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毕业论文(设计)Graduation Paper题目:运用延时摄影创作城市宣传短片的尝试二级学院: 年级班级: 学生姓名: 学生学号: 指导老师: 完成日期: 运用延时摄影创作城市宣传短片的尝试 第 I 页摘 要每个人都有一个梦,梦里都有一座属于自己的城,而这座城里散落着自己的喜怒哀乐,悲欢离合,我们在这里出生在这里长大,我们愿意将自己的所有故事都安顿在这个空间里,希望自己一个漂泊浮躁的心能在此得以驻留,想疲惫不堪的灵魂能在此得以栖息,开心着自己的幸福,悲伤着自己的哀愁。有些人带着最初的梦想离开了这座城市去奋斗,时间久了,也想看看自己的家乡的改变,想找一个灵魂寄宿,而城市宣传片就是以声音,画面,文字集合在一起,给予各位离开家乡的游子一个灵魂寄宿,让他们回头看看自己曾经生活的城市,无论多孤独无助。总有一个家陪伴着自己遂溪。城市宣传片就像一张艺术化的城市名片,综合运用图像、声音、语言、文字等多种元素,全面地介绍城市。因为动态而更具煽动性,比平面媒体要丰富和翔实得多。从而建立对该城市的好感和信任度,并信赖该城市的人文或服务。本文主要写了理论分析和主体设计说明,主体设计主要陈述了设计思路和制作方法,主要手法是以延时摄影为主要摄影手法,后期取用 After Effects 特效软件进行合成与制作过程,以及制作过程中遇到的问题及解决方法。制作时摄影截图与文字说明相结合详细阐述了城市宣传片的制作方法。解释了其中元素的选择原因和一些特别注意的事项,最后总结了经验和教训。关键词: 遂溪宣传片 延时摄影 软件 后期合成运用延时摄影创作城市宣传短片的尝试 第 II 页AbstractEveryone has a dream, the dream has a belong to their own city, this city is littered with their joys and sorrows, Maya angelou, we grew up in here was born here, we are willing to give their all stories have settled in this space, want a wandering blundering heart can to reside here, want to tired soul can to inhabit here, happy with their happiness, the sadness of his own sorrow. Some people take the initial dream left the city to strive, time is long, also want to have a look at the change of the home, want to find a soul boarding, and announcements of the city is to sound, images, text collection together, wandering left his hometown to give you a soul boarding, let them look back he had lived in the city, no matter how lonely and helpless. There is always a home with yourself - SuiXi.Announcements of the city is like a piece of art city business card, the integrated use of images, sounds, language, text and other elements, comprehensive introduction to the city. Because of the dynamic and more provocative, than print media is much more abundant and informative. To build the city of goodwill and trust, and trust in the citys cultural and/or services. Wrote in this paper, theoretical analysis and the main design specifications, the main design mainly stated the design ideas and production methods, the main technique in time-lapse photography as the main technique of photography, later period special-effects software access After Effects on synthesis and the production process, as well as the problems in the production process and solving methods. When making photography captures combined with text in detail the method of making the city promotion. Explain the reason of the element of choice and some special attention to matters, finally summarizes the experiences and lessons.Keywords: SuiXi propaganda; Time-lapse photography. Software; In the late synthesis运用延时摄影创作城市宣传短片的尝试 第 III 页目 录摘 要 .IAbstract.II绪 论 .1第 1 章 延时摄影 .2一、什么是延时摄影 .2二、延时摄影的计划 .3(一)必要性和目的。 .3(二)主题 .3(三)表现手法 .3(四)延时片总时间、分段数量 .3(五)素材内容 .4(六)音乐与节奏 .4(七)拍摄地点 .4三、延时摄影的拍摄过程 .4四、延时摄影大范围运动控制技术 .6第 2 章 运用 AE、PR 的后期处理 .12一、 素材的整理 .12二、大范围移动的稳定处理 .13三、影片过度场景画面编排 .14四、PR 剪辑视频、导出视频 .14结 语 .15致 谢 .
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