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1Prime-G+ UpdateQuentin Debuisschert2Prime-G+ Update 12th Eur. FCC Conference - Grace Davison Seminar Seville - May 2004Agenda Gasoline Sulfur Control Prime-G+ Technology Update Prime-G+ Commercial Update The Industrial Experience Axens Integrated Offer3Prime-G+ Update 12th Eur. FCC Conference - Grace Davison Seminar Seville - May 2004Agenda Gasoline Sulfur Control Prime-G+ Technology Update Prime-G+ Commercial Update The Industrial Experience Axens Integrated Offer4Prime-G+ Update 12th Eur. FCC Conference - Grace Davison Seminar Seville - May 2004European Gasoline Sulfur Regulations EU 2000 spec. 150 ppm sulfur EU 2005 spec. 50 ppm sulfur U.K., October 2000 Tax incentive for 50 ppm S Germany, End 2001 Tax Incentive for 50 ppm S Germany 2003 Tax Incentive for 10 ppm S EU 2009 spec.? 100% of Mogas pool at 10 ppm S EU 2003 + 10 ppm S driven by marketing 5Prime-G+ Update 12th Eur. FCC Conference - Grace Davison Seminar Seville - May 2004FCC Gasoline HDS Requirements Maximize Octane Retention Minimize H2Consumption Reliability - Key Unit in the Refinery Cycle Length equivalent to FCC Turn-around Maximize Gasoline Yield without RVP Increase Possibility to Control Olefins Content Ability to Co-Process other S containing Streams Ability to Meet Potential Future Specs. 6Prime-G+ Update 12th Eur. FCC Conference - Grace Davison Seminar Seville - May 2004Agenda Gasoline Sulfur Control Prime-G+ Technology Update Prime-G+ Commercial Update The Industrial Experience Axens Integrated Offer7Prime-G+ Update 12th Eur. FCC Conference - Grace Davison Seminar Seville - May 2004Prime-G+ - 10-50 ppm SulfurSelective HDSSplitter65 C+H2Make-upFull RangeCracked NaphthaIBP-65 C to Pool after SweeteningLow SulfurHeavy Gasoline10 - 50 ppm SPrime-G+Dual CatalyticSystem8Prime-G+ Update 12th Eur. FCC Conference - Grace Davison Seminar Seville - May 2004HDO vs. HDS:Conventional and Prime-G+Extentof HDOExtent of HDS4-8 PointRoad OctaneDifferenceConventionalPrime-G+1stcatalyst2ndcatalyst9Prime-G+ Update 12th Eur. FCC Conference - Grace Davison Seminar Seville - May 2004Prime-G+ HDS Benefits High performance Deep HDS (less than 10 wppm product S) Low Octane Loss, Low product mercaptan Low Cost and Utilities Well suited for idle units reutilization Simple and Reliable Process Easy operation Excellent stability Industrially proven at Ultra Low Product Sulfur Ability to Co-process other Streams than FCC10Prime-G+ Update 12th Eur. FCC Conference - Grace Davison Seminar Seville - May 2004Prime-G+ Process 10-50 ppm Sulfur SpecSplitterHCN65 C +H2Make-upFRCNPrime-G+SelectiveHydrogenationUltra Low S LCN to Pool, TAME or Alky UnitUltra-LowSulfurGasolinePrime-G+Dual CatalystReactor System11Prime-G+ Update 12th Eur. FCC Conference - Grace Davison Seminar Seville - May 2004Prime-G+ 1stStep - SHU + Splitter Removes Diolefins from HCN Minimizes pressure drop in selective HDS Allows to achieve long cycles on selective HDS Removes Diolefins from LCN Feed preparation for alkylation or etherification Converts Lt. Mercaptans/Sulfides to Heavy Sulfur Very low sulfur LCN product No need for extractive sweetening Isomerizes External Olefins into Internal Olefins Moderate octane gain on LCN12Prime-G+ Update 12th Eur. FCC Conference - Grace Davison Seminar Seville - May 2004SHU Performance & Mercaptans ConversionFRCNPrime-G+SHULCN (65C-)25.5 % volS = 261 ppmRSH = 239 ppmS = 587 ppmRSH = 54 ppmMAV=10BrNo=60(R+M)/2=86.0HCN (65C+)74.5 % volS = 703 ppmLCN (65C-)25.5 % volS = 14 ppmRSH = 1 ppmHCN (65C+)74.5 % volS = 775 ppmMAV 2BrNo=59(R+M)/2=86.2H2FRCN13Prime-G+ Update 12th Eur. FCC Conference - Grace Davison Seminar Seville - May 2004Agenda Gasoline Sulfur Control Prime-G+ Technology Update Prime-G+ Commercial Update The Industrial Experience Axens Integrated Offer14Prime-G+ Update 12th Eur. FCC Conference - Grace Davison Seminar Seville - May 20040. 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 20030102030405060708090100Prime-G+ LicensingCumulative Capacity, MBPSDPrime-G / Prime-G+Number ofreferences2.23Prime-G(Non Selective HDS)Marketing ofPrime-G+ TechnologyAs of January 200415Prime-G+ Update 12th Eur. FCC Conference - Grace Davison Seminar Seville - May 2004Prime-G+ FlexibilityLicensed Units - Design Range Unit Capacity 2,500 - 115,000 BPD Feed Sulfur 30 - 4,100 ppm Olefins Content 15 - 55 vol. % Feeds FCC Naphtha, light Coker Naphtha, LSR, Steam-Cracking Naphtha Product S 10 ppm16Prime-G+ Update 12th Eur. FCC Conference - Grace Davison Seminar Seville - May 2004Prime-G+ Industrial Success 30 Prime-G+ units in operation at ULS Technology Selection after Pilot Testing Fast Track Projects Less than 2 years between BEDP and Oil In Full Set of Axens services Basic Engineering Catalyst Supply Assistance for Start-up Follow-up of t
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