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1 . INTENT OF DESIGN STANDARDS制定设计标准的意图These Design Standards (the “Standards”) are written to ensure that Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts (FSHR) properties meet the minimum requirements of FSHR and to establish a process to obtain approvals from FSHR to deviate from these minimum requirements. The Design Standards are issued to Owners and Consultants, so that all parties are aware of the quality and the minimum standards that are required by FSHR and to ensure that all drawings and specifications comply.为确保四季酒店及度假村集团(FSHR)旗下地产达到FSHR的最低要求,并确立一套在偏离这些标准前获取FSHR批准的程序,制定此设计标准(下称“标准”)。本标准分发给业主及各顾问,使所有各方明了FSHR对质量和最低标准的要求,保证图纸和规格说明与标准相符。2. OBLIGATIONS义务The Owner of each FSHR property is contractually obligated to ensure that the Standards are incorporated into construction documents and the project is built in accordance with the Standards. The Owner charges the Design Consultants with the responsibility to design the project in compliance with the Standards and to ensure that the project is constructed accordingly. The Consultants shall familiarize themselves with the Standards and obtain clarification from FSHR for those aspects of the Standards about which they are uncertain. The Consultants shall not commence design until this requirement has been undertaken. The Standards are not intended to restrict the imagination or creativity of the consultants. The Standards have been developed for FSHR to maintain consistency and quality of its properties worldwide, in order to deliver the physical and service product to its guests and the financial performance to the Owner. FSHR旗下地产的业主负有合同上的义务,要确保施工图将本标准融于其中,且项目按照本标准的要求进行建设。业主应责成设计顾问按照本标准的要求设计项目并确保项目按此设计进行施工。顾问应熟悉本标准,如有不确定之处,应向四季酒店询问清楚。在完成此项要求之前,顾问不应开始其设计工作。本标准并非想限制顾问的想象力和创造力。FSHR制定本标准是为了保证其在世界各地的地产的质量和一致性,向顾客提供优良的实物产品和服务产品,为业主实现利润。3. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 角色与责任The Standards are intended as a tool for Owner and Consultants to design and build a superior hotel product comparable to existing Four Seasons hotels and resorts. The Standards have evolved over many decades and address the fundamentals and details of creating a five star luxury property. Each standard is based on achieving a certain goal. Design based on these principles of performance and efficiency will result in a hotel which provides a seamless experience for guests. Recognizing that design is subjective, a procedure has been devised to accommodate different ways of achieving a desired aesthetic and functionality objective. If an alternate design is proposed which fulfills the performance and efficiency objectives, it will be given due consideration. 本标准意在为业主和顾问提供一件工具,用于设计、建造一座能与四季酒店及度假村集团现有酒店相媲美的高级酒店。本标准着眼于建造一座五星级豪华地产的基本与细节,经过数十年的演化而成。每一项标准都是为了达成某一项目标。按照这些讲求效用与效率的原则设计出来的酒店将为顾客提供顺畅的体验。由于认识到设计活动是主观的,四季酒店设计了一套程序,用于接纳不同的、但同样能达到所要求的美学与功能目标的方法。如果某一替代设计方案能够实现效用与效率目标,它将得到适当的考虑。a) Owner业主Owner is responsible for distributing the Standards to the Consultants and Contractor (“the Team”) and instructing all to achieve the design objectives contained therein. Owner is bound contractually to deliver a hotel product conforming to the Standards and should make the Consultants and Contractor aware that this responsibility is shared by all team members. It is recommended that Owner append the Standards to his individual contracts with consultants and, in the event of a Design /Build Contract, to Contractor in order to ensure full compliance. Owner should meet with the Team to discuss the Standards to ascertain a thorough understanding of the requirements and necessity for implementation.业主的责任是将本标准分发给顾问和承包人(合称“工程组”) ,并指示他们实现本标准中的设计目标。业主负有合同上的责任,要完成一座符合本标准的酒店建筑,并要使顾问和承包 人清楚这也是工程组中每一个成员的责任。我们建议业主将本标准附于他与顾问(如是设计-建筑合同,则与承包人)所签的个别合同之后,以保证其工作完全符合本标准。业主应与工程组会晤并讨论本标准,使各方充分理解执行本标准的必要性和要求。b) Consultants顾问The Architect should read the Standards in their entirety and transmit relevant portions thereof to all Consultants for familiarization and implementation. The Architect should chair a project mobilization meeting to discuss the Standards and make sure that all Consultants are aware that deviation from the intent of the Standards is not permitted unless the Consultant raises the issue with the Architect and proposes an alternate design, product or process which will achieve the objective embodied in the Standards. The Architect is then required to present the contemplated revision to Four Seasons for approval.建筑师应全文阅读本标准,并将相关部分转发给各顾问,以便他们熟悉和执行本标准。建筑师应主持召开动员会,讨论本标准,并让所有顾问明白,不得偏离本标准的意图,除非顾问向建筑师汇报相关问题,并提出能够达到本标准所要求的目标的替代设计方案、产品或流程。之后,建筑师应将预想的修改方案提交四季酒店批准。The Architect should schedule regular Standards meetings throughout the project duration to review work-in-progress for compliance to the Standards.在整个项目实施过程中,建筑师应定期召开会议,讨论标准在工作中的执行情况。c) Four Seasons四季酒店Four Seasons is responsible for providing adequate copies (in electronic format) of the Design Standards to Owner for distribution to Consultants and Contractor. Revisions to the Standards arising during the project will be forwarded to Owner for distribution to the Consultant
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