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,试卷讲评,试卷讲评昌乐二中 张天真,Papers and performance,Good performance lies in a large vocabulary and a strong ability in fast reading and flexible thinking,Salute the following students,A long way to go,A long way to go,Problems:1. Grammatical knowledge (No. 24 25 )2. Referring to the passage (58 63 )3. Stupid mistakes 4. Handwriting,Group Discussion &cooperation,内容: 自改过程中的疑难点。,单选1) 24 25 2)设计24变式题或跟踪题 完形:1)main idea 2)40,47,51,阅读:1)58,63,75 2)思考:如何做推理判断题?,重点突破:,要求:1. 人人参与,高效讨论。2. 将不能解决的问题作好记录,留待质疑。3. 组长控制好进度,并安排好展示质疑人员。,要求:1. 展示:思路清晰,表达清楚、条理; 2. 非展示点评同学拿好红笔随时修改自己的答案, 并及时提出质疑,Presentation &show,语法和词汇题错题统计:,Extension &promotion,1. 现在完成时指动作发生在过去,一直持续到现在或对现在造成的影响或过去与现在的总和。立足点在现在。2. 过去完成时指动作发生在过去的过去。,【高考链接】1. She was surprised to find the fridge empty; the children _ everything!( 2011山东) A. had been eating B. had eaten C. have eaten D. have been eating2. In the last few years thousands of films _ all over the world. (2011天津) A. have produced B. have been produced C. are producing D. are being produced,Summary and suggestion,accumulate more recite more practice more summarize more,完形填空错题统计:,Suggestion and summary,Your words became my motto. I 51 found myself in the unique position of being either the first (woman doctor in Maryland Rotary) or one of the few women (chief medical reporters) in my field. I gained strength every time I said, “Yes, Ill try that.” 51. A. constantly B. shortly C. hardly D. nearly,_,_,_,联系上下文,不脱离全文语境,从意义入手,体会深层次的寓意。,阅读理解错题统计,Suggestions and summary,如:58,Homestays are located in London mainly in Zones 2, 3 and 4 of the transport system. Most hosts dont live in the town centre as much of central London is commercial and not residential.,Homestays,Zones 2, 3 4,Dont live in town center,zone I,business centre,town center,推理判断题也要做到有根有据,不要凭空推理.,阅读表达,错例展示:76. Students wish to spend their break doing something productive and rewarding. (1分)80. Im interested in the Program. Because it had my life transformed by this experience.(0分),原因分析 1)审题不清,答非所问 2)重组信息的能力不到位,采取策略 1)审清题干,明确题眼 2)提高搜索、概括、重组信息的能力,写 作,存在问题:1. 审题不清,要点不全 介绍活动计划并简要说明理由,最后征求对方意见。2. 低级错误太多。,漏掉理由,1. Welcome to visit our school. (吕晓婷) 2. Its no doubt that therell be an interesting visit.(郭栋)3. You should to talk with the teachers and students in our school. (谢云晖)4. Im proud of show your team our beautiful school. (郭栋) Im proud of showing your team around beautiful school.5. Wish you will enjoy yourselves in Tianjin. (苏国赟),吃一堑 长一智,Theres,to,A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.,原汁原味 佳作欣赏 (王琨) We all feel honored to hear the news that you andyour students will visit our school. Whats more, weall desire to have a happy tour with you. Here are theplans we have made. In the morning, you will have a talk with the students in our school about the school life and the cultural differences, aiming to improve understanding. Then, at noon, well have lunch together. You can taste the noodles and delicious dumplings, which are the representatives of the food in China. In addition, in the afternoon, well go on a tour to the Haihe River, which plays an important role in the traffic in North China. What do you think of the plan? Can you give me some advice? Im looking forward to your reply.,来自2011年山东高考英语作文阅卷室的声音,1.句子结构、用词务求正确!正确!用词地道准确是 最最核心的! 2.好的句式,丰富的词汇一定是得分点。 3.卷面很重要,字不能太小太挤,一定整洁、 写齐,不勾不画。,correct,attention-attracting,good-handwriting,里子,高考状元高分秘诀,基础:仔细审题,时态人称,格式无误,分段合理,开头不罗嗦,直入主题。层次分明。,高级句式画龙点睛,高中词汇和表达,不小儿科,面子:卷面整洁美观,主体部分内容充实生动,恰当使用关联词。简单句为主。,结尾概括性强,呼应主题。,Summary & consolidation,要求:1.基础知识要进行巩固落实,记忆背诵。2.重点题目要归纳提升,形成规律性的总结。,目标: AB层将基础知识全部记住,并整理好 典题本,完成知识的拓展延伸。2. C层将本节课学会的基础知识整理到典题本上。,Challenge yourself,1. 汤姆很容易相处。 2. To avoid _(see), he hid himself in the room. 3. I wandered into the dining room _ (引导词)you were buried under piles of low books. (完形) 4. I was a bright-eyed girl heading off to Howard University, _(aim) at a legal career.(阅读C),being seen,where,aiming,Tom is easy to get along with.,1. 对易错点,漏洞要强化训练举一反三,“亡羊补牢,为时不晚”2. 将每一道题,每一篇文章利用到极致,将15个考点变成30个甚至更多,Promotion & summary,What have you learned in this class?,We should form the habit of reading , learn the spirit of perseverance and make full use of every chance to improve creative abilities.,Make comments,Homework,1. 整理典题本2. 背诵完形填空,
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