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- 1 -come to1、question(1)n.问题。Let me ask you a question. 让我问你个问题。He has decided tha question. 他解决了这个问题。(2)vt.质问;询问。He was questioned by the teacher. 他受到老师的质问。I question the truth of the story. 我怀疑这个故事的真实性。question vt.询问,盘问,提问You have no right to question me. 你无权盘问我。He was questioned by the police. 警察盘问了他。The teacher question us on verbs. 老师就动词考问我们。常用短语:ask sb. a question 问某人问题 question(v.)sb. on 就提问某人beyond(all)question 毫无疑问 out of question(certainly)毫无疑问without question 毫无疑问 out of the question(quite impossible)不可能2、quite/rather 与名词连用时冠词的位置quite,rather表示“相当”意义与名词连用时,a/an 可放在之前,亦可之后;但 the 必须置于它们的前面。如:qu ite a big house/a quite big house 相当大的一套房子;- 2 -a quite easy problem/quite an easy problem 相当容易的一个问题;a rather good player /rather a good player 相当不错的一名运动员;the rather/quite tall tree. 那棵相当高的树。完成句子今天相当冷。It s _ _ cold day today.他是个相当不错的艺术家。He is _ _ _artist.Key: rather,a quite,a,good3、come to 达到,共计The total cost of repairs came to about $100.修理费总计约 100美元。The things I bought came to 100 yuan.我购物总计花了 100元。The cost of the trip totaled/came to/added up to 1000 dollars.这次旅行的费用共计 1000美元。
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