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Would you like to come to my birthday party? Fay dinner make dolls cook meals stamps difficult take photos hobby kind plant see a film hungry collect chocolate candy ice cream jelly chocolate candy ice cream fruit pie star-shaped cake invite to heart-shaped cake celebrate in-vi-te.to. 邀请参加 Its very kind of you to invite me to the dinner. 非常感谢你请我吃饭。 invite your friends to your paety. ce-le-bra-te selbret 庆祝 How do you celebrate it? 你们怎么庆祝呢 ? celebreat your birthday with your friends. give.to. 把 .给 . She always ready to give a helping hand to others. 她总是乐于向别人伸出援手。 give a birthday card to your friend. after 在 .之后 After a while 过了一会儿 after school 放学 after dinner 晚饭后 After a few days of fever, he began to recover. 发烧几天以后,他开始恢复。 1.You can your friends your paety. 2. a few days of fever, he began to recover. 3.I will a birthday card my friends. 4.I want to my birthday with my friends. invite to After give to celebrate 姓名 : 曹华恩( Grace 、姐姐) 性别:女 生日: 2010年 9月24日 爱好: father & food Tomorrow is my birthday. Today is September twenty-third(23rd). Would you like to come to my birthday party? Sure. Id love to. Id like to,but. you come to my birthday party? Sure. love . Would like to I Would Id to Heres my invitation card for you Thanks ! Goodbye ! you come to my birthday party? love , but . invite your friends to your party celebreat your birthday with your friends give a birthday card to your friend invite your friends to your party celebrate your birthday with your friends give a birthday card to your friend star-shaped cake ep 形状 a round cake a square cake heart-shaped cake ep 形状 水母 What shape would you like? I d like a heart-shaped cake. I d like a star-shaped cake. I d like a flower-shaped cake. A: What kind of cake would you like? B: I d like a fruit cake. 11 I would A: What shape would you like? B: I d like that heart-shaped cake. 11 I would A: Can I help you ? B: I want a cake. A: What kind of cake would you like? B: Id like a fruit cake. A: What shape would you like? B: Id like a round cake. 选择你的幸运蛋糕,并大喊“ stop”。好运等着你哦! Good luck ! D:iCanVideo下载视频 小刺猬邀黄金鼠过生日 萌翻了 .flv A: _ B: Id like a round cake. What kind of cake would you like? What shape would you like ? 选问句。 休息休息 D:Youku Filesdownload裱花蛋糕视频 生日蛋糕裱花大全 卡通裱花蛋糕 _标清 .flv Summary 陈述句: Id like that chocolate cake. 一般疑问句: Would you like that chocolate cake? 特殊疑问句: What kind of cake would you like? Hed he he Summary 陈述句: Id like that heart-shaped cake. 一般疑问句: Would you like that heart-shaped cake? 特殊疑问句: What shape would you like? Hed he he answer. 1: What kind of cake would Lisa like? 2: What shape would Lisa like? Watch the video and then answer. 1: What kind of cake would Lisa like? 2: What shape would Lisa like? A. A fruit cake. B. A chocolate cake. A. A heart-shaped cake . B. A square cake. Homework 1. 抄第三单元单词一个三遍并背会 2. 微信继续给 Fay 读课文 3. 预习第三单元剩下课文 4. 复习 1-3 单元 je-lly del coconut jelly - 椰果; 椰子果冻; Jelly Beans - 家族的新成员; 小糖豆; jellyfish delf n. 水母 fruit pie chocolate tk()lt dark chocolate 黑巧克力 white chocolate 白巧克力 chocolate milk 巧克力奶 ice cream ,aiskri:m candy knd What would you like? I d like some jellies. Can I have some jellies ? Heres a jelly for you! Here are some jellies for you! I d like some fruit pies. Can I have some fruit pies ? Heres a fruit pie for you! Here are some fruit pies for you! I d like some candies. Can I have some candy ? candy 可数吗 如果你着重想去表示不同种类的糖果,强调的是不同种类的糖果, candy用复数 let us buy some halloween chocolates and candies. 如果仅仅强调数量上有许多,那么 candy就作为不可数名词,用原形。 they give us some candy as a treat. Halloween Chocolate 万圣节朱古力 hlin 作为招待 作为招待 Heres a candy for you! Here are some candy for you! I d like some chocolate. Can I have some choolates ? chocolate 可数吗 chocolate既是可数又是不可数的。 表示巧克力这种物质,巧克力饮料的时候不可数 Eg: two bars of chocolate。 但表示巧克力块、巧克力糖时是可数的。Eg: 阿甘正传里那个经典名句: Life is like a box of chocolates, Heres a bar of chocolate for you! Here are some chocolates for you! I d like some ice creams. Can I have some ice creams ? ice cream 可数吗 既可数又不可数 , 当 ice cream指的是 冰淇淋 这个名称时 ,不可数 . Eg: Wed like some ice cream. 但如果是一杯一杯 一支一支时就是可数的 . Eg: I want an ice cream. These ice creams are nice! 这些冰淇淋很美味 . Heres an ice cream for you! Here are some ice cream for you! Ill get for
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