性格来讲比较少凸显的性格。想要了解你的独特个性你可以通过迈尔斯-布里格斯(mers-briggs)性格测试或者通过柯塞人格气质量表来进行测试: Here are the harateristis that are most monl assoiated ith eah of the s: 以下是伴随每种性格的各种不同的特质 Analtial:Positive Traits: Preise, Methodial, Organized, Rational, Detail Oriented Negative Traits: Critial, Formal, Unertain, Judgmental, Pik 分析型 正向特质: 细致的,有条理的,善于组织的,理性的,细节导向型的 负面特质: 批判的,正统的,不确定,审判的,挑剔的 Amiable:Positive Traits: Cooperative, Dependable, Warm, Listener, Negotiator Negative Traits: Undisiplined, Dependent, Submissive, Overl Cautious, Conforming 友善型 正面特质: 善于合作的,可靠的,热心的,倾听者,协调者 负面特质:没有原则的,依赖的,顺从的,过于警惕的,人云亦云 Expressive:Positive Traits: Enthusiasti, Persuasive, Outgoing, Positive, Communiator Negative Traits: Ego Centered, Emotional, Exploitive, Opinionated, Reating 健谈型 正面特质: 有激情的,可以说服的,外向的,积极地,沟通者 负面特质: 自我为中心,感情用事的,善于利用型的 Driver:Positive Traits: Persistent, Independent, Deision Maker, Effetive, Strong Willed Negative Traits: Aggressive, Strit, Intense, Relentless, Rigid 驾驭型 正面特质: 执着,独立,决策者,高效率的,意志坚强的 负面特质: 侵略性的,严格的,极端的,无情的,一成不变的 Gaining an in-depth understanding of our personalit has enormous value in our areer as ell as our personal life. Hoever, our fous toda is learning ho to use this knoledge to make ou more suessful in our job searh. 获取你性格类型的深入认知对你的职业发展和个人生活都有有重要价值,自我介绍自我介绍面试中最让人头疼的问题。而今天我们的重点是在学会如何利用这一认知来让你在求职中取得成功。 One ou have learned about our on and have studied the other s, I enourage ou to have a little fun in tring to determine the s of others. When ou meet someone for the first time, tr to identif his or her ithin the first to minutes. You an often identif s b observing a persons demeanor, onversation, bod language, appearane, and possessions. 一旦你了解了自己的性格类型以及其他的性格类型的时候,我鼓励你带着娱乐的心态试着去了解其他人的性格类型。当你初次遇到某人的时候,在前两分钟里不妨试着去识别他或者她的性格类型。你可以通过他的个人举止,言谈,肢体语言,表情以及私人物品来断定他的性格类型。 To demonstrate hat I mean, lets take some examples from the business orld. While there are alas exeptions, generall speaking the s fit the example. 为了证明我的观点,我们来举一些来自商业圈里的例子。当然也会有例外的时候,但是通常来讲所举的例子都和性格类型相匹配。 Analtial Stle: Finanial Manager . The like sstems and proedures. The are slo to make deisions beause the ill analze things to death?but their deisions are usuall ver sound. The prefer orking independentl and are usuall not ver good in team environments, but the are also dependable. The bu ars ith good resale value and great gas mileage. The are onservative dressers. At the part, the ant to kno h
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