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1 江苏省泰兴市济川中学 2015-2016 学年七年级英语下学期期中试题( 卷面总分: 100 分 考试时间: 90 分钟 ) 第 I 卷 ( 选择题 55 分 ) 一、听力 ( 共 20 小题;每小题分,计 20 分 ) A) 听下面 10 段对话。每段对话后有 1 个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。( )1. Where is the man s penfriend from? A. B. C. ( )2. What does walter do after work? A. B. C. ( )3. What is Jack going to be when he grows up? ( ) 4. Which is the way to the supermarket? A. B. C. ( ) 5. What s the man s telephone number?A. 87531144 B. 87512396 C.87526688 ( )6. Whats Toms father like? A. Fat. B.Short. C.Thin. ( ) 7. Where does the boy live? A. In Eighth Street. B. In Ninth Street. C. In Fifth Street. ( ) 8. How long does Bruce usually spend on his English homework? A. About half an hour. B. About an hour. C. About two hours. ( ) 9. Where are the man and the woman talking? A. At a bank. B. At a supermarket. C. At a bus stop. ( ) 10. Where will May go this afternoon? A. The mall. B. The cinema. C. The restaurant. B) 听对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听2 每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题 5 秒钟。听完后,每小题你仍有 5 秒钟的时间来选择你认为最合适的答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第 11 12 小题。( ) 11. What club is the boy in? A. In the dancing club. B. In the drawing club. C. In the singing club. ( ) 12. How often does the boy go to the club? A. Every day. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week. 听一篇短文,完成信息记录表第 13 15 小 题。Kate s birthday partyTime Kate will have her birthday party 13 . Place Kate will have her birthday party 14 . Activity They will 15 at the party. ( ) 13. A. at 8: 00 next Friday B. at 8: 30 next Wednesday C. at 8: 30 next Friday ( ) 14. A. at Kate s home B. at the Garden Hotel C. at the town centre ( ) 15. A. draw pictures B. make a birthday cake C. play a game with pencils 听第二篇短文,回答第 16 20 小题。( ) 16. Where does Millie live now? A. In the USA. B. In the UK. C. In China. ( ) 17. Where do people in the town often go at the weekends? A. To the shop. B. To the restaurant. C. To the park. ( ) 18. How many students are there in Millie s class? A. Twelve. B. Thirteen. C. Twenty-five. ( ) 19. Where does Millie have lunch? A. At school. B. At home. C. In the restaurant. ( ) 20. Why does Millie seldom watch TV in the evening? A. Because she doesn t like watching TV.B. Because she spends much time reading books. C. Because she is always very busy. 二、单项选择 ( 共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,计 15 分 ) ( ) 21. Nanjing is _ beautiful city. It is _ capital of _ Jiangsu. A. a, the, / B. a, the, the C. the, the, the D. a, a, a ( ) 22. Novels by O Henry always make people . A. laughing and thinking B. laugh and think C. to laugh and think D. to laugh and to think ( ) 23. Japan is _ the east of Asia( 亚洲 ). It s also _ the east of China. A. in, to B. to, to C. to, in D. in, in ( ) 24. In the forest, you will _ the birds sing if you _ carefully. A. hear, listen B. listen, hear C. hear, listen to D. listen to, hear ( ) 25.- Is there wrong with your bicycle? - Yes, it is and I will have to ask someone to fix it. A. anything; broken B. something; break C. something; broken D.anything; breaking ( ) 26.I live_ my family_ a flat_ a busy street. 3 A. in, in, on B. in, with, on C. with, in, on D. with, with, on ( ) 27. I am going to Millie s birthday party this evening, Mum. , and remember to come back before 10.00 p.m. A. I am glad to hear that B. I am happy C. Have a good time D. Have a good trip ( ) 28.Look! _workers are making bicycles. They made five _bicycles in all. A. Hundreds; Hundreds B. Hundred of; hundreds C. Hundreds of; hundred D. Hundreds ; hundred ( ) 29.-_a new film in Star Cinema this weekend? -Yes,There_often new films at the weekend. A. Is there going to have; will be B. Will there have; are C.Will there be; will be D. Is there going to be; are ( ) 30. is it from your home to your school? It is about twenty minutes by bike. A. How far B. How long C. How many D. How much ( ) 31. Mr. Zhang will go there underground and I will go there a bus. A. by; by B. on; by C. by; on D. on; on ( ) 32. Are these shoes _? No, they aren t _. They are _.A. your, yours, Mary s. B. yours, mine, Mary s. C. mine, mine, yours D. mine, yours, yours (
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