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p 体 时 、 你知道吗? “Frisbee”这个词由“Frisbie”演变而来,原本是一家馅饼生产公司的名字。也许当年想到 用锡盘装馅饼的人也没料到这个设计会衍生出一项广受欢迎的运动 The Frisbee that many people know today was not 今天人们熟知的飞盘与多年前被扔 exactly the same Frisbee that was thrown and played years 来扔去的飞盘是两码事。人们相信当年的 agoBack thenit was believed that students played Frisbee 学生玩飞盘游戏时用的是装馅饼的锡盘。 using pie tinsThe design of the Frisbee evolved through the 多年来,飞盘的设计不断改进,最终固定 years untiIit finally settled with the plastic design 为塑料盘。 Back thenFrisbee had a different spelling but it was 那时候, “飞盘”这个单词的拼写 pronounced the same wayIt was spelled“Frisbie”and it 和现在不同,但读音一样。它写作“福瑞 was derived from【自呆协纠a company nameThe Frisbie Pie 斯比”(FriSbie),源自一家公司的名 Company was a very popular pieproducing company which 字。福瑞斯比馅饼店是当时很受欢迎的馅 supplied to most of the schooI and university campuses in 饼生产公司,为新英格兰地区的大多数学 New England剖The pie company operated fr0m 1871 to 校和大学供应馅饼。这家馅饼公司的业务 24 匹叼 1 958and the pies were put in pie tins with the name of the company at the bosom of the tin Since the students Ioved their pies,they were Ieft with Iots of pie tinsThe students were able to come up with a game they called“Frisbieingand the pie tins were in tum called“Frisbie” Walter Frederick Morrison made a new version of the pie tins and made a plastic Frisbie,but he did not call _l by the name coined by the college studentsInstead, he called it PIuto Platter大浅盘】because du ring that time。UFOs were very popular and intriguing【引起兴趣的】 1ndeed,his Pluto Platter was a sure hit and many people patronized【惠顾】itLater onhe had it patented【取得专利】by the name Morrison Slope The Pluto Platter became extremely popular as a toy and Wham-0 王 took an interest in itThey convinced Morrison to sell his rights,and after that,the company produced the toy and called jt by the same nameThe saIes declined after severaI yearsso the COmpany wanted to re-introduce it to the marketThey conducted thorough research about the toy until they finally came to know that it was originally called“Frisbie” Whentheyfinallydecidedto re-introducethePlutoPlatter, they called jt Frisbie and jt was popularized as a sp0rt or recreational【;I!jil的】gameThey called the game“Frisbieing, but at presentit iS called UItimate FnsbeeWham一0 was also the one who changed“Fdsbie”to“Fnsbee”SO that they could avoid possible Iawsuits in the future If you try to analyze【分析】it there is no specific date or a certain jnventotThe years mentjoned and the companies and individuals involved are all part of the sportS improvementThe history teIlS SO much about the Frisbee and you can Iearn a Iot frOm itYou cant disregard【忽视】any of the companies or individuals involved in the evolution of the Frisbee because if one of them were missing,Frisbee would not exist today In order to better understand Frisbee。you must first know about its historyNOW that you know its colorfuI history,you will surely enjoy playing it with your friends 从1 871年持续到1 958年。他们将馅饼装在 锡盘里,盘子底下印有公司的名字。 学生们很喜爱他们的馅饼,所以留有 很多装馅饼的锡盘。他们于是想出了一种叫 “福瑞斯比”的游戏,而装馅饼的锡盘就被 叫做“福瑞斯比”了。 沃尔特弗雷德里克莫里森制造了新 型的锡盘,那是一个塑料“福瑞斯比”,但 他并没有用学生起的名字为其命名。莫里森 把它叫做“冥王星浅盘”,因为那时候飞碟 很受欢迎,也很有吸引力。确实,他的“冥 王星浅盘”大受欢迎,惠顾者众。后来,他 以“莫里森斜面”这个名字申请了专利。 作为玩具的“冥王星浅盘”卖个满堂 红,惠姆奥公司(音译)看中了它,并说服 莫里森出售其版权。自那以后,这种玩具就 由惠姆奥公司生产,保留原有名字。几年 后,飞盘销量下降,于是公司想将它重新推 出市场。他们对这个玩具进行了深入研究, 最终发现它最初叫“福瑞斯比”。 他们最终决定把“冥王星浅盘”重新 投放市场,并把它叫做“福瑞斯比”。后来 “福瑞斯比”被普及为一项运动或休闲游戏。 人们把这种游戏称为“福瑞斯比”,但现在, 它被称作极限飞盘(Ultimate Ffisbee)。惠姆 奥公司还把名字“Frisbie”改成“Fdsbee”, 避免以后可能发生法律纠纷。 如果你分析一下整个过程, (就会发 现)这当中没有具体的时间或发明者。其中 提到的年份,以及涉及的公司和个人都是这 项运动演变历程的组成部分。这段历史涉及 很多有关飞盘的知识,你可以从中开拓见 闻。你无法忽略任何一家公司或个人,因 为如果缺少了任何一环,飞盘将不会存活 至今。 为了更好地了解飞盘,你必须先知道 它的历史。既然现在你已经知道了它多姿多 彩的历史,你一定会享受到与朋友玩飞盘的 乐趣。 注1:新英格兰是美国东北的一个地区,由现在的缅彝州、新罕布什尔州、佛蒙特州、马萨诸塞州、康涅狄格州和 罗德岛组成。 注2-Wham一0是位于美国加利福尼亚州的玩具生产公司,它因成功推出众多广受欢迎的玩具而闻名,其中包括 呼啦圈和飞盘等。 疯狂英语中学版 25
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