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Module 3Language Points,vary vi. 不同; 改变; 变化vary in在方面不同;vary with随着而变化;vary from不同于; vary from . to . 由到情况不等; vt. 变更; 使变化。,1) The colours of tree leaves vary with the season. 树叶的颜色随着季节的变化而改变。2) Ticket prices vary from one airline to another. 机票的价格在不同的航空公司之间有 差别。3) The doctor tries to vary the patients diet. 医生试图调整病人的饮食。,【链接】variable adj. 可变的;变化无常的 various adj. 各种各样的;不同的varied adj. 不同的, 各式各样的variety n. 多样化,种类 variation n. 变化,【即学即练】 1. 这些花的颜色和大小都不相同,但都很 漂亮。 The flowers _ _ _ _ _ but all of them are beautiful.2. 这家宾馆每个房间的费用由20美元到30 美元不等。 The charge for a room in this hotel _ _ $20 and $30.,varies between,vary in colour and size,3. 一般来说,水果和蔬菜的价格随季 节变化而变化。 Generally speaking, prices of fruit and vegetables _ _ the season.,varies with,spread vt. 铺开;展开;伸开。vi. 伸展,延伸;传播,传开; 蔓延, 传染。n. 传播,传布。【拓展】spread out 张开;伸开;铺开。如:He spread out his hands and found the coin had been gone. 他伸开手发现硬币不见了。,1) The news quickly spread abroad. 消息迅速传开。2) The fire spread quickly through the forest. 大火迅速在整个林区蔓延。3) The spread of the disease frightened the villagers. 疾病的蔓延使村民害怕。,1. see a friend in the distancedistance n. 距离;间隔;疏远;久远 in the distanceat a distancefrom a distanceKeep ones distance fromkeep sb. at a distance,远处;远方稍远处;久远地从远处与保持距离;冷淡对冷淡,不愿亲近,distant a. 遥远的;久远的;远方的;冷淡的,She has loved him _.He silently stared at the girl _.This city looks very magnificent _. 4. She always _ others_.5. I would keep my _ that dog.,at a distance,in the distance,from a distance,distance from,keeps at a distance,more than + 名词 e.g. Ms. Tang is more than a teacher; she is a trustworthy friend. 2)more than + 动词/形容词 e.g. Im more than happy to make friends with you.3)more than + 数词e.g. More than 100 people attended the meeting.,不仅仅,非常,不止,2. more than,4)more thane.g. This film is more interesting than that one. He is more a poet than a politician.5)more than + can e.g. The problem is more than I can solve. = I cant solve this problem.,比更,与其说不如说,表否定,recall,no more thanno less thannot more thannot less thanno more+ 形容词 + thanno less +形容词 + thannot more +形容词 +thannot less +形容词 +than,仅仅多达不多于不少于和一样都不和一样都不如比更,You are more careful than he is.,你比他仔细。,You are not more careful than he is.,你不如他仔细。,You are no more careful than he is.,You are less careful than he is.,You are not less careful than he is.,You are no less careful than he is.,你和他一样不仔细。,你不如他仔细,你比他仔细,你和他一样仔细,3. Like other animals, we are on guard until we know it is safe to relax.,sentence analysis:,until 引导:it是:to relax 是:it is safe to relax 是:,时间状语从句,形式主语,真正宾语,宾语从句作know 的宾语,until: 到为止(在之前)He slept until his father came back from work.,notuntil: 直到才He didnt sleep until his father came backfrom work.,on guard: 值班;提防;(保持)警惕,Be on guardBe on guard against,值班;站岗,提防,快到年关了,一定要提防小偷。The Spring Festival is approaching, do be onguard against thieves.,off guard: 不当班;不备;疏忽,Be on sbs guard,4. We shake hands when we make a deal.,Make/do a deal with sb.和做交易/达成协议,deal n. 协议;交易 vi. 处理;安排拓展:deal withdeal ina great deal ofIts a deal!,对付;处理从事;经营大量 (+不可数)成交!/一言为定!,我不知道他们是如何处理这个问题的。I dont know how they deal with this problem.I dont know what they do with this problem.,高考提示,5. Greetings in Asian countries do not involve touching the other person, but they always involve the hands.,involve vt. 包括;牵涉;使卷入involve sth.involve doing sth.involve sb. in sth./ doing sth.be/ get involved in sth. / doing sth.,包括包括做把某人牵涉进与某事有关/被卷入,据说奥巴马被卷入了那次丑闻。It is said that Obama was/got involved in the scandal.不关我的事,你解决问题别把我牵扯进去。Its none of my business. Dont involve me in solvingyour problem.,involved a. 作前置定语和后置定语意义不同the involved storythe people involved,复杂的故事所涉及的人,相关链接:,6.One person then holds up his hand, palm outwards and five fingers spread.,function,伴随状语,“n.+ adv./ a./ doing/ done/to do /介词短语” 独立主格结构表伴随,原因,方式等 前面加上with构成复合结构,表伴随时可与独立主格结构互换 e.g., with palm outwards,. hold up 举起;延搁,阻滞Please hold up your hand if you have any question. The reason why he was late for work was that he was held up in a traffic jam .hold back 阻挡;忍住,抑制;隐瞒hold on 别挂断;坚持hold on to 不卖,执着于hold out 伸出;维持,1.He entered the room, _ (满脸通红).2.The man rushed in, _ (手里拿着刀).3._ (会议结束), the students were dismissed.4._(有老师的帮助), we will succeed.5._(约翰不在),Henry had to do the work.6._(各方面考虑起来), I think we ought to give the job to George.,face in red,knife in hand,The meeting over,The teacher to help us,John being away,All things considered,7. people give away much more by their gesturesgive away 泄露;出卖; 赠送;牺牲He is sure to give away your secret.He didnt want to give his comrades away.He has given away all his money to the begger.He gave away the Chance of going abroad because of his sick wife.It is said that the headmaster will give away the prizes to the sportsmen.give off / out / in/ back /up,
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