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The weird world of plants,Chapter Nine,tulip,The tulip is the national flower in Holland.,whats the national flower in China?,peony,牡丹花,azalea,Holland,Holland is famous for their windmills(风车) and tulips.,荷兰,sea of tulip flowers,beauty of nature,fig,无花果,cultivator,The huge pumpkins were cultivated (v.种植)by the cultivator (n.种植者)who had a big smile on his face.,the most important guest,guest of honour,New words have a green thumb= be good at gardening 擅长园艺 My uncle has a green thumb.2. nature 自然 natural 自然的 3. survive 幸存= continue to live or existOf the four men injured in the car accident, three survived. 4. commonly=very often; usually 常见地 closely= carefully仔细地 actually= in fact 事实上,5. with excitement =excitedly 感到兴奋地After hearing the good news, she jumped with excitement.6. despite (prep. ) =in spite of “尽管; 不管” He came to the meeting despite his illness.7. try/do ones best to do- =do everything possible to do尽全力做-We must try our best to protect the environment.,8. discover (v.)发现 discovery (n.) 发现 describe (v.) 描述 description (n.) 描述 arrange (v.)安排 arrangement (n.) 安排9. fillwith用装满He filled the basket with eggs.be filled with-= be full of- 充满-The garden is filled with beautiful roses. 10. come true= become real 实现After years of hard work, his dream finally came true.,weird,adj.怪异的;超自然的;神秘的;不可思议的,;超乎事理之外的,weird trees,A What do you know about-?,1. roses,2. rice,3. bamboo,A2 a. Bamboo b. Roses c. Rice,Objectives,了解植物:黑色郁金香及其背后的故事。掌握课文中的新词汇及短语。,pure; perfect,leader; power,strong feeling of love,happiness and liveliness,love forever,background,Dumas,大仲马,法国大作家,background,黑色郁金香是法国大作家大仲马的主要作品之一。作品以17世纪荷兰资产阶级革命时期激烈的政治斗争和动荡生活为背景。主人公拜尔勒是个完全不过问政治的青年医生。他爱好培植郁金香,并在试着培育一种没有一点杂色的大黑郁金香,因为第一个培育除黑色郁金香的人能获得一笔可观的奖金,拜尔勒的邻居博克戴尔为了得到这笔奖金,也想培育出黑色郁金香。他对拜尔勒很嫉妒,生怕他会捷足先登。他不择手段的监视拜尔勒的行动,暗中破坏他培育起来的郁金香,而后,他又诬告拜尔勒藏着有损荷兰总督制的信件,致使他无辜锒铛入狱,险些被送上断头台。拜尔勒在狱中与看守的女儿罗莎相识并相爱,最后喜结良缘。全书围绕黑色郁金香演绎出一幕幕惊心动魄而又催人泪下的故事。,The black tulipPassage 11. is filled with-装满-2. in the middle of the desert 在沙漠中央3. grow up to 80 metres tall长到80米高4. create excitement 产生兴奋5. real ones真实的东西6. for example例如7. is known as widely as -与-一样被广为人知8. is called 被称为,Passage 2written by-被-所写的- as hard as he can 尽他可能-;竭尽全力- tries -to create-试图培育- in order to win a gardening competition 为了赢得园艺比赛5. is put in prison 被投入监狱6. is ready to forget about -准备忘记有关-7. prison guard 狱警8. fall in love爱上9. Of all 在所有-中10. grow - flower种花11.the most quickly最快,Passage 3extremely successful非常成功 faster than any 比-快 any of -other works其他著作的任何一部 all over Europe全欧洲 like the one像那一个 flowers with bright colours 颜色亮丽的花 while 然而 those with dark colours颜色暗淡的花 dark blue深蓝 Despite this尽管这样 come true 实现 12.the special flowers 特别的花,Passage 1:1.be filled with - (同义词组)(be filled with = be full of )2.amazing 令人惊叹的 (同义词)(amazing= surprising)3.in the middle of -(同义词组)(in the middle of =in the centre of -)4. real ones (ones 代替上文的哪个词?)(ones 代替上文的things)5.-flower that is known as widely as any real flower.(是_从句)(是定语从句,修饰flower.),Passage 21. A young man tries as hard as he can to create -(为什么can后面跟to create) to create 与tries 是一个整体 try to do sth.A young man tries (as hard as he can) to create -2.before he succeeds (是_从句) 状语从句3. unfairly 不公平地(反义词) fairly 公平地4.grow 种植(同义词) grow = plant,Passage 3 1.extremely非常(同义词 ) extremely= very2. The book was sold faster than any of Dumass other works.(同义句)The book was sold fastest among Dumass works. The book was sold fastest of all Dumass works.3. -found while those with dark-(while 的用法)while 作并列连词用时, 意思为“而, 然而”, 表示对比关系 。He is strong while his brother is weak.4. the special flower they have made. (they have made.是_从句) 定语从句,Choose the correct meanings for thewords and phrase in italics from the passage.,1. A writers works are _. a. the jobs that he or she does b. the books that he or she has written c. the characters in his or her books,C1,2. If something is commonly found, it is _.a. very difficult to find itb. very easy to find itc. very good to find it3. If someone tries his or her best to do something, he or she _.a. makes a plan to achieve itb. does not do anything to achieve itc. does everything possible to achieve it,Use the words and phrases in the boxto complete the conversations below.Change the form when necessary.,be filled with survive unfairly actually come true,C2,1. SIMON: There was a big factory fire last night. DEBBIE: Really? SIMON: Yes. The factory _ smoke. Everything inside was destroyed. But luckily, all the workers managed to _. DEBBIE: Oh, thank God!,was filled with,survive,2. DEBBIE: I really dont know how to deal with this problem. SIMON: Why dont you go to Mary? She is the one who can _ help you.,actually,3. TEACHER: What do you want to be in the future? SIMON: I want to be a great scientist. TEACHER: Then you must work harder to make your dream _.,
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