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Starter Unit 1 Good morning!Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计 )Structures: Letters A-H; Pronunciation of letters A, ETarget language:Good morning, Alice! Good morning, Cindy!Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric!Hi, Cindy! How are you? Im fine, thanks.Good afternoon, Eric! Good evening, Alice!Vocabulary: Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, hi, hello, good, morning, afternoon, evening, fine, OK, thanks Learning: Listening for key words; Using what you knowSECTION AGoals To learn to say the letters Aa to Hh To learn to greet peopleProceduresWarming up by learning to use the target language: Good morning, Alice! Good morning, Cindy!Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric!Hi, Cindy! How are you? Im fine, thanks.Good afternoon, Eric! Good evening, Alice!Good morning, class! Good morning, everyone! Today is your first day here as a junior school student. I am your teacher of English. My name is Yang Xiuhui.To greet people we can say Good morning in the morning and Good Afternoon in the afternoon. We can also say Hi, xxx! How are you? And people may answer Im fine, thanks.Now look at the language target for this unit, and read after me.Warming up by greetingGood morning! From now on you are in the seventh grade. Congratulations to you and I wish you a great success in your studies! Ill be your new English teacher this term. I hope well get along very well.Today we shall take up the first unit in this new term: Starter Unit1Good morning! Look at the pictures, please.They are greeting each other. Today well get to know some new friends and their English names. Also we shall learn to greet people in English.1a Listening and repeatingNow lets look at the picture in 1a. Some children are greeting each other in English. Lets listen to the tape to learn how to greet. First Ill play the tape, you just listen. Then listen and repeat the conversation.1c Doing pairworkLets listen to the conversation again. Read the tapescript to underline the expressions.Can you greet each other like this? Now practice greeting each other in pairs. You should use your own names to practice all the different greetings taught in activity 1a.2a Listening and repeating Lets look at the letters from AaHh in order. Please listen and repeat the letters. Pay attention to the pronunciation. A/ /, B/, C/ /, D / /, E / /, F/ /, G / /, H/ /. The letters A and E are vowels and that all the rest are consonants. OK. Lets listen and repeat them. TapescriptAa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh2b Looking and findingLook at the picture in Part 1a. Please find the capital letters in the picture to match the lower case letters. Answers: aA, bB, cC, dD, eE, fF, gG, hH2c Listening and numberingLook at the letters. h a e g d b c fThey are not arranged in the right order. Now listen to the tape and number the letters in order. Answers: h. 8 a. 1 e. 5 g. 7 d. 4 b.2 c. 3 f. 62d WritingPlease giving attention to the row of capital letters. Now write the small letter for each big letter .You must use the lines in the book.3 GuessingHave you seen some abbreviations? Do you know what they stand for? Now lets look at some abbreviations and discuss in groups.HB CD BBC CCTV 第一课件网H=hard, B=black CD= compact dics BBC=British Broadcasting Corporation CCTVChina CentralTelevisionThen collect some more abbreviations you know.DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration 毒品管制局 EC - European Community 欧洲共同体EEC - European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体 EFTA - Economic Free Trade Association 欧洲自由贸易协会 EIB - European Investment Bank 欧洲投资银行EMA - Economic Monetary Agreement 欧洲金融协定FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization (联合国)粮农组织 FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation 联邦调查局 FRB - Federal Reserve Bank 联邦准备银行 4a Listening and circlingLook at the names in the box. Helen, Bob, Frank, Alice, Cindy, Dale, Eric, GraceYou are going to hear the names in the dialogues. Listen to the tape and circle the names.4b Listening and numberingLook at the pictures in 4b. Can you notice any difference between the pictures in terms of the time of the day in each picture? Lets listen again and put the correct number of each conversation in the box.The first time, you only listen. The second time, listen and number the pictures.Answers: 2, 1, 3 (from top to bottom)4c Doing pairworkGive attention to the pictures in activity 4a, please read the sample dialogues in pairs. Then make up your own conversation. Read the tapescript to underline the expressions.Closing down by asking and answeringA: Good morning, B. B: Good morning, A. A: Good afternoon, B. B: Good afternoon, A.A: Good evening, B. B: Good evening, A.
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