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1advice U忠告;劝告;建议He gave(offered)me some advice on how to learn a foreign language.他向我提供了一些学习外语的建议。I took(followed)her advice.我接受了她的忠告。提示:advice是不可数名词,不能说an advice或advices只能说some advice “一些意见”或a piece of advice “一条意见”。advice的动词形式是advise。,知识拓展advise doing sth. 建议做某事advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事advise sb. on sth. 就某事给某人提建议advise sb. against sth.(advise sb. not to do sth.)建议(某人)不要做某事give sb. advice on sth. 就给人建议follow/take ones advice 接受某人的建议ask(sb.)for advice 征询某人的意见,即学即用I hope you can give me_.Asome advicesBsome adviceCsome advise Dsome advises答案:B,2suburban adj. 郊区的;市郊的;n. 郊区suburbWe live in suburban Beijing.我们住在北京郊区。They live in the suburbs.他们住在郊区。助记:,一言辨异Once Londoners liked to live and work in the city,_while now most Londoners tend to live in suburbs even outskirts and work in the city.过去伦敦人喜欢住在城市,工作在城市;现在大多数伦敦人趋向于住在郊区或郊外,而工作在城里。,3electricity U电;电流;电学electric adj. 电的electrical adj. 与电有关的electrify vt. 给充电electric shock/light/blanket/chair/eye/field 电击/电光/电热毯/电椅/电眼/电场electrical fault 停电,辨析:electric, electrical,an electric generator/clock/light/shock 发电机/电钟/电灯/触电an eletrical engineer 电气工程师an eletrical fault in the system 系统中的电力故障As a boy, Edison was always making things, and most of them were electric.爱迪生在孩提时代总爱摆弄一些东西,其中大部分是电方面的。My brother is an eletrical engineer.我弟弟是一名电气工程师。,即学即用This machine has an_fault.Aelectric BelectricalCelectricity Deelctrician答案:B,4connect1)vt. & vi. 连接;联结;结合A highway connects the two cities.有一条高速公路连接这两个城市。2)vt. 把(与)联系在一起思考;以联想Many people connect Germany with beer.很多人把德国与啤酒联想在一起。,知识拓展1)connect后可接with或to。We must connect this wire with/to the one.我们必须把这条电线与那条连接起来。2)have connection with 与有联系in connection with 与有关be related to 与有关系keep in touch with sb. 与某人有联系have contract with sb. 与某人有联系,辨析:connect与join两者都可表示“连接”,但有以下不同:1)强调被连接的两者能形成一个整体时,表示与某人/某物“会合”或“相聚”均用join。The two rivers join at the bridge.这两条河在大桥处会合。2)表示“(交通工具)(与)衔接”时用connect。The trolleybus connects here with a bus for the airport.这辆无轨电车在这里衔接去机场的公共汽车。,高考直击(2007浙江卷)Whats that noise?Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine_.Awas tested Bwill be testedCis being tested Dhas been tested解析:考查时态。现在进行时表示正在发生的动作或存在的状态。根据所提供的情景Whats that noise?可判断出新机器正在被检测,所以要用被动语态的现在进行时。答案:C,即学即用This man is connected_a known criminal(罪犯)Ato BonCwith Din答案:C,5imagine v.1)想像;设想I can imagine the scene clearly in my mind.我可以在心里清楚地想像出这景色。2)料想;想到Would you ever have imagined him/his becoming a politician?你怎能料想到他能当上政治家呢?注意:imagine后须跟动名词及其短语。类似的动词还有:enjoy, escape, practice, finish, consider, miss, suggest, avoid等。,知识拓展imagination n. 想像力imaginable adj. 可想像的imaginary adj. 想像中的;虚构的imaginative adj. 爱想像的,高考直击(2006江苏)There is a story here in the paper about a 110yearold man.My goodness! I cant imagine_that old.Ato be Bto have beenCbeing Dhaving been解析:imagine后接动名词作宾语。答案:C,即学即用(2009天津六校模拟)Can you imagine Zhai Zhigangs_in the space?Ato walk Bto be walkingCwalking Dto have walked答案:C,be/get stuck in 被困住Our car was stuck in the mud.我们的车陷在泥里了。链接:1)get常与marry, break, damage, tear, strike, hurt, paint, invite, repair, dress等的过去分词连用,构成被动语表。get加过去分词表示的被动语态一般指动作的结果,而非动作本身,常指“最后终于,突然发生”等意义。2)“get过去分词”构成的被动语态句,其后不用by短语表示执行者;而“be过去分词”构成的被动语态句,后近常用by短语表明执行者,有时也可不用或省略。,Finally the car got repaired.汽车终于修好了。I was caught for speeding.我因超速而被抓住。,即学即用In a traffic jam, your car will get_.AstickingBstruckCto stickDstuck答案:D,Say which means of transport you can use to get around your town.说一说在你们镇上四处旅行时可以坐哪种方式的交通工具。means n方式;方法;手段;工具;单复数同形。作主语时,其谓语动词的复数形式要根据句子的具体含义来定。Every means has been tired.每一种方法都已经试过了。All means are unpleasant.所有的方法都不太令人满意。,知识拓展The blocks are raised by means of pulleys.那些大块物件是用滑车吊起来的。Can I bring Alan to the party?我能带艾伦参加聚会吗?By all means!当然可以!It is by no means certain that the game will take place.比赛是否举行完全不能肯定。,辨析1)in this way强调的是简便的方法,in有时可省略。2)by this means有条理的办事方法。3)in this manner强调做事或行为的方式、方法。4)with this method强调有系统的、有逻辑的方法。5)the approach to强调具体的方式、方法、途径。,高考直击(2010江苏卷,27)Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?_.Ours is much stronger than theirs.AOf course BIt dependsCDont mention it DBy no means解析:句意:“你认为他们的乒乓球队在即将到来的亚运会上会获得第一名吗?”“决不会。我们队比他们队要强大得多。”of course当然可以;it depends看情况而定;dont meation it别客气;by no means决不。答案:D,即学即用At the meeting they discussed three different_to the study of mathematics.Aapproaches BmeansCmethods Dways答案:A,1raise vt.1)抬高;举起He raised his arms above his head.他把手臂举过头顶。2)提高;增加They raised their offer to 500.他们将出价抬高到500美元。3)饲养;养育;培育They were both raised in the south.他们俩都在南方长大的。,知识拓展raise your glass to sb. 举杯祝酒get a rise 得到加薪辨析:raise与rise1)raise 举起;升高;强调把某人或某物举起或抬起到应有的高度。raise还可用于借喻,如提高物价,提高生活水平等。She raised her eyes and looked at me.她抬眼看了看我。2)rise 上升;上涨;是不及物动词,指事物本身从低处升(涨)到高处。The river is rising after the rain.雨后河水上涨。,
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