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集体名词作主语主谓一致1)通常作复数的集体名词集体名词,如:police, people, cattle, militia, poultry 等,通常作复数,用复数动词。如:Domestic cattle provide us with milk, beef and hides.2)通常作不可数名词的集体名词有些集体名词,如 foliage, machinery, equipment, furniture, merchandise,通常作不可数名词,随后的动词用单数。例如:All the machinery in the factory is made in China.3)既可作单数也可作复数的集体名词集体名词,如 audience, committee, class, crew, family, public, government 等,既可作单数,也可作复数用。The city council is meeting to set its agenda.4)a committee,etc. of +复数名词如果主语是由“a committee of /a panel of /a board of +复数名词”构成,随后的动词通常用单数。例如:A committee of five men and three women is to consider the matter.近义词辨析tired, exhausted, fatigued, weary, worn out这组词均含有“疲惫的”的意思。tired可指因体力或脑力消耗太多而需要休息,还可指因长期做某事而失去兴趣。Henry was so tired that he went to bed immediately after he got home.亨利很疲惫,一到家就上床睡觉去了。exhausted表达的疲惫程度最强,指因劳累过度而精疲力竭。The exhausted engineer fell asleep on the bus.精疲力竭的工程师在公共汽车上睡着了。fatigued所表达的疲劳程度比 tired 和 weary 强,表示由于过度劳累而引起疲乏,不能再继续下去。He felt fatigued and didnt want to say a single word.他疲惫不堪,不想说一句话。weary语气比 tired 强,指由于长时间努力工作或由于做单一的事而引起疲倦。After a long and weary wait, the plane finally came to take them back.经过漫长而又令人疲乏的等待后,飞机终于来接他们回去了。worn out词不太正式,多用于口语。The troops were worn?out after winning the battle.战后,部队疲惫不堪。关于 used to 的意义和用法used to (只有过去时形式,没有现在时形式) 表示过去习惯动作或状态,这种情况现已不复存在。例如:?He used to smoke a lot, but he has long given upsmoking.?在否定陈述句或否定疑问句中,用 didnt use to 或 usednt to 均可:?He didnt use to smoke cigarettes.?He usednt to smoke cigarettes.?Didnt Maria use to be interested in the theatre ?Usednt Maria to be interested in the theatre ?在肯定疑问句中也可有两种形式:?Used you to go to the same school as Edward ?Did you use to go to the same school as Edward ?近义词辨析?use, apply, avail, employ, utilize?这组词均含有“使用”或“利用”之意。?use强调利用人或物作为工具。?He used up all his resources in experimenting with the new paint.他为实验新的涂料,花光了一切钱财。apply指把某物或某种方法、原理等加以应用。?We should not only know the theory but also know how to apply it to practice.我们不仅要知道理论,还要知道怎样把理论应用于实践。?avail指使用就近的或他人给予的东西,或使别人为自己提供服务。?I dont think complaints will avail you much.我觉得抱怨对你没多大用处。?We avail ourselves of every opportunity to speak English.我们利用一切机会讲英语。?employ指使用未被利用的东西;用于人时表示雇用。?He doesnt know how to employ his energy and time.他不知道该怎么利用他的精力和时间。?utilize指充分发挥某物的作用,使无用的东西变有用,或使人或物有新用途。?She hopes to utilize her artistic talents in the job.她希望在工作中发挥她的艺术才能。关于 dare 的意义和用法作为情态动词表示“胆敢” ,dare 通常只用于否定陈述句和疑问句。例如:?I dare not go there.?How dare he say such rude things about me?dare 作为情态助动词没有过去式形式,其否定式为 darent,既可指现在时间,也可指过去时间。例如:Tom wanted to come, but he darent.?dare 还可用主动词,随后的不定式可带 to,也可不带 to。例如:?He does not dare (to) answer.?Does she dare (to) go there alone?近义词辨析?besides, but, except, except for?这组词均含有“除外”的意思。?besides“除外,还有” ,指更进一步的拥有,包括所“ 除”事物在内。 ?Have you got any clothes besides these?除了这些衣服你还有别的吗?but不包括所引事物在内,多与nothing, not anything, nobody, nowhere, all, anybody 等连用。?He has nobody but himself to blame for that.那件事他没法指责别人,只能怪他自己。?except不包括所引事物。常与 no, none, nothing 等否定词或all, everyone, everything 等连用,但不可用于句首。?They all went to the Summer Palace except one.除一人之外他们都去了颐和园。?except for常指除去所引情况让人稍感遗憾之外,整体情况尚属理想,被除去的事物与正在谈及的事物之间不具有共同属性或性质。?The roads were clear except for a few cars.除几辆小汽车外,路面很空旷。语从句中关系代词 that 的用法?1)在既指人又指事物的两个或两个以上的先行词后面。例如:?They are talking about the people and countries that they had visited.?2)在限制性定语从句中有形容词最高级的先行词后面。例如:?He is the best student that I have ever met.?3)在以 “It is.”,“It was.”等开头的强调句中,和相应的疑问句中 。如:?What is it that he wants?4)在 only, all, little 的后面 ?This is all that I know.?5)在 no, every, some 和 any 等词后面,也包括在它们的复合词在内。如:?There is no person that is always in the right.?Is there anything that I can do for you?近义词辨析?beautiful, good looking, handsome, lovely, pretty?这组词均含有“美丽”、 “漂亮”、 “可爱”的意思。?beautiful指能不仅给人带来感官上的快乐,而且通过感官产生思想和灵魂的愉悦,在同类词中层次最高。?She was even more beautiful than I had remembered.她比我记忆中的她更漂亮了。?good looking不如 handsome, pretty 意思强烈,指一般的“好看”或“ 悦目”。?That good?looking young man visited the house once or twice a week.那个长相不错的年轻人一星期光顾一两次。?handsome通常是一种客观的不带感情色彩的评价。一个人如被形容为 handsome,是指此人外貌符合观察者的要求,但不激发更深层的感受。?He looked very handsome in his dark suit.他穿深色西装显得非常英俊。?lovely比感官的快乐更进一步,是强调纯粹情感上的愉悦,指觉得某人或某物“可爱”。?Mary has two lovely daughters.玛丽有两个可爱的女儿。?prettypretty 也是“漂亮、可爱”的意思。很少形容大而有影响力的事物,多形容事物不以其优秀、完美而以小巧、优雅、精致见长,使人容易接受并喜爱。?Her boyfriend believes that she is the prettiest girl in the town.她男朋友觉得她是镇上最漂亮的女孩。be+不定式结构表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作。例如:?Theres to be an investigation.?I am to have tea with Betty this afternoon.?这一结构常见于报纸和广播,用以宣布官方的计划或决定。例如:?The Queen is to visit Japan next year.?二是表示命令、禁止或可能性等。例如:?You are to stand here. Do you understand?Tell her shes not to be back late.?一般现在时也可表达将来时间,常见于条件状语和时间状语从句。例如:?If she comes, Ill tell her all about it.?Wait here till the meeting is over.?It wont be long before the rain stops.?近义词辨析?begin, commence, initiate, launch, start?这组词均含有“开始”的意思。?begin在这组词中最常用,泛指开始做某事。但口语中近年来 start 用得较多。?The band began to play joyful music.乐队开始演奏欢快的音乐。?commence比 begin 用法正式。在宗教或其它仪式及军事用语中人们倾向用 commence.?The officer
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