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2013 届新课标高考英语精华知识点终极解密专题 02 动词语态语态也是动词的一种形式,表示主语与谓语之间的关系。英语有两种语态:主动语态(active voice) 和被动语态(passive voice)。主动语态表示主语是谓语动作的执行者,而被动语态则表示主语是谓语动作的承受者。一、被动语态的构成被动语态是由助动词 be 加及物动词的过去分词构成,如果有必要强调动作的执行者,动作执行者可以由介词 by 引出的短语表示。助动词 be 随主语的人称、数、时态和语气的不同而变化。A. 十种常见时态的被动语态1. 一般现在时主动语态:do被动语态:amisare doneWe clean the classroom every day. 我们每天打扫教室。The classroom is cleaned by us every day. 教室每天都由我们打扫。Such songs are usually sung by girls. 这些歌通常是女孩子们唱的。Russian is not taught in our school. 我们学校不教俄语。Are many goods shipped abroad every day 每天都有许多货物运往国外吗2. 一般过去时主动语态:did被动语态:waswere doneWe cleaned the classroom yesterday. 昨天我们打扫了教室。The classroom was cleaned by us yesterday. 昨天教室被我们打扫了。The window was broken by my son. 窗子是我儿子打破的。Were many trees planted on the hill yesterday 昨天山上种了许多树吗?How much money was stolen in all 一共被偷了多少钱?3. 一般将来时主动语态:willshall do被动语态:willshall be done We will clean the classroom soon. 我们很快要打扫教室。The classroom will be cleaned soon. 教室很快要被打扫了。The work will be done immediately. 这工作将马上做。 Will the school sports meeting be held next week? 校运动会将在下星期举行吗?When shall we be given a lecture on the Internet 什么时候给我们作有关因特网的讲座?4. 一般过去将来时主动语态:would do被动语态:would be doneWe told him that we would clean the classroom soon. 我们告诉他我们马上就打扫教室。We told him that the classroom would be cleaned soon. 我们告诉他教室很快就会被打扫的。He said that a new trade center would be built in the centre of the city. 他说一个新的贸易中心将在市中心建起来。She asked whether their plan would be considered with great care. 她问他们的计划会不会得到仔细的考虑。I wasnt told that I should be invited to the party. 没人告诉我要被邀请出席晚会。5. 现在进行时主动语态:amisare doing被动语态:amisare being doneWe are cleaning the classroom now. 我们现在正在打扫教室。The classroom is being cleaned now. 教室现在正在被打扫。A hospital is being built in the centre of the town. 镇中心正在兴建一家医院。Are the babies being taken care of by this nurse 这些婴儿正由这个护士照看吗?How is the new teaching method being tried there 那里是怎样试行这种新教学方法的?6. 过去进行时主动语态:waswere doing被动语态:waswere being doneWe were cleaning the classroom this time yesterday. 昨天这个时候我们在打扫教室。The classroom was being cleaned this time yesterday. 昨天这个时候教室正在被打扫The teaching plan was being discussed at that time. 那时正在讨论教学计划。Was the TV set being fixed this time yesterday 昨天这个时候电视机正在被修理吗? The house was being painted when we arrived at his home. 我们到他家时,他家房子正在粉刷。7. 现在完成时主动语态:hashave done被动语态:hashave been doneThe classroom looks tidy. We have cleaned it. 教室看起来很整洁。我们已经打扫了。The classroom looks tidy. It has been cleaned. 教室看起来很整洁。它已经被打扫了Many foreign films have been shown on TV since last month. 上个月以来,电视中播放了许多外国影片。The radio has not been turned on yet. 收音机还没开。Has a new training centre been set up in our town 我们镇上新的培训中心建好了吗?8. 过去完成时主动语态:had done被动语态:had been doneThe classroom looked tidy. We had cleaned it. 教室看起来很整洁。我们已经打扫过了。The classroom looked tidy. It had been cleaned. 教室看起来很整洁。它已经被打扫过了。His newly written novel had been translated into English by the end of last month.上个月末,他刚写的小说已被翻译成了英语。She told me that she had been dismissed by her boss. 她告诉我,她的老板已把她解雇了。Her homework had not been finished when I got home. 我到家的时候,她的作业还没有完成。9. 将来完成时主动语态:willshall have done被动语态:willshall have been doneWe will have cleaned the classroom by five oclock. 我们将在五点之前打扫完教室。The classroom will have been cleaned by five oclock. 教室将在五点以前打扫完。The new books will have been entered in the register before another parcel arrives. 这些新书在下一批书到来前将登记完毕。How many expressways will have been completed by the end of next year 到明年年底将建成多少条高速公路? Before you return my work will have been done. 你回来前我的工作将会做完。10. 过去将来完成时主动语态:would have done被动语态:would have been doneI said we would have cleaned the classroom by 500. 我说我们将在五点之前打扫完教室。I said the classroom would have been cleaned by 500. 我说教室将在五点以前打扫完。The headmaster said the article would have been translated by the end of next month. 校长说文章将在下月底翻译好。The day was drawing near when the dam would have been completed. 大坝完工的日子不远了。He told me that preparations would have been finished by 600. 他告诉我准备工作将在六点前完成。B. “get+过去分词 ”结构被动语态除常用“be +过去分词” 构成外,还可用“get+过去分词” 结构。这种结构多用在口语中,强调动作的结果。The boy got hurt when he was riding to school. 那孩子骑车上学时受伤了。Did your letter get answered 你收到回信了吗?注意:用“get+过去分词” 结构时,其后的动作执行者(即 by 短语)一般不表示出来。Finally his bike got repaired. 最后他的自行车得到了修理。As I passed by, my skirt got caught on a nail. 我经过的时候,我的裙子被钉子挂住了。C“seemappear +过去分词”结构有时“seemappear +过去分词”也可以构成被动语态。She seemed annoyed by his words. 她似乎被他的话搞得很恼火。 The house appears deserted. 这房子好像没人居住。提示:并不是所有的“be+ 过去分词” 结构中的 be 都能被 get 或 seem, appear 等词代替。【误】She got born in a small village.【正】She was born in a small village. 她出生在一个小村庄。【误】The old man got offered a large sum of money. 【正】The old man was offered a large sum of money. 这位老人获得了一大笔钱。【误】Colin got caught cheating in the exam. 【正】Colin were caught cheating in the exam. 科林考试作弊被抓住了。D被动语态中常用的介词1by 表示动作的执行者或施加者By whom is the book written 这本书是谁写的?The children were driven indoors by the rain. 孩子们被雨赶进了室内。2with 表示用某种工具The wolf was killed with a gun. 狼被枪打死了。The field was spread with wild flowers. 田野里野花遍地。3from 表示源于某种物质(看不出
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